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Forums » General Roleplay » [Closed](Summer Soiree) Firework Spectacular.

Lucas Broderick (played anonymously)

Fireworks spectacular!
Join one of the many tasks needed to be done to help make a Fireworks spectacular at the beach! This rp is a more modern setting, thus magic and nonhumans may draw some strange attention!

Please do not ignore others!
Please be kind and patient!
Keep things pg.13
Have fun! 🧡

The sky was painted in shades of vivid oranges and pinks- the colors dancing across the sparkling waves below. The Beach. While it was had been scorching plenty during the day it began to cool as the evening approached. Gentle breezes encouraged the waves. In this private secluded area there sat one soul. A blonde man with a sunburn stretching his collar and nose. He wore a ridiculously bright pink Hawaiian shirt that covered his shoulders and equally bright yellow shorts for trousers. Goggles sat affixed to the top of his head as he sat on the sand, fidgeting with a lawn chair. It wasn't quite opening up...

To his side rested a paper advertisement he'd plucked from a wall. It read the following:

" Come! Join the communities firework spectacular. Create lasting bonds under the brilliant night sky with those you see everyday.

For the event to be a success the following is needed:
- Fish. (Go catch 'em)
- A campfire. (Man made)
- Fireworks! (Go find them hidden among the private beach. These are provided for you)
Remember to drink water and wear sunscreen!
-illegiable siganture.

Lucas hadn't known who created the event nor the advertisement. Perhaps some city official? Nevertheless he took one and found himself here. The first one! In truth, the bored man just wanted something exciting to do- following the unknown address listed to a secluded beach.
Summers were quiet for him- Lucas having no babysitting engagements today...and all his friends were off traveling. Thus an opportunity to make new friends? Say less.

Yet there the sunburnt man was- still struggling to figure out how to set up his lawn chair. He hadn't even attempted to do the items on the list...perhaps he didn't even read that far. He just wanted to get the darn chair set up for later that evening.
Jerry had kept his head down since arriving in town. Having gotten into some legal trouble and mixed up in some criminal activity that he'd rather not discuss, his parents thought it was best that he get as far away as he could to get a fresh start. Since arriving, Jerry had mostly stayed out of sight and avoided people, but he was getting stir crazy.

While at the grocery store, he caught sight of a flyer on a telephone pole about a beach party. Why not? he thought. Chicks, free food and hopefully some beer... it sounded good to him. Noting the flyer didn't have any official logos or anything, it appeared the event was being put on by someone. The name wasn't legible, but it didn't matter. Jerry didn't know anyone around here anyway.

It was interesting to note the flyer requested fish and a fire that attendees apparently had to come up with themselves. The one thing that was provided, however, was fireworks that had oddly enough been hidden along the beach. Jerry was skeptical, but headed that way. After parking his orange VW bug, he made his way toward the water to see if he could actually find some.
Lucas Broderick (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Ah-ha!" Lucas grinned upon finally getting his chair up and connected. It was brand new- nothing fancy or difficult to put just has an especially intelligent builder. Lucas sat up, feeling proud of himself before hearing a car approach. Curious hues turned to investigate.

The address on the flyer was for a private beach- a small secluded area with large cliffs closing in a section of sand and waves. Just beyond the cliffs, deeper within the opening, one would find a tiny parking lot. It was close enough to the waters for one to hear an approaching vehicle...well if the waves weren't too boisterous. The man raised an eyebrow, an excited grin painting his features as he waited, but while he did wait he decided to read over the note.

"Fish?" He hummed, glancing up to the waters. Maybe he could catch some there? Inspired by this idea Lucas stripped his green crocs and went for the water. It seemed he would try to fish by hand?
Denver Harlem (played anonymously)

Denver was back after the end of the car rally circuit which had brought him some interesting personal news. Outside his business workshop, he saw a handbill was stapled to the old wooden power pole so he walked out to read it...

Come! Join the communities firework spectacular. Create lasting bonds under the brilliant night sky with those you see everyday.

