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Forums » Forum Games » Write a Question for the Next Character

Joot (played by Jooters)

Write a question, any question, and wait for an answer! Don't forget to answer your own question and stay in character. I'll start!


Joot scratched his chin, thinking for a moment to find the perfect, most thought provoking question his little brain can come up with.
"Hmm... I know! What's your favorite color?" He asks. "Mine is pink! It's a little surprising, since I have blue dyed ears and a green hoodie, but it's my favorite! I wanted the blue to match my eyes, and I accidentally got a green hoodie in my outfit after a mistake in my original ref sheet that I kinda just got used to! I'm not upset about it though. It's super comfy!"
"Red's my favorite color. It shows my pride of being a Crimson Rabbit student at Rabbit's Academy!" He proudly said, pointing out the Crimson Rabbit emblem on his blazer.

"How many fights have you gotten into?" Sebastian asked the next character. "Me, I can't even count anymore. I've gotten into so many, but a highlight, is probably fightin' and winnin' against Smokey! Ha, I loved every moment of that!" Sebastian grinned mischievously.
Nayuta tilts her head, a small frown on her face. "Well, I am a seasoned shinobi, and the Kage of my village. I have gotten in quite a deal of fights... War is so very harsh and brutal... Sometimes, however, like a harsh desert sand, the heat of battle can provide a chaotic sort of beauty with it." She smiles softly, closing her eyes.

"So, traveler, what would you say is most cherished to you? A place? An object? A person, like a loved one? Do tell the story, I would be delighted to hear it." She smiles, offering a delicate hand. "I offer a welcome from Sunagakure, we hope to hear from you."

(ANNNDD Cut. Nayuta is back, maybe with a new personality of sorts?)
He would laugh and lower his head. He lifted his gaze with a warm smile "my home. The Fate's Circle temple where my family lives. The only blood relatives that live there are my son and daughter, but as far as Soki, Matt, and Drael? We've protected the omniverses for hundreds of years. They are my brothers, and Drael's daughter lives there too."

He sighed " you do any gardening?"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He would laugh and lower his head. He lifted his gaze with a warm smile "my home. The Fate's Circle temple where my family lives. The only blood relatives that live there are my son and daughter, but as far as Soki, Matt, and Drael? We've protected the omniverses for hundreds of years. They are my brothers, and Drael's daughter lives there too." [url=]Your text to link here...[/url]

He sighed " you do any gardening?"

"Of course I do, Mathius!" Azumi smiled "Being an old lady of 500 years myself, I have a vast collection of orchids! Well, that and quite the collection of succulents. Of course, I have a greenhouse to regulate the temperatures and humidity!"

"Now, this brings me to the next question. What is your favorite band? Please say the Suburbanites!"
"Ive heard your stuff. I like it, but I have to say Chesty's Bastards. We're all Marines"

"What is your favorite candy?"
Reynard (played by Chaotic)

Rey thought about the question for a bit. As always, things could never be simple. "There is a small community, at the feet of the mountains in the east. You know these insanely dangerous swarms of hyper-aggressive killer bees? They have domesticated hives there. They control them with smoke, protective suits, probably drugs and a lot of flamethrowers, just in case things go sideways. Still, I've been there, and their camp just one minor screw-up removed from wiping itself off the map and drowning everyone in the radius of a mile in millions of angry, buzzing stingers.
It is my kind of place. And once you've tasted the small honey cakes they make there, suddenly you know why they're risking it, and suddenly you know why each trading caravan that comes that way stops there. Diesel, I hope I'll get a job that brings me there soon!"

He returned to his motorcycle, but then turned around, curious. "So, what was the last vehicle-related shenanigans you got into?"
(Reyn, page III - Kids)

The little fox-boy tilted his head curiosly as he regarded the much taller bike and biker from behind the safety of the giant rottweiler plush he was hugging. He wasn't usually very easy going around strangers; people were new, a very scary new... unless they proved to be not people but friends. Normally, though, he would have been far more interested in the bike than in the man... if not for a detail.

His name was Reynard. The man's name was also Reynard.

That was the first time little fox boy met a him... not him! It was confusing!

After much scrutiny from behind the Rottweiler plush, he finally staggered on his tiny feet and toddled toward the stranger man, pointing with his hand and calling out curiously: "You.... Eyn... too?" He would look like that, when he grew up? No tail, no muzzle, no fur? It was an alarming thought, and instinctively his little hands reached out to make sure his large pointy ears, tufts of fur and muzzle were still in place. Where was his tail - oh, right, it was still there!

