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The Doctor (played anonymously)

"Amateure," The Doctor mutters. "Now yas done it, boid brain! The guards're gonna be here any second. Sheesh!"

The Doctor hops over the makeshift barrier and grabs his sonic screwdriver. Waving it around the door, for a moment, he finally passes over the controls through the wall and the door raises.

"Come on, let's skedaddle and find this dame," The Doctor urges.

Guards will show up:

1. Immediately
2. In about 30 seconds
3. 1 minute later
4. 2 minutes later
5. The guard has no intention of checking himself and it takes several minutes for him to call someone to check for him
6. The guards decide to hang back, either they are waiting for the right moment or are trying to figure out how to cover the breech up rather than deal with it, so the coast is clear for the moment.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 1.

Note: Result

The Doctor (played anonymously)

How many troopers are charging toward the cell as soon as the door slides up?

A gun fight is about to break out as soon as The Doc and the kenku try to leave their cell.

"Well this is a fine mess ya caused my fine feathered friend," The Doctor says ducking back behind the wall hoping Jet is a good enough shot to deal with the troopers who have taken a sudden interest in their particular cell.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3.

Note: Troopers

Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Space stations and ships seldom had too many space windows. For one, space linux worked just fine, and on the other hand, having windows meant you had to darken those if a sun came around and blinded everyone, you couldn't even open those for fresh air without causing an incident, and even if they were there, the majesty of space lost its shine after living almost a whole life there.

It was a curse and a blessing. A curse because Jet would've loved to dive though a windows in a dramatic shard of glass, a blessing because it meant the lights where artificial - and those were big, glowing targets, so Jet just shot those, dipping the floor in darkness.
Then he grabbed the hand of the Doctor and started to run, hoping the dark would cover the two escaping.

Jet's genius plan had one small problem: He didn't have his nightvision googles on him either, so he ran straight into the next door, but until there it worked out fine!
The Doctor (played anonymously)

The Doctor had everything under his control in his mind. The baddies were playing right into his hands as far as he was concerned. Unfortunately, he still had not adjusted to having a kenku as a partner. He'd had many impulsive and strong headed companions in his time. Besides Ace, Leela came to mind.

Nonetheless, from the moment the pair had been placed in their cell, the bird person had gone into full chaos mode and the passing moments had not only derailed The Doctor's space train, but sent it completely off the space rails and plunging down a cliff into the abyss. Before he could be stopped, Jet had yanked his metal bunk from the wall, set off a bomb, nearly choked them to death from the smoke and now the guards had been alerted.

The Doctor was about to share his displeasure regarding their current predicament, but the chaos bird wasn't done yet. He fired wildly and seemed to miss all of the guards who were equally bad shots. The kenku was such a bad shot in fact, that he managed to shoot out all of the lights in the ceiling. It took The Doctor a moment to realize that this was intentional.

On a positive note, other than the light coming from their cell, he had plunged the main detention area into total darkness. This was good as it made the troopers' already terrible marksmanship even worse since now they couldn't be seen. The part Jet had not considered, however, was he and The Doctor were now also blinded as well. What further complicated things was they did not know the layout of this place putting them at a further disadvantage.

Worse still, they were here to rescue The Operator whom The Doctor hoped was in one of these cells. The problem was, there were no windows and impossible to see inside any of them. The good news was a key was not needed. There was a control panel that had a button that opened the door on the outside of each individual cell and a master control panel in the center of the room.

Even more worse was the fact that they were being shot at and re-enforcements were likely to arrive. The Doctor had never played the game 'Find The Operator' before. There was no time for a tutorial and they were playing their first round on the super advanced expert mode. Jet grabbled hold of The Doctor and began tugging him along.

As Jet took off, he ran into a door and...

1) Nothing happened other than it hurt.
2) He stuns himself for a moment.
3) He hits the button on the cell door next to theirs containing a blue alien in a suit.
4) He hits the button the cell next to theirs and The Operator is inside.
5) " it's empty
6) A giant, mean looking alien is inside.
The Doctor (played anonymously)

What's behind door #2?
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 6.