For the event to be a success the following is needed:
- Fish. (Go catch 'em)
- A campfire. (Man made)
- Fireworks! (Go find them hidden among the private beach. These are provided for you)
Remember to drink water and wear sunscreen!
-illegible signature.

Datsun-1200-ute-tempter.jpg"Why not." he said to himself as he went back inside. He closed the shop and gave his two employee mechanics who kept his business open while he was out on the circuit the day off. "Go out and have some fun!" he told them as he pulled off his coveralls. He was going in his grey Nirvana Unplugged t-shirt and the worn Levi's that had the knees ripped out. He took off his work-boots and put on his cross-trainers and put on the surplus khaki Desert Storm hat before getting his wheeled Coleman and filling it with all the snowballs he had kept from that winter storm. They were effectively ice-balls now, but they would work in place of a bag of ice from the ice machine outside his shop. He put in the bottles of Sierra Nevada Pale and Deschutes Mirror Pond with a couple bottles of water, and grabbed that old pack of skyrockets he had.

Mirror-Pond.pngLoading a backpack and the cooler in the back of his old 1971 Datsun 1200 pick-up, Denver checked the address. He knew that beach... at least he thought he did. He drove out and did find a small car park. He was glad he got there early enough to get a parking spot near the trail that led down to the beach. Parked right next to a nice old orange VW Bug. Taking his backpack by a single strap over his shoulder, he got his Coleman out and walked the track down to where the roar of waves rolling in became louder.

When he reached the sand, rolling the Coleman became harder so he muscled it along before deciding he was at the perfect spot. He wasn't too far away from a guy he was guessing was the driver of the orange bug, and as he unpacked his folding camp chair he set it down next to the Coleman and kicked back and looked around. There was an empty new chair set up, and Denver guessed the guy heading into the surf was its owner. Reaching into his Coleman, he took out a Deschutes Mirror Pond bottle and popped the cap with the opener that was on the side. He picked up the cap and threw it back in the cooler before he sipped his beer and watch people. He had a good spot, and would see anyone else who came down the path from the parking lot.
Lucas Broderick (played anonymously) Topic Starter

One may think after vanishing for several minutes Lucas would return victoriously- fish for the currently invisible but eventually packed beach. Lucas had hoped he'd return with great loot, yet he came clammorimg back to the beach with a sullen expression and one less pair of goggles. Not so much as a shrimp clung to his wet form.

The poor mood didn't last long, however, for once he spotted other life at the beach Lucas perked up. Not far from his chair sat another- with a man and cooler to boot. A wide grin painted his red burnt face, "Hey. Good to see someone else. " Lucas trudged through the sand, no doubt kicking sand up and about as he approached Denver. Wiping his wet hand against his wet body he offered it to the man, "Lucas. Nice to meet you. Did you grab a flyer too?" He hummed, his gaze falling on the cooler. It wouldn't be long before the man went to peak inside. Pale ale caught his attention.

"I tried getting fish. It's pretty hard to catch them without a rod." An uneasy laugh escaped as he nodded towards the rods laying further on the beach. Perhaps he should have just used that to begin with....
Jerry noted the other two. He wasn't much of a social butterfly, so kept to himself for the moment. There was not a start time mentioned, so maybe he was early. It was also a possibility that this whole thing was a bust or a hoax. Still, having nothing better to do, he began poking around to see if there were any fireworks to be found.

He didn't put much effort into his hunt and kept eyeing the man with the cooler. More specifically, Jerry was looking at the cooler. Finally, he got brave enough to a approach the pair. "Hey there," Jerry said with a slight nod. "Got any beer?" Even if he didn't, maybe he'd have a soda. Jerry of course had nothing to offer in return. That didn't stop him however.

"You know anything about this party," he asked after a moment. "I mean, I'm not sure if there really is a party. I saw some flyer on a telephone pole and I'm new in town and thought I'd check it out."
Sunnie Rose (played by Kotomi657)

The life of the party had arrived.