... Or maybe he would look like this bigger, non-fox Reyn by magic when he was bigger? Chiara, his sister, was always babbling about magic. Magic was cool, not alarming.

Wait - the other Reyn just asked him something? Little kid tilted his head trying to decipher his words. He wasn't sure what a she-nana-gun was; he'd have to ask uncle Badzooka, he knew everything about guns! (Or mama, too). And that other word... ve... vecc... he vaguely realized the other Reyn did mean his bike, or something like that.

"Broom-broom?" Reyn chirped, then as if to make sure he understood correctly, he scampered off.... only to come back without the rottweiler plush, but dragging behind him a synth-plastic toy truck for preschoolers. "Eyn go broom broom! Broom broom... fa!" And he gestured wildly to show how fast his vehicle could be. "Eyn broom broom and Chiaia wants broom broom two, so we broom broom all over the gadden! Big gadden... with la-laby-bee-th!" From a kid's perspective, even a garden with some hedges seemed a fantastic labyrinth from one of the many worlds-that-were! "And Reyn broom broom after bad BAD broccoli king!" ... leave it to kids to turn a scamper in the home's garden into a race against an evil king of the most-hated-vegetables variety! Of course, with how Reyn liked to throw his food around (especially when it was food he didn't like), an actual chase of the "broccoli king" might be FAR more lifelike than most adults were inclined to believe... only Cris's poor gardener-bots would know for certain!

Happy with the story he had spun for the other Reyn, the little fox kids started pushing his broom-broom around babbling happily to himself -- until a sudden thought stuck him, and he turned his head quizzically, large ears perked up with interest.

"Whoooo.... fave... hero?" It would be AMAZING if the other person was also a fan of SuperTonino, the rottweiler-in-a-cape who proudly decorated Reyn's only suriving slipper (the other being a victim of casualty... or maybe left behind on the battlefield by the evil broccoli king).
Vincent Jones (played by Chaotic)

Looks could deceive. On the first look, Vince was someone who had a leather jacket, opinions about leather jackets and true and untrue rock music.
Both were true, but right now he mainly had opinions on comic books.
He had squatted down to talk to the kid eye-to-eye. They probably had about the same maturity level anyways.
"It sometimes feels like I'm one lab accident removed from being a batman villain myself…" Vince said happily, before he stopped himself. Slowly, he took a peek at the back of his hands. It was covered by lots of hairs..
He murmured an expletive, as he just remembered something he probably shouldn’t have forgotten in the first place.
"I'm a werewolf!" Well, he certainly wasn’t a genius.
"That is enough to make me a C-lister, even without a doctor-title. I really should ask if someone is hiring. It would be fun to be a part of the Riddlers crew! Hey, do you think Catwoman needs a hitter for a heist?"
He got distracted. Again.
"…so, the Flash?" he suggested. "He seems to be the friendliest of the bunch to go up again. There is this scene in Justice League unlimited where…"
This time he sensed the distraction, and decided to go at least return to only one layer of off-topic.
"Although I probably have to go up against Blade, since I'm supernatural, or Spider-Man, since I'm technically animal themed… Spider-Man is a close second favorite to the Flash."

"Wait, I'll need a super-villain name.Like… the Crimson Claw?" he suggested, then he scratched his head. "Do you have a nickname?" Now he was curious.
The Hitchhiker (played anonymously)

Vincent Jones wrote:
"Do you have a nickname?"

“I’m simply ‘The Hitchhiker’. Names aren’t important.”

Lookes to the next character and asks, “You heading to the next town?”
Nova (played by DisneyLover93764)

The Hitchhiker wrote:
Vincent Jones wrote:
"Do you have a nickname?"

“I’m simply ‘The Hitchhiker’. Names aren’t important.”

Lookes to the next character and asks, “You heading to the next town?”

*looks over at Vincent Jones and sighs*

MEN, I swear, yes Jones I am going to the next town, you know as well as I do that I never stay in each town for long.

*looks to the next character*
"You coming with love"?
Mine Laru (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Laru looked at Nova very confused.
"Why would I do such a thing?" He asked. "I don't know you. Why would I follow you to some other town that you didn't even say the name of? You may as well asked 'would you like a ride in my white van with free candy written on the side.'"

"Let's see here..." Laru said, pulling out a clipboard full of questions. "Ah, here we are. Do you like the gift from the gods known as the turnip? The most elegant of vegetables?"
Claude Vuong (played anonymously)

"I mean it's food so I can't really complain." Claude randomly bit into a turnip out of nowhere. "I'll eat anything over pork though," she added.