Note: Inside the cell next door

The Doctor (played anonymously)

A large, brown ball of fuzz with bright red shoes, 2 huge angry looking eyes and no other facial features is standing in the door towering over Jet. The light behind him from his cell makes him look all the more menacing. He looks down at the bird person. Meanwhile, blaster bolts continue to fly all over the detention area.
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Find the Operator After Dark wasn't, as the name suggested, adult themed, but rather an even more, extra-difficult spin-off of the main game. Well, the Doctor probably would be learning by doing.

Jet looked at the fur, then slowly dared to lift his eyes to meet the angry pair of the guy he just disturbed.
"Have you seen my mummy?" he asked the guy, choosing the voice of a gas-mask wearing child. In lack of a photograph to hold up, he just threw out one of her typical voice samples.
"The time is fish. The temperature is both, a million degrees and minus 5,000 degrees. TTC asks you not to call while being trapped in the middle of a space-time anomaly, it is bad for our instruments. I wish this was a recording."

The Kenku hoped the guy was helpful and would give him a quick answer, as it became statistically more likely that even these guards would hit him on volume of fire alone. After some consideration, he decided to quickly take cover behind the Doctor, while waiting for an answer.!
The Doctor (played anonymously)

The Large Big-Eyed Fury Thing (LBEFT) did not look pleased. It also appeared to be non-verbal. It's eyes narrowed as the kenku spoke. It took a step forward menacingly and just as it looked like it was about to ruin what was left of Jet's day, a stray blaster bolt hit it. It let out a yelp and then looked toward the source of the shot (even though it was still pitch black). The alien shoved past the bird person and took off toward the troopers across the room.

There was lots of yelling in terror and as soon as the guards had a target, they had a problem. These particular troopers couldn't hit anything they intended to if there life depended on it. This worked in both The Doctor and Jet's favor. Both they and their jailors lives very much did depend on it. In any case, the bloated white helmeted guys were pre-occupied with a large angry monster.

"Now's our chance, kid! Yoose best get to pressin' buttons outside of those doors and find this dame," He instructed. The Doctor made his way to control panel in the center of the room.

There were about 20 cells around the outer walls of the detention center with a main corridor on one wall and another corridor leading somewhere else directly opposite the room from it. Each cell had a button that opened the door outside of it. No key was needed to open the door.

What's behind door #1:

1. The Operator
2. Xizz Xazz, CEO of ITC
3. A hostile alien
4. A random alien that flees
5. Someone that is useful or may join and aid the party
6. An empty cell
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3.

Note: First prisoner

Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

The LBEFT threw Jet on his butt as it rushed by. A moment later, there were screams in the dark, as occassional blaster-fire lit up the Fury Thing, as it clubbed one of the troopers with yet another one of the troopers.

Jet jumped back on his feet. The Kenku patted some dust off his poncho. All complaining stuck in his throat, as he watched LBEFT from afar, before deciding that this definitively wasn't his problem.

Like some people where born Liverpoolers, Jet was a born Buttonmasher. He saluted at the Doctor's order and then went on to find the dame.
As usual, Jet had quite the bold strategy. The excited Kenku ran from cell to cell, hitting the button and moving on to the next without taking a look. He reasoned that all the prisoners would be more hostile to the troopers than to him or his companion, so they just made sure to increase their edge.

