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Onstone (played by Theyakate)

It was an early morning on the Street of Iron Tear, the roads and sidewalks were wet from the night rains, and street cleaners started sweeping the trash left by drunkards and loitering groups of teens. The Newspaper Delivery Man road from shop to house to deliver the daily news and shop owners are opening their store for another busy day.


The Street of Iron Tear is a town where the businesses and crime rates are growing which Police force is stationed heavily on every corner of the streets. The most well-known crime would be the smuggling of Mana Flakes which is an addictive drug and mostly harmful for Non-magic users which leads to a corrupted state of mind. Most gangs or mafia would do anything for control and power which became a nuisance to the police force in this town.

(This RP would be full of Actions which may involved with Mafia Family like)
Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

There is a shop named Doll and Mechanics which is a two combine owned by Onstone with his apprentice Dorothy. Mr.Onstone would start a day with a breakfast and a coffee that he went down from his 2nd floor house and started opening the shop.

His apprentice arrived early as usual that he gave her the tasked to attend the Doll Store and the waiting customer to buy already made one or to propose a commission. Dorothy began her work on attending the customer and making the dolls as Onstone works on the Mechinical vehicles and Iron Guard Automatons.

Work was busy as the Highnoon hits that Mr.ONstone tasked Dorothy to deliver the MechaCore to Old Sammy bar. Dorothy nodded as he packed it and leaves the shop for delivery. The streets was busy with loithering people and homeless on the corners and also policeman were stationed near marketplace. Dorothy walked as he saw Old Sammy bar and was gonna deliver the packaged.
Slowing down to a stop, an albino mouse parked their motorbike before swinging off. Tapping on the door, they waited for it to be open by a meerkat dressed in black. Nodding, the mouse walked into an office and sat in the chair, jotting down some notes before standing up once more. While they didn't have a large group, it was effective enough to get things done. Motioning to the meerkat, they handed to notes to him.
*Take care of the coming shipment, make sure no one else gets it.* The mouse signed with gloved hands. The meerkat nodded and slipped out the door.

After a few minutes, the mouse went back outside, locking the door behind them. Mounting the bike once more, the mouse turned the key, smiling briefly at the sound and feel of the purring engine. Pressing on the throttle, the mouse sped off into the night.
Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

Old Sammy was happy to see his packaged delivered and Dorothy went to installed it to his Mead Maker machine. It took only 20 minutes as the machine work again that Old Sammy gave her some Brew Made Honey Beer for her and Onstone. Dorothy said her goodbyes and quickly went back to Doll and Mechanics.

Onstone was done with the Vehicles and Dorothy gave her report of the delivery and installation. He was please to hear that report as Dorothy added Old Sammy's Brew as she handed him one. But she gave a little advice to him "Dont drink too much Mr.Onstone or you might lose a liver". Onstone just laugh and went to take a sip.

Time passed and business went well that Dorothy went to say her goodbye and left. As for Onstone, he lock the shop's door and as he turned around, a group of men greeted him which Onstone remembered is that time of the month. These group of 4 men are a member of Jack's Ruster which is incharged on Collecting Loans which happened He owns them.

Onstone sight as he handed the amount of the loan for this month, but one guy who is the Leader stated " Today's loan has been increased by 20% due to the fact your Shop became prosperous".

But Onstone replied " But didn't I agree to pay only the right amount and it wasn't listed on the contract and terms about this increase. Listened I paid my loans fair and squa-" before he was gonna finish, one guy grab him on his collar shirt and pin him on the wall as the Leader went close and said
" Listen here pal, You forgot that we don't negotiate its either you pay the increase or your losing a kneecap"

Onstone felt no choice on what to do and praying for a miracle to happened.
The mouse continued to drive down the roadway, ears flicking, picking up the sounds around them. Turning down into a area of shops. They slowed to a crawl as they saw a group of beings in the way. They noticed that it was a group of folks from Jack's Ruster, threatening another of thier "Protectees." Roling his eyes, the mouse parked and approached, growling. Before he had dismounted the bike, he had pressed a communication button 3 times, signaling their own back up. The mouse cocked a small handgun in the direction of the beings, growling. They made thier stance clear, let go or they would shoot. Behind them, a few beings approached, also holding weapons. One, a male rat stepped forward and spoke.
"Boss says to let the bloke go before we turn you into paint." He said, glancing at the mouse as they moved a hand in signs. "You got your money, now git!" The rat translated.
Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

The leader of the gang turn his head to the direction where that Rat is standing. He look at the gun knowing they don't want to cause a bloody mess so he snaps his finger as the man who pin Onstone Let go. Onstone drop on the ground as he takes a breather, as the leader just response " Ah right you Ratfolks, We ain't gonna cause little trouble...yet." he turn his head at Onstone " COnsidered yourself lucky".

They turned and walk away as Onstone slowly stands up and wipe the dirt from his rear and look at them.
"I don't know know how I would repay you folks, but I deeply appreciated." He cough hardly as he quickly grab his meds from his pocket which is a small vial as he corked it out and drink.
The mouse signed, the rat translating for him *Don't worry about it, they have been overstepping their boundaries lately. My name is Elllis, don't worry about paying us. I will have my folks keep an eye on things around here. Those idiots shouldn't bug you anytime soon. * Ellis adjusted their hat as they looked in the direction the men had gone.
Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

"Nice to meet you Ellis, I'm Allec Onstone and yes it's been happening for days they became more forceful towards prosperous business like mine. Anyway, I don't want to waste your time since I believe you got some work to finish."