Atleast that's what she liked to call herself.
Sunnie came trotting through the entrance, her bright eyes still stuck on the orange bug she saw parked back there. It was cute. There were three people at the beach already- all of them congregating around a cooler.

A contagious smile spread on her lips, and with one more adjustment of her sunhat she approached the group. Sunnie quickly kicked off her sandals, bending to grab them as she made her way to the group. Her first unfortunate target was the 'unsociable' Jerry. The woman approached him and immediately wrapped her arm within his as if she'd known him for years. "Hellooo!" Sunnie chimed, taking the time to study the total strangers. None of them looked familiar. Sunnie wore a beige coverup which concealed her bathing suit, and a matching sunhat that shaded her sunshine face. Plopping her bag down to the side she happened to notice the beer Denver had. "Alright, there's some drinks-" The woman wasted no time taking one of her own. One hand held it while the other searched through her bag.

"There's fruit sandwiches. My cigs- ah but i'm not sharing those." Sunnie giggled to herself before cracking open her beer bare handed.

"Mm- no fireworks yet?" She noted there was nothing there. "I guess we're gonna go find them?" Sunnie looked right to Jerry, the only person she'd directly touched since entering. "Or you?" She peered over to Lucas, chuckling as she saw his sunburnt cheeks.
Lucas Broderick (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"I've lived here for a few years. Nice place!" Lucas responded joyfully. "Name's Lucas. Nice to meet you Jerry, and you-" Lucas peaked at Denver before taking a seat in his chair. He could hear the chipper voice from behind and spotted a woman approach the group. Great! The more the merrier. He noted how she seemed eager to do one of the checklist items- search for fireworks.

"I ...I think i'll stay back. I've got to figure out the fish." He rubbed his head. "I don't know anything about the party. I just saw the flyer too. Thought i'd come through?" Lucas shrugged as he responded to Jerry. It would seem no one currently here was the maker of the event. Nevertheless he reached over and tried fiddling with the fishing rod. He was determined to make it work despite never having fished in his life.
Traveler (played by Pigglepix)

After thoroughly assessing the setting around her, Trav read over the flyer. She seemed to be in the right place. Of all the tasks, campfires were always fun to make. She noticed the small group talking. Right. Just act normal. You're an adult, you can do this. Well, barely an adult. Still, basic conversation should be easy. She shyly approached them. "Hey. You all here for the Firework Festival Thing?" She asked, awkwardly holding the flier.
Lucas Broderick (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Lucas noticed the newcomer first and flashed a grin. "That's right. This is the spot. Welcome in!" Lucas nodded the new friend over to himself and the spare fishing rods beside him. "We haven't really started yet but..." he tried to judge the person's age from just looking. They might be an adult? "Beers and soda are in the cooler. I'm trying to figure out how to get this fishing rod working. You wouldn't have any experiance in that would you?" He asked standing up and trying to toss the bait into the water. Somehow the string didn't even cast out.

Lucas sighed before looking to Trav again. " Name's Lucas by the way! What's yours? Have you lived in town long?"
Traveler (played by Pigglepix)

Being only 20, she grabbed a soda with a smile. "Thanks. I'm Traveler, but you can call me Trav. Chosen name of course. And, yeah, I'm just visiting this town. Beachside is always nice. Anyway, I've only fished a few times, but never really successfully. But... I think it would help if you untangled the string." She said with an awkward chuckle.
As Jasmine ambled through the bustling marketplace one sunny afternoon, her gaze fell upon a vibrant flier pinned to a wooden post. The flier advertised a spectacle that would ignite the night sky with awe-inspiring radiance:
" Come! Join the communities firework spectacular. Create lasting bonds under the brilliant night sky with those you see everyday.

For the event to be a success the following is needed:
- Fish. (Go catch 'em)
- A campfire. (Man made)
- Fireworks! (Go find them hidden among the private beach. These are provided for you)
Remember to drink water and wear sunscreen!
-illegiable siganture.