Of course he regretted that decision as the first door opened up, and two mad eyes followed the bird as he already ran on.
The eyes following him, wouldn't be a problem by itself. The problem was, that those eyes were connected to legs (via an odd contraception called body), and those legs followed Jet as well!
He had freed yet another large, big eyes-fury thing from the cell, and this one was every bit as rude as his father. The Son Of Large Big-Eyed Fury Thing (SOLBEFT) had just joined the arena, and boy, with his youthful vigor, that beast was even faster than his dad. Jet just hoped that the Bride Of Big-Eyes Fury Thing would be in one of the next cells, and that the three would enjoy their reunion instead of beating up poor, innocent space-birdpeople with their own limbs.
The Doctor (played anonymously)

What's behind door #2? Nothing good! A bigger and meaner LBEFT who was very upset with his stay and needed to speak to a manager. The newest monster stared the kenku down and seemed intent on ruining what was left of Jet's day unless he somehow could communicate that he was not the manager. Additionally, this new challenge seemed to impede further button pushing. Chaos and shooting continued across the room with the troopers who were now pre-occupied with another LBEFT trying to smash them to a pulp.

Meanwhile, The Doctor was at the console studying it. Somehow all of the flying blaster bolts seemed to miss him as Jet attempted to continue to make it to the next door and release more calamity without being smashed to a pulp by an irate occupant who still needed to speak with a manager.

Fortunately, or unfortunately given one's perspective, The Doctor found a big button that seemed to open all of the doors at once and pressed it. He also found another button that turned on the emergency back up lights. While it made the whole darkness situation better, it also blinded everyone for a moment. At least the sudden light and release of many more beings gave Jet a chance to flee without taking an attack of opportunity.

The Doctor's actions had activated super chaos mode, expert level as prisoners emerged from their cells. More troopers also arrived from the main door with big shooty things, and an-all out brawl ensued. That also left only the other door that didn't lead to a cell as an escape route.

Who approaches Jet:
1-2. The Operator
3-4. Xizz Xazz, CEO of ITC
5. Both
6. Neither

Who approaches The Doctor:
1-2. The Operator
3-4. Xizz Xazz, CEO of ITC
5. Both
6. Neither

If they get the same result, everyone quickly comes together.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 5.

Note: Jet

rolled 1d6 and got a natural 1.

Note: Doctor

The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The Operator had quite enough of her boss and planned to have a chat with HR as soon as she was able to escape her current predicament. Having to be imprisoned with the head of the company wasn't just inhumane, but she was pretty sure that numerous company policies had been violated in the process and it constituted full-out psychological torture.

Xizz Xazz, CEO of ITC, continued to drone on about his importance and how a variety of intergalactic customs, rules both written and unwritten, and other stipulations he'd just made up should have protected him from this kidnapping in addition to the fact he was rich entitling him to certain preferential treatment. He cited the Titan XII convention more times than The Operator cared to count during his ongoing monologue and was still whining about not being allowed to speak to his army of lawyers.

If Lord Helmet was doing this to extract information from her, she was well past the breaking point of being willing to talk and prepared to tell him anything he wanted to know. Her dress was now solid white and no longer flashed as her captors had taken the powerpack with the bluetooth that created the light show. Even if she had it, the dress's controller was now well out of range of the WI-FI of the event center from which she had been abducted. Rudely, the aliens hadn't even provided the password for the detention level WI-FI, so it still wouldn't have change color, not that she cared about her dress anyway. The point was, the dress was stuck on a solid white.

The Operator hated wearing solid white and had there not been other more pressing things going on, she would be focused on how much she hated wearing white. Since her hair had been down and she lacked the necessary hair pins, she'd braided it out of sheer boredom and managed to fix two braids to the sides of her head. Her hair resembled two large space cinnamon rolls without the icing.

It was the moment The Operator was about to bang her head against the metal bunk numerous times in hopes of knocking herself unconscious or at least causing enough brain damage that she was unaware of her boss that there was lots of loud noise outside the cell. Mr. Xaxx finally shut up as it grew louder than his own voice.

There was some yelling, some shooting, some more yelling, lots of banging followed by more shooting and yelling and then the door came open. A variety of beings poured out of their respective cells. A moment later, a large bird man ran toward them excitedly.