"What does your ideal life look like?"
Mine Laru wrote:
Laru looked at Nova very confused.
"Why would I do such a thing?" He asked. "I don't know you. Why would I follow you to some other town that you didn't even say the name of? You may as well asked 'would you like a ride in my white van with free candy written on the side.'"

"Let's see here..." Laru said, pulling out a clipboard full of questions. "Ah, here we are. Do you like the gift from the gods known as the turnip? The most elegant of vegetables?"

(Freakin OUCH!)

(My answer to Claude)

"Knowing that I've done a good job raising you and your sister. No matter how old you are, you are Little Star"

"If you could drink only one other beverage besides water, what would it be?"
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Drael Chizkith wrote:
Mine Laru wrote:
Laru looked at Nova very confused.
"Why would I do such a thing?" He asked. "I don't know you. Why would I follow you to some other town that you didn't even say the name of? You may as well asked 'would you like a ride in my white van with free candy written on the side.'"

"Let's see here..." Laru said, pulling out a clipboard full of questions. "Ah, here we are. Do you like the gift from the gods known as the turnip? The most elegant of vegetables?"

(Freakin OUCH!)

(My answer to Claude)

"Knowing that I've done a good job raising you and your sister. No matter how old you are, you are Little Star"

"If you could drink only one other beverage besides water, what would it be?"

"Despite how i look, if i could drink only one beverage besides water, it’ll be the alcoholic ones."

But never when i’m traveling by boat, it’s never pleasant.

A good wine, red wine, to go with the best meals ever.. I’m not difficult."

He turned the page and nodded a little.

"If you could choose living in a country, which one would it be?"
"If I could live in any country...?"

This question was a bit hard for them to answer. Ever since figuring out that they could hop through the multiverse, far too many doors had opened to Cedar. A country on Earth? A country in another plane of existence? Another planet? A pocket dimension? So many different places to call home... How was one to choose?

Cee glanced down at their right forearm, gently scratching the linen bandages that protected the absurd number of stitches underneath. Having a snarky comment in mind, Cee raises their hand to point at their healing wound.

"If I could live in any country..." They began with a smirk. "I think I'd live in one where, hopefully, the chances of me nearly getting eaten alive by some monster-slash-classmate is at zero."

They chuckled. "But seriously, I don't care. Anywhere that's safe! Bonus if my friends can come with me."

Cee turns their attention to the next character waiting.

"Y'know, people keep asking who's the next character, but never how's the next character?" They smile. "So there's my question! How are you doing today?"
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"How i am today? I do apologize, but i was told to keep my personal feelings out of the public, unless if they are agents like us."

That pained him, but he had no choices here..

Being sociable to common citizens is out-of-question, his superior was clear, it might put him in danger, and this man is scared of that.

"So, i heard about.. Huh.. I’ll try. Video-games, yes, so, what is your favorite video-game and why?"
Aris (played by Screechening)

(Responding to Gingerhade's Cedar since that other account is deactivated :C)

"Oh geez, how I'm doing? Uhh..." Aris trailed off, raising one hand to scratch her cheek. "I guess I'm... okay!"

Oh boy, a word dump was incoming.

In one breath, Aris averted her gaze before spilling out the following, "I mean, if you had a brain buddy in form of an alien worm – literally plaguing your thoughts. Heck, especially if that wormy friend constantly interrupts you in middle of sentences and makes you fumble all your conversations, then... yeah! You'd probably be not ok."

Aris let silence fill the room for a solid minute, then she turned her head back to face the next person.

"Anyways, that aside. I was wondering, what's your ultimate comfort food or drink? ...I could really go for those cheap 7-Eleven hotdogs or slushies right now."
"Oh, well, if you ask me, I quite like apple pie." The Elvaan folded her hands in front of herself, smiling gently. Then, her smile turned bashful. "I've tried to bake my own, but they don't always turn out so well. . ."

A hand raised to trace the delicate hairs of her own neck, where the rest of her brown locks were bundled up to the side of her head.

"Despite this, I have a friend who readily eats my pies. He always showers them with compliments, though I am in no way bragging. I wish to say that I am grateful for his appreciation of my cooking."

After reminiscing fondly, she turned towards the next individual present.

"As a blacksmith of the nation of San d'Oria myself, I wish to ask the next person; what is your preferred weapon and why?" A beat passed. "Oh, is that technically two questions? I hope it is alright. . . I use the great-axe myself. I find the pole easy to wield and gives a good berth for attacks, though the heavier axe head can be harder to manipulate. I quite like the power behind it. It is simple yet elegant."

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