Jasmine's heart skipped a beat as she envisioned the mesmerizing display of colors and the thunderous booms that would echo through the air. A surge of excitement coursed through her veins as she realized that this was her chance to be a part of something truly extraordinary. Wow! Fireworks! She does like them!

At the time Jasmine arrived at the said place, there are already some crowd, probably having the same excitement as hers to watch the fireworks. "Oh... Nice." She muttered, trying to see if she knows any familiar face that she could talk to.
"Jerry," he mumbled in response as introductions were made. He looked a tad uncomfortable as Sunnie embraced him but made no effort to stop her. Fortunately, she had brought food... and beer which Jerry helped himself to and cracked one open. Slowly more people began to arrive. As they did, he nodded in acknowledgement to them as salutations were exchanged.

Jerry had no fishing equipment and zero interest in fishing anyway. That left gathering firewood for the bonfire or looking for fireworks. He'd achieved his goal already in acquiring some beer. Unfortunately, the rest of Sunnie's offerings were a bit too healthy for his liking. Having nowhere else to go, Jerry opted to hang around for awhile.

The best way to avoid having to be social was to start searching. That way it at least presented the illusion that he was contributing something to the group although he didn't particularly care if they viewed him as a freeloader. Worst case, if things got too awkward, he could simply leave. It was unlikely he'd see these people again.

Jerry began lazily scouring the area. The low hanging fruit would be anything that could be used for the bonfire. Maybe he'd even find a firework or two, assuming someone had really planted some.
Traveler (played by Pigglepix)

After a moment of people arriving, Trav decided it could probably be a good idea to get to work. "Do you know any places to get quality firewood around here? I mean, were kind of on a beach so..." She asked to no one in particular, glancing around for any trees or anything.
Denver Harlem (played anonymously)

(Dang, got behind real fast)
"Hey. Good to see someone else. " Lucas trudged through the sand, no doubt kicking sand up and about as he approached Denver. Wiping his wet hand against his wet body he offered it to the man, "Lucas. Nice to meet you. Did you grab a flyer too?" He hummed, his gaze falling on the cooler. It wouldn't be long before the man went to peak inside. Pale ale caught his attention.
"Hey there," Jerry said with a slight nod. "Got any beer?" Even if he didn't, maybe he'd have a soda. Jerry of course had nothing to offer in return. That didn't stop him however.

"You know anything about this party," he asked after a moment. "I mean, I'm not sure if there really is a party. I saw some flyer on a telephone pole and I'm new in town and thought I'd check it out."
"Alright, there's some drinks-" The woman wasted no time taking one of her own. One hand held it while the other searched through her bag.

"There's fruit sandwiches. My cigs- ah but i'm not sharing those."

Denver looked up at the soggy guy. Must have felt good getting in the water. "Denver, have a beer." he opened the cooler and the guy grabbed one. "Someone put a handbill up on the power pole by my auto-shop. Read it, and guessed it would be this beach. Looks like I was right."

He left the cooler open as the other guy came over. Denver nodded to him. "Do I got beer? I have a good stock of two of the best brews around. Have one." Denver grabbed a Sierra Nevada and popped the cap before handing the guy the bottle. "I'm Denver. I just saw a flyer on a post and came to this beach. Wasn't sure what to expect. I'm curious. Is that your Bug parked up there?"

He paused to check out the cutie that approached and got her hand in the cooler to get a Mirror Pond. "Hello... I'm Denver..." he got out before he grabbed an apple she had. HE didn't want to tell her he brought some of his own fireworks. "It's cool.. I don't smoke cigarettes." Denver pulled a joint out of the side pouch of his pack next to his chair. "But I'll gladly share this with you guys if you like."

Looking over to Lucas who headed off toward the rods. "Hey, better luck fishing with the gear." He then looked to the girl with the big blue eyes and gave her a nod. He didn't have any sodas in his cooler but surely others had some. He then spotted a lady coming down the track to the beach and Denver waved her over. "The more the merrier!"