From across the room, The Doctor spotted the damsel in distress they'd been seeking and made his way toward her. Jet and another alien in a suit were also nearby. It would be easy for the four of them to sneak down the only corridor that did not have troopers with shooty things, LBEFT or anything else that might inconvenience their escape such as dying. The hallway in question was near where they were currently standing.

OOC: Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

In his stylish poncho, and brandishing a repeating blaster pistol, Jet really looked like the kid-friendly cartoon version of a space cowboy from a canceled space western. The only thing he might be managing was space cows.
"I'll go fetch the manager for you." he promised the LBEFT, totally understanding their concerns.

Out of the corner of his eyes he saw cells opening. Just like in that movie… Space Cabin in the Woods.
It was a thing of beauty. Outlaws, in-laws, LBEFTs and people who wanted to talk about god and the world suddenly freed all at once. To the guards, this was now a target rich environment.
Jet totally appreciated that they had more people to shoot at, after all he had a serious allergy to blaster fire, and it could be very detrimental to his health to be actually hit.
Then, just as he left behind the LBEFT, suddenly he saw the Operator.

Finally! The end goal of all of his space-swashbuckling dreams! e quickly ran towards her. She had to suffer a quick hug by a large bird, that still was a bit short for a rescuer, but after being in a cell with Xizz Xazz for some time, she probably wouldn't even notice.
Jet quickly tried to tell the Operator the troubles he went through to get here, but with him making an assortment of random explosions, shooting and vent-crawling sounds, all while actual shootings and explosions went on behind him, it was hard to impossible to actually understand him.
Then suddenly, he remembered where they were. He took a quick look around.

That one free sector almost looked like a trap. Jet decided to play it safe - as he lead the group towards the sector, he made sure Xizz Xazz stood behind him, ready to catch blaster bolts coming from his back, then he quickly changed position, suddenly pushing the man down the corridor.
"Important, Important, Improtant" he said with the voice of an automated space letter sorting machine, at least trying to tell canary in a coal mine that he wasn't just that, but some big-shot that deserved to be the one who walked in front of the party not just because they all would be alright with him being eaten.

OOC: Merry Christmas Eve Eve to you as well!
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The Operator stepped from the cell into complete chaos. Was this a raid to save her? It certainly didn't seem like a professional job and not well organized. In fact, it resembled the opposite of well organized. Definitely not the IBI (Intergalactic Bureau of Investigation) or the Galactic Intelligence Agency (GIA). Maybe some fringe rebel group in the sector? A sort of liberation front? It was hard to say., but they likely had a 3 letter name whoever they were. Groups that performed raids and rescues always seemed to go by 3 letters, sort of like mega corporations such as those involved in communication monopolies.

The important thing was it appeared a small army had stormed the base to liberate her. Hopefully, she wasn't going to have to sit through a lot of propaganda. The Operator had no interest in joining some local rebellion. All she wanted was to get away from here and the CEO as she could as quickly as possible. She noticed there was lots of brawling and shooting taking place. She hoped she was lucky enough not to get shot. If she was even luckier, perhaps Xizz might be shot a few times.

The next thing The Operator knew, a large bird man was running up to her and threw his arms around her. "Um, excuse you, love," The Operator objected as the avian embraced her. The crazy crow man released the embrace and began to make a series of sound effects and pantomime out a bunch of random gestures. Perhaps there had been some confusion? Maybe he had mistaken her rescue with a party? Clearly, this was not the time or place for space charades. The other possibility was the being before her was not part of the rescue but another prisoner who had been in the looney bin section of the detention area.

Regardless, The Operator looked completely bewildered. It wasn't just that she thought the kenku was completely crazy, but she had utterly no idea who he was. The fact that they had briefly interacted before her abduction had been completely forgotten by this point, and besides, all bird people looked alike.
Xizz Xazz, CEO of ITC, Inc. (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Xizz Xazz quickly interrupted the interaction between Birdman and The Operator. He was the CEO after all and therefore, more important. "Excuse me. What took you so long? In case you haven't noticed, I'm in danger and the accommodations here have been completely unacceptable! Are you the one in charge of this rescue operation? If so, I need you to show me to my limo immediately! If not, then please get out of the way and direct me to who is in charge," the suit demanded in an irritated tone.

