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Forums » Introductions » Introduction post

Hi everyone. I'm just a college student that is majoring in Psychology who wanted to get back into role-playing. I love to come up with random stories and draw the characters within them. I already love the vibe here just from the little bit of exploring I've done. I'm still very new to the site so would appreciate tips on how to interact with everyone.

I tend to get distracted every so often with something, whether that be work or something shiny, so if I don't respond right away I swear I'll get to it. I don't mind if you remind me every now and again.

I tend to do more horror and fantasy roleplay's though if you have a idea feel free to ask about one.

So, yeah, here is a little about me I never know what to put. I'm happy to be here.
Hey, Welcome!
Hello Random Writer! Welcome to RP Repository! :)
Hey there! Welcome to RPR! 😄
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
Ooo psychology is cool! Very interesting things to learn about, anything you specifically like to learn more about?
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or is unsure about something, feel free to ask someone or use the Help forum!
Welcome to the RPR! 📝✨
Fantasy is the top genre here on rpr, and horror is popular too!

For communication, you can pretty much do whatever! Hit someone up if they seem interesting to you and see where things go from there! But make sure that you read their profiles to make sure they're comfortable with it.
Ooh horror fan love it.

Welcome. I get real awkward with Introductions too

So glad you're here and I hope we do all we can to both distract you and inspire you for your psych classes 😁
Hello there! Welcome to the RPR family. :D
6elf756i.gifHello! Welcome to RPR!
Relatable, shiny things always draw me away as well!
I hope we continue to give off good vibes!
Hi! Welcome to RPR!^^ I hope you enjoy your stay.

You're happy to be here and we're happy to have you! We enjoy new faces 'round these parts. So a fine howdy-do to you and I hope you wind up liking it for what it is and what it has to offer. RP Repository is a bit easy going and has a tendency to flow at a reasonable pace. If you want something very fast-paced, I highly recommend you checking out some of the forums. You'll see that some of them are zoomin'! I prefer the slower moving works -- I'm like you and get distracted by things a lot. Mostly work. Bleh!

Anyhoo, my recommendations is definitely getting together your character manifest and checking out the Forum Games -- you'll be able to develop your characters there and be able to meet up with some very talented writers. Who knows, you may even hit it off with some folks and run off to world-build together.

If you got in inquiries, just ask any one of us! We'll be glad to help. :) Have a good 'un out there!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Introduction post

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