He turn and went to apartment door and said one last thing " Please take care of yourselves" then he enters and lock the door knowing its been an eventful night for him. So Onstone went ahead to take a shut eye on the couch he layed on and proceed to sleep.
Ellis nods and motions for his group to scatter. They would then mount their bike and continue going down the road, glancing in several different directions. They would keep an eye on this sector, make sure no one else went too far.
Tala Swiftfoot (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

(This is my other character and like I said, I will play some of my characters and NPC or side ones)

Tala was taking a smoke of her cigar as she wait for something knowing she was giving a tasked to retrieved something by her employer. She sat on the rooftop as she survey by looking knowing this quickly bores her.

She thought to herself " Seriously what is this item that Old Fatty want? I hope this is worth than 100000 IC (Iron Coins Currency)" So she sigh and just wait for more.
A weasel slipped up to the rooftop, a box in hand.
"Madam?" he rasped, "Here's the package." He offered the box to her, waiting a moment.

Ellis leaned as they spun around a sharp corner, tail curling in to avoid the building walls. They weaved in and out of the narrow alleyways, until they got to the docks. Slowing down, the kicked the break down and looked over the water.
Tala Swiftfoot (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

Tala turn her gaze to the " Bout time, I've been waiting her for an hour".
Tala takes a second to look at the box and went to grab it and inspect it by its weight.

She gently shakes it knowing its and open it which contains fresh cut illegal drug called Mana Flakes stored in tiny chest like.
Tala smiled "Seems that you fulfilled your bargain." she close it and went to grab the Iron Coins bag which is worth of 100K IC then toss it to the weasel carrier.
Catching it, the weasel smirked and nodded.
"Pleasure doing business with you, Madam." He rasped before slinking off. Avoiding the streetlights, he raced through the night; only stopping to creep into a shady bar.

(Apparently, this is not the same weasel from before and we will also be playing random NPCs.)
Tala Swiftfoot (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

(OH I see, But to settle my confusion the weasel that Tala met on the roof wasn't yours? If so I can device two options of the outcome.)

1. Tala Whistle in Joy as she went down from the roof and putting the packaged on her Steampowered Car. As she was getting in, She hears footsteps as she turn to see another group of vermins folks . (This is after she recieved the Packaged)

2. Tala waited, Until the courier arrived with the Package that her boss mentioned (This is before the packaged)
(Let's do 1 as to not derail the story. we can play an ncp gang that wants to spread the drug as well as Ellis and their group.)
Tala Swiftfoot (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

(ALright and noted)

The Vermin folks are the Gang of One Ear Jack since they control this territory and those who enters will find only trouble. They are consist of 10 as the group leader speaks "Say Little bunny...What does cutie like you doing here alone on this late of this hour?" He take a smoke and he stare down at her chest down to her hips.

Tala notice what that leader staring at and looking at the numbers, she can't escape but she had no choice but to play her act. " Well a bunny like me looking for a spot to sell to folks like you" She said it in a sexy way as the other groups begins to like it.

Leader speaks, " So your a cutie prostitute lost on this place huh? well don't get here much but me and my boys are in for a release if you get it."

Tala smile mischievously, but inside she is disgust " Perhaps let me get some protections on my car first, after that we can have a lot of fun with you and your boys."

Leader turn to his men "Hear that fellas, Tonight we're gonna have some good time" They cheer and excited as Tala went to grab some smokebombs and wears her gasmask.

Tala quickly removed the pins and throw it as the smoked expanded that the Vermin Folks were surprised and start coughing.

Tala quickly starts the engines and turn the wheel to the right then hit the panel to drive off. One member saw it that the leader quickly ordered them to get in their motorcycles and chase her.
Ellis turned the corner and noticed the activity. Blinking, they shook their head as they slowed down to watch. Noticing where the chase was going, they were quick to whistle and block the entrance into their territory.
Tala Swiftfoot (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

Tala look at her both side mirrors as they are gaining. Some of them starts shooting as she turn but still hit her front mirror. But one shot her tires as she lost control of her car that she drift and crash to a nearby Blockage Entrance. She was really mad that she quickly get the packaged and run to the alleyway.

The One Ear jack leader saw the car crashing car as he command his boys to split up and find her as they unmount their bikes and grab their bludgeoning weapons and start looking for her.

Tala ran as fast as it lead her to a dead end, hearing their footstep she hid behind the old crates, and grab her switchblade as she clench it tighter.
Shaking thier head, Ellis watched as the group went into the other direction. Shrugging, they spun down the alley they were blocking and sped back to what they saw as home. The building looked like a cheap rental for say lower income folks, but it was actually owned buy Ellis. The building served as their living quarters as well as their group' s meeting place for major tasks or announcements. Entering the garage, they parked and turned off the bike, noting the almost empty gas tank. Pocketing the key, Ellis went inside to the kitchen to make food.
Tala Swiftfoot (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

Tala quickly went out and tackled the individual on the ground as she was gonna stab it, but it turns out just a Ratfolk kid who is rummaging some materials in the dumpster. She stops and get off but he heard some of those vermins folk (She had sharp hearing) said from afar qouted " Theres a noise at the way, Let check it out."

Tala was done for but he saw the Ratfolk kid and asked him if there is some place for her to hide. The Ratfolk Kid was still in fear as Tala scratch her head that gave her an idea, " Hey I will pay you 100- no 500 Iron Coins if you lead me to a place out from this area. Please I beg of ya" The Ratfolk Kid saw that she is serious as he gesture to follow him to the manhole that leads to the sewers.

Tala was disgusted but she had no choiced but to jump in as the Ratfolk Kid followed and close the lid. The vermin folk arrived but found nothing that they continue to search her. The Ratfolk Kid escorted until they reach the Living quarters, Tala look around where many Ratfolks loithering and drinking and some slept on the corner of the street,

As for her Promise she payed the Ratfolk Kid more than 500 which is 800 IC, So the kid thank her and left that leads to Tala where to go next as she started walking around the street and to figure whats next to do.

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