Without hesitation, Jet grabbed the blue alien and suddenly pushed him down a corridor.

"Important, Important, Important" he said with the voice of an automated space letter sorting machine, at least trying to tell canary in a coal mine that he wasn't just that, but some big-shot that deserved to be the one who walked in front of the party not just because they all would be alright with him being eaten.

Chaos continued to ensue behind the group. They didn't get far, however, before they came to a dead end. This particular dead end was quite dead. So dead in fact, there were no obvious places to go. The only possible place to go was a place that couldn't be gotten to due to a very large thick grate blocking entrance to the crawl space behind it. Grates seemed to have an annoying habit of doing this.

To further complicate things, this grate completely broke everything Jet had dealt with and learned so far concerning grates. All of the grates prior to this had been ceiling grates that lead to the ventilation system. This grate, however, seemed to violate the rules of grating! It was near the floor! If that was the case, it clearly couldn't be a ventilation shaft grate, which were the best kind of grates. Jet had become rather proficient in ceiling grates and ventilation spelunking, but this floor grate was new territory. Ventilation systems were always in the celling! The question arose, could the same rules and logic of a ceiling grate apply to a floor grate and where did this floor grate lead if not a ventilation shaft?

There was little time to ponder this issue, however. Jet and his new companions had a new problem to contemplate. The LBEFT seemed to also find this dead end corridor, which circled back to another briefly addressed issue: dead ends. Perhaps dead ends were so-named because there was no where to go and should an irate LBEFT or space Karen needing a manager find an unlucky kenku in such a predicament, it might result in an ending leading to being dead which would completely spoil the rescue in progress...
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Jet (Jeneral Emergency Taskforce) was certainly not one to organize the most professional rescue, but he would've deeply hurt if he was compared to the amateurs of the GIA.
Luckily, he didn't have the time to realize the Operator didn't remember him as well. It would break his little heart!
If the LBEFT didn't rip it out of his chest first, which grew more likely by the second.

And then there was a low air vent. Air duct? Jet blinked, as he tried to make sense of this. He tilted his head, maybe if he turned it just right, he could turn this into a problem he already solved.
He ran out of time to ponder the problem: the group had ran out of places to run.
Jet, deadset on not ending up dead in this dead end, decided to go for drastic measures. He pointed at Xizz Xazz. "Manager!" he said in the voice of a bored supermarket employer.

That hopefully gave him some time. He quickly stepped towards the air vent, and after a moment he finally figured it out! The birdman went into a headstand and suddenly, the enemy grate was down! Erm, up! At least in a perspective he knew and he could work with! He let himself fall on his back, and pretended to be on a roof during a gravity-loss, as he opened up the grate.
Sadly, he didn't have a sonic screwdriver on hand, so he used his gun, just melting the bars one shot at a time.
Xizz Xazz, CEO of ITC, Inc. (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

1. Jet quickly gets the grate open and they escape before the LBEFT gets them.
2. Jet blows the grate open, but is snatched by the LBEFT before he can get inside
3. The LBEFT grabs Xizz
4. The LBEFT grabs Xizz and eats him
5. The LBEFT is about to ruin everyone's day by killing them, but The Doctor saves the day
6. Some troops show up and distract the LBEFT
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3.

Note: What happens

Xizz Xazz, CEO of ITC, Inc. (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Jet, master grate opener, doesn't let the grate trick him. A grate is a grate. This particular grate wasn't great since it was on the floor, but the kenku blasts it open nonetheless.

It was about this time that the LBEFT snatched the CEO and lifted him off the ground. "H-help me! Help me," He pleaded. "I'm rich and I'm too important to die!"