He downed his first beer and set the bottle in the cooler and pulled out another. As people shuffled around introducing themselves, Denver did his best to remember names. He was always bad at that. Anyway, since it was warm out, he thought he'd cool some people off by throwing some of the excess snowballs he had at them....
Lucas Broderick (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Untangled the string? it wasn't supposed to be a tatterd mess like he had it? "Oh..yes. That makes total sense." Lucas hummed with a wry laugh. His hands worked to untangle it as Trav suggested. He heard the sand shuffle as someone new arrived, turning to behold Jasmine."Welcome!" Wow things were getting lively! He couldn't help but smile to himself. No longer was he alone.

Trav had aided him with his endeavor in fishing, and thus decided to return the favor. "Firewood...I haven't fully looked around this little beach yet. BUT-" Lucas glanced back towards the searching Jerry. He spoke loud enough so perhaps the two could hear. "By the parking lot I saw a downed tree! Part of a palm the city didn't remove yet? Maybe we can use that?" He suggested before casting his rod to the water. It landed in the waves with a satisfying bloop. Great! Now to just...wait?

He shrugged, planting his rod up with his lawn chair, drinking from the beer Denver gave, and going through the snacks Sunnie brought. He was stuffing a rolled mini sandwich in his mouth, crouched like a goblin, when he felt a cold embrace. Lucas shrieked in a high pitched voice, spinning around to look at the culprit.

"S-snow?? Where the hell does one get that?" His eyes were wide. It was cold...refreshing. He wanted to wash other in the cold.

"Can I have another?" Lucas was giddy. His eyes turned to the unsuspecting Trav and Jerry...

"Yo!" He looked to Jasmine. "Help me get them!"
Sunnie Rose (played by Kotomi657)

Sunnie was just about to take Jerry off to go looking when he walked off. A playful pout painted her lips but only for a moment. She shun a smile to Denver, holding her beer up to him as if saying Cheers and took big gulps. Denver had already finished his beer. She wouldn't be out drunk- thus she downed hers and added it to the collection.

Noting both Trav and Jerry seemingly looking for firewood Sunnie decided to go to Jasmine. She waved and smiled. "Welcome! You didn't see any fireworks did you?" Sunnie hummed before waving a hand. "Wait- you just got here. Please- take a drink. Beer? Fruit? Oh yeah- i brought cider soda too." Sunnie was walking back to the stuff people brought. Happening to glance in Denver's bag(?). "Hey!" Sunnie crouched down. There were fireworks there!

"I found some!" The girl lifted her hands victriously. Those weren't as hard to find as she thought. "Light them up!" Sunnie didn't care that the sun wasn't fully down yet.

They probably needed a campfire soon. It was getting dark.

Regardless, feeling as if she did her part, she went to strip her shoes and her feet soon met the cold embrace of the water. She shivered. "Oooh! So cold! "
Sunnie Rose (played by Kotomi657)

((Yay so many people! I will do my beat not to ignore peeps. Welcome Welcome:) let's try to include each other. BTW feel free to put fireworks or Firewood wherever your character might find it! Add elements to the beach- whatever ya'll want.))
Jerry nodded and went to go find the downed tree. There were several good branches that would work that were broken from the trunk. It was a shame he didn't have anything to cut them up into smaller pieces. As he went to drag a branch toward the beach, he found a small wrapped package bound with twine beneath it.

Curious, Jerry undid the string and found a handful of bottle rockets wrapped inside some brown paper. "Huh," Jerry mused aloud. "Okay, I guess someone did hide some fireworks." He shrugged and headed back to the group.

"I found a few by that tree," Jerry announced pointing back the way he had come. He held out the handful of bottle rockets he'd recovered. "There are some big branches that could be used for the bonfire. It would be easier to move them and they'd burn a bit better if they could be cut up. I don't have a saw or anything, though."
Sunnie Rose (played by Kotomi657)

"Swweeeet-" Seeing that