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Forums » Introductions » Hello RPR!

Hello everyone! I'm Rose and am yet another roleplayer fleeing the disaster Quotev has become. My friend and favorite roleplay partner found this site and we're hoping to be able to pick up our RPs here. I've been roleplaying for 10+ years mainly as Marvel's Gambit, occasionally as an original character, but Gambit has my heart. I roleplay primarily X-Men, or X-Men characters in AU settings, and while I haven't broadened my horizons actively in that regard, I enjoy reading other RPs (though I don't know if that is allowed here if one isn't actually involved in it) in other fandoms like Percy Jackson, Supernatural, The Sandman, and others.

A personal RP rule of my own, I WILL NOT RP a romantic relationship between Gambit and Rogue under any circumstances. A friendship, certainly, but that relationship was entirely too unhealthy for me to be comfortable RPing it.

Aside from RPing, animals make me happy, and I love music, reading, and writing. I've been writing fanfiction for 10+ years, but I do also have a few original works, mostly fantasy but I've tried my hand at other genres. I consider myself a bookdragon (I have an impressive collection that I think of as my hoard) and will read most things, but my favorites there are fantasy, adventure, crime thrillers, and anything involving mythology.

I also have a BA in Psychology and hope to someday go for my Masters because I find it fascinating how people think and behave.

All that being said, I look forward to exploring RPR and I hope this can be my new home for RPing.
<3 Hello Rose! Welcome to RP Repository! <3
Hoping you find this place a comfortable fit for your writing and roleplaying!

Respect for boundaries!
I was just talking about a song that references The Joker in a romance and I was like "womp womp, too bad this came out before we were calling out that bad bad relationship!"

However, the song is a bop. Please groove in your cars with me!

Sure Thing, Miguel
Hey! Welcome to the site, Rose!
Hi! Welcome to RPR^^ I hope you enjoy your stay.
Welcome to RPR! I like the X-Men too! (Well, the older comics, not so much now-a-days).

You have some good boundaries and I hope you find some great Role-Playing partners here. ^_^
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
I can only agree with the psychology thing! It is indeed very interesting how people think and behave
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or are unsure about something, feel free to ask someone or use the Help forum!
Hello BriarRose and welcome to RPR. :)

It sounds a bit like what happened to enjin a couple of years back, but at least a head's up was given ahead of time. A lot of role-playing sites and forums that were hosted through that went down unfortunately.

Hello, hello, and welcome to RP Repository! We're so glad to have all these new folks, but at the same time I'm very sorry to hear about your home base leaving ya'll high and dry like that. I certainly hope that RPR can, at the very least, own up to it's reputation -- I find it to be a very easy-going place for the all types of role-play. I also play canon characters myself, but due to my hyperfixations and burnouts, I have a tendency to shift from one fandom to another from time to time. A lot of the times, though, I'll move back to one once I reinvigorate my love for it. Hah hah...

I used to RP the snot outta DC Comics myself. I loved, loved those days and they had a lot of nostalgia for me. In fact, I was a member of an X-Men group role-playing as the Green Lantern. It was so much fun and the crossover shenanigans were perfect. We even eventually had a Batman/Iron Man meet up. They annoyed each other so much. ANYHOO! I won't bog you down with an old man's recollections. Just know that I admire canon role-players so much. They're actually pretty rare! OCs are amazing, don't get me wrong, but there's something about a finely played licensed character that just beats all. :D

RPR has a lot to offer, by the way! The forums are great if you want immediate interaction -- namely the Forum Games. I love those because there's a lot of prompt based posts there that help you develop your characters and you'll meet some really wonderful writers. Who knows, you may even take off and find someone to world-build with. My favorite aspect though would have to be the profiles we can get away with. So much and so very little can go into making one! It's all up to you. :)

If you have any questions or what have you, feel free to reach out to any one of us. We'll be glad to help! I hope you enjoy it here and find your second home in RPR!
6elf756i.gifHello! Welcome to RPR!
A BA in psychology is impressive! It totally must also help with RPing, which is for sure the only reason to get one :D
Hope you have a good time RPing here, and your hoard of books grows and thrives!
Hahah welcome, I have a feeling, if I went back through the welcomes, I could point out who your favorite RP partner is by the xmen references.

Sorry about quotev, very happy you found a place run off too!

I studied psychology for a bit too but I didn't end up finishing my degree in it :D
Awesome awesome, it's always nice to see seasoned RPers joining RPR! Welcome, Rose! We are glad to have you here! I hope you find many wonderful RPs and meet lots of fantastic new friends! Happy RPing!!! :D
Hi my lovely Rose!! Looking forward to learning the ropes here together <3
Welcome to the RPR! 📝✨

Welcome to RPR Rose, you will find many Rp's both 1-1 and groups advertised in the Forums, make sure to ask people if you find characters you are interested in as many players are often seeking RP with those characters or others.
Welcome to RPR, Rose!

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