The LBEFT held the tiny blue alien in front of him so Xizz was eye level with the monsters giant oversized eyes. Xizz gulped.
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The Operator had no love for the CEO of ITC. In fact, she would be quite happy to see him eaten. The galaxy would certainly be a better place. Besides, galactic suits were a dime a dozen and the phone company would probably have him replaced before the LBEFT had chewed him up. swallowed him and he came out its other end.

The Operator turned to Jet. "This is some rescue, love," she grumbled before glancing at the monster and the open grate. Normally, she would never contemplate going into a strange passage in a random wall, but there weren't a lot of options and the only thing worse than being stuck in a cell with the CEO would be to get slowly digested with him in the creature's stomach. "Into the garbage chute, flyboy!"

The Operator climbed into the grate feet first and hoped for the best. She didn't get more than a few Imperial Space Units (ISUs) in before she plummeted straight down. She landed below in a small room filled with trash.

"Just lovely," she muttered as she landed on a pile of rubbish. It only took her a moment to realize the birdman would probably land on top of her...
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Jet wasn't here to save Mr. Xazz, after all. Money wasn't that important for an outlaw on the run, and LBEFTs also didn't seem to be really easy to bribe.
Well, it was bad luck to be Mr. Xazz or a grate around Jet.

Jet blew the imaginary smoke from the barrel of his gun. He was fully satisfied with the rescue, after all they had the Operator, the Space Toaster and… well, the Doctor also was alive, which was a nice bonus Jet guessed.
And right now the CEO also was alive, although that seemed to be temporary. Life always was, in this particular case it just was very temporary.

He gave the Operator his happiest smile as she complained, and excitedly jumped up and down as she even called him flyboy.

Just a nanocentury after the Operator had went into the grate, Jet jumped in.
Luckily, Kenku were lightweights, legacy of the time when they could fly, so it felt more like someone had thrown a pillow at the Operator's head as Jet bounced off it and landed somewhere in the rubbish pile.
He looked up at the Operator and laughed, but then stopped and tilted his head, as if to ask if she just said 'pa-crrrrenk'.

She probably hadn't done that, or else it would've been 'pa-crrrrenk, love'. The walls, who weren't quite as British, just happened to make that sound as a by-product of moving inwards.
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

No sooner had the Operator landed on a pile of rubbish, than the birdman landed on top of her. Her landing hadn't exactly been soft but at least she hadn't hit a hard floor. "Ugh," She grumbled as she sat back up. It took her a moment to regain her wits. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt.

They were indeed in a pile of garbage. The room was very dimly lit with only a single door. Gazing upward, the ceiling seemed to melt into darkness obscuring any features or the hatch they'd come through. Unless the kenku could fly, which seemed unlikely, the tube they had fallen from was well out of reach anyway.

"Well this is just great, love," The Operator declared as she found her footing among the trash. The refuse came to her knees as she stood and based on the fact it didn't quite feel stable, she was pretty sure her feet were not on solid ground. When The Operator tried to take a step, she sank a bit as if in quicksand.

The place smelled putrid. The nauseating smell reminding her of a Tupalo from Janju IV who had bathed in space sewage. On a positive note, if there was one, at least the CEO hadn't come down the tube. If The Operator was lucky, her boss had been eaten by the LBEFT. If she was even luckier, they could make it to the door across the room without sinking in filth and the door would be open. The Operator didn't want to use up her luck wishing Xizz Xazz had been consumed by the LBEFT so she put that thought out of her mind.

"Okay, love," The Operator addressed Jet and pointed at the exit across the room. "I'm not sure who you are, but I assume you are here to rescue me. If that's the case, I need you to figure out how to get to that door without us drowning in all this debris and get it open so we can get out of here."

"Not so fast, dearies," a female voice said in a thick accent. Just then, a pile of trash rose from the rest of the garbage and took the shape of a face, blocking Jet and The Operator's path.

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus