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Forums » RP Discussion » The worst part of roleplaying

Post inspired by my friend who is rping with Elias. You're welcome to comment, but I won't call you out in case! (And to the others I'm writing with, we have already gotten to this point or will at one point, I'm just talking about this specific one because it happened today.)

But my most tedious part of roleplaying is the beginning. Not the plotting, not the setup, but right when our characters meet.

Likely, we've just met, I'm awkward and new around you, I'm getting used to how you write, we're very big on formatilities, "Oh pardon me, kind sir I will reply to you shortly" lmao Idk. but you know...? Like it's awkward and rough, and then there comes the moment, which happened today with the person I'd mentioned, that I replied to the rp, and then went on a tangent, and I was like, "Omg the muse is here, THE EXCITING THINGS ARE HAPPENING" lmfao.

Anyway so I thought I'd ask the public, what's the worst part of an rp? Worldbuilding? Starting a new one? Not enough people that enjoy the absolute cliche's that you enjoy writing (that's me as well lmao)
This is.. so reletable.. ajsvddjv
I think this is considered a "pet peeve" topic, which is actually against forum rules.
I could be wrong, so maybe look into it yourself? :)

But, the worst part of roleplaying for me, is discussion, because I suck at elaborating and explaining things and I feel like I'm way too vague about things and I feel like I'm making my partner(s) brainstorm harder because I'm so vague. :(
Waiting for replies of your fellow players, especially when you're just in the right headspace and would like to play a specific character right now :)

But yeah, writing the first post always feels awkward to me. I sometimes even like doing it, because it allows me to set the scene, create a mood and so on, but I'm never quite satisfied with my starters.

Third worst thing is seeing all the careless mistakes with grammar and text I made just before hitting send. Or even worse, after hitting send……
Four Topic Starter

twistedvictorian wrote:
I think this is considered a "pet peeve" topic, which is actually against forum rules.
I could be wrong, so maybe look into it yourself? :)

But, the worst part of roleplaying for me, is discussion, because I suck at elaborating and explaining things and I feel like I'm way too vague about things and I feel like I'm making my partner(s) brainstorm harder because I'm so vague. :(

I can absolutely see what you're saying with this, and I needed to look at that post anyway, lol, but I think the pet peeve thing pointed fingers at the roleplayer, making them feel insignificant for example if I said something I don't like people doing, and you're the type of person who always does such a thing, it can take away from your confidence as a roleplayer and make you anxious to continue in the future, or make you feel bad, even though others may like that about you.

This post is aimed at the inevitable - all things that are part of the RP experience, regardless of what you like or don't like. But, again, excellent call, and thank you for pointing it out to me.

I get that to a little extent. I personally have a hard time opening up right in the beginning and sharing my ideas, so it's similar that my partner has to put in more effort brainstorming or carrying the conversation until we get to know each other better, but I feel like vagueness can be great sometimes too, as I've been in a spot where I just need the smallest idea, and I can go on for hours with spin offs! Plus we're our own worst critic, I bet you do just fine with explanations :)
Deeply relatable!
I get so excited for new posts. They are like a little gift!

I think the worst thing about RP is me!
My own self-doubt or feeling embarrassed about a mistake I didn't catch in time.

Sometimes I get down on myself for my performance level because I have deep admiration for those with greater talent. I wrestle with imposter syndrome.
But, I try to accept that I can't entertain everyone and the right partners usually show up with some good discussion before we play.

And! I have to remember that sometimes stuff just happens, and, roll with it.
AnonCarp (played anonymously)

For me, its 1000% trying to find a pacing that works with both writers. Sometimes it can be a bit awkward to ask someone to slowdown or to speed up, so usually it's just a bunch of trial and error to find a pace that's a comfortable fit for the writers involved.
Chaotic wrote:
Waiting for replies of your fellow players, especially when you're just in the right headspace and would like to play a specific character right now :)

But yeah, writing the first post always feels awkward to me. I sometimes even like doing it, because it allows me to set the scene, create a mood and so on, but I'm never quite satisfied with my starters.

Third worst thing is seeing all the careless mistakes with grammar and text I made just before hitting send. Or even worse, after hitting send……

Oh, definitely that, for me. Even if it just takes 15 minutes for them to read my post write their reply, when I'm in the right headspace I'm RAVENOUS. It doesn't help my case that I can take a hour or two to write a post, because I need to slip into that headspace first and my (probably, undiagnosed) ADHD means it can take a while ^^'
LeDuc wrote:
Chaotic wrote:
Waiting for replies of your fellow players, especially when you're just in the right headspace and would like to play a specific character right now :)

But yeah, writing the first post always feels awkward to me. I sometimes even like doing it, because it allows me to set the scene, create a mood and so on, but I'm never quite satisfied with my starters.

Third worst thing is seeing all the careless mistakes with grammar and text I made just before hitting send. Or even worse, after hitting send……

Oh, definitely that, for me. Even if it just takes 15 minutes for them to read my post write their reply, when I'm in the right headspace I'm RAVENOUS. It doesn't help my case that I can take a hour or two to write a post, because I need to slip into that headspace first and my (probably, undiagnosed) ADHD means it can take a while ^^'

We're the same person?
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
We're the same person?

If you also struggle with slice of life-ish scenes where you end up writing in circles, not knowing if you can move on or if there is a gem of a character arc, discovery or just a cute act just around the corner, we might be :p

If you ALSO can't make a thread without constantly chatting OOC with your writing partner, then there's definitely something afoot!

Though to be honest, I've got better at all of that. In the past, took me sometimes weeks, sometimes even months (had a few ones that took years ToT) to reply, and a few of my threads died in the "nothing kinda happens for 20 posts" limbo.

Now? I'm replying in days, if not hours, and I am much better at finding ideas on the spot. I don't know what, but something clicked.

Still very talkative, though, but that was never really an issue.
Four wrote:
Post inspired by my friend who is rping with Elias. You're welcome to comment, but I won't call you out in case! (And to the others I'm writing with, we have already gotten to this point or will at one point, I'm just talking about this specific one because it happened today.)

But my most tedious part of roleplaying is the beginning. Not the plotting, not the setup, but right when our characters meet.

Likely, we've just met, I'm awkward and new around you, I'm getting used to how you write, we're very big on formatilities, "Oh pardon me, kind sir I will reply to you shortly" lmao Idk. but you know...? Like it's awkward and rough, and then there comes the moment, which happened today with the person I'd mentioned, that I replied to the rp, and then went on a tangent, and I was like, "Omg the muse is here, THE EXCITING THINGS ARE HAPPENING" lmfao.

Anyway so I thought I'd ask the public, what's the worst part of an rp? Worldbuilding? Starting a new one? Not enough people that enjoy the absolute cliche's that you enjoy writing (that's me as well lmao)

I think it's the waiting after your first post. Depending on how much that you have communicated, or planned, this could be the first writing that they have seen from you. It is something personal and real. When it is launched, that first post can often feel like a worm on a hook being cast into a lake.

Hopefully that other person will bite onto it and the story can begin.
I think one of the hardest bits while rping it's finding out an rp you were hyped about your partner has deleted their character without a word, leaving the story unfinished and you pondering what went wrong.
Four Topic Starter

AngelsofBlood - Why I HATE sending starters, I will do anything to avoid it lmfao.
0089 wrote:
I think one of the hardest bits while rping it's finding out an rp you were hyped about your partner has deleted their character without a word, leaving the story unfinished and you pondering what went wrong.

OUCH! Idk getting ghosted sucks as it is, but when it's all in detail and you have a a great relationship with to have it all crumble has got to be the worst. I'm so sorry! Getting closure from that is the worst.
I don’t getting ghosted so much anymore. People who ghost after I send a starter, however, are on my blacklist forever.
A thing for me is, if I do get ghosted, it's being left with the feeling of uncertainty?.. did I potentially do something to upset them? Are they not doing okay? Will they.. return? Especially as someone fully booked with rps.. if I start a new one and they return.. Do I just have too many rps then or tell them no even if I really want to continue the rp? ;_; (I do want to clarify I do understand people have their reasons, and that is valid, and I will not hate on anyone for it, but it definitely can be a bit worrying if people disappear. I at least still have some people where I wonder if they're doing okay)

Except for that I'd probably agree with some others about the self doubt, as well as the beginning of rps haha unless it starts with something dramatic, then it's more right after that where the interactions really begin, it sort of feels like you have to build up something before you can really get to the good parts??
I have no clue if I'm making sense lol
The worst part of roleplaying with me, for every one of my RPs, has to be the first sentence to an RP. I can't figure out what to write. I can't figure out the first word. It takes me at least a solid 10-20 minutes to figure out what to write. Then, as soon as I work out the first sentence, away I go with the rest of the RP post.

I don't know if it's just me or anyone else lol 😭
Berrystar wrote:
The worst part of roleplaying with me, for every one of my RPs, has to be the first sentence to an RP. I can't figure out what to write. I can't figure out the first word. It takes me at least a solid 10-20 minutes to figure out what to write. Then, as soon as I work out the first sentence, away I go with the rest of the RP post.

I don't know if it's just me or anyone else lol 😭

I can relate to that at times haha definitely the parts of a post I have rewritten the most times!
Four wrote:
AngelsofBlood - Why I HATE sending starters, I will do anything to avoid it lmfao.
0089 wrote:
I think one of the hardest bits while rping it's finding out an rp you were hyped about your partner has deleted their character without a word, leaving the story unfinished and you pondering what went wrong.

OUCH! Idk getting ghosted sucks as it is, but when it's all in detail and you have a a great relationship with to have it all crumble has got to be the worst. I'm so sorry! Getting closure from that is the worst.

Agreed. I would prefer someone reach out that they do not like the direction, lose interest, or something that indicates that the story has run its course.

Just a little bit of courtesy and respect.
Four Topic Starter

I don't want to get in pet peeves here, so I will make a little defense for those that do ghost, I myself have had some very rude interactions shutting down an RP, or trying to change things that I wasn't really feeling, and I get very anxious letting people know that I'm not a fan of a story anymore.

Never to devalue any experiences, it still sucks and it still hurts, and maybe even causes worry depending on how close you are, just trying to speak from both sides.
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
Deeply relatable!
I get so excited for new posts. They are like a little gift!

I think the worst thing about RP is me!
My own self-doubt or feeling embarrassed about a mistake I didn't catch in time.

Sometimes I get down on myself for my performance level because I have deep admiration for those with greater talent. I wrestle with imposter syndrome.
But, I try to accept that I can't entertain everyone and the right partners usually show up with some good discussion before we play.

And! I have to remember that sometimes stuff just happens, and, roll with it.

Big same!

It's one of the reasons I've always liked to RP more anonymously. It helps feeling less embarrassed coming up with ideas and with the level of writing. Specially with those who's posts are just 'chief's kiss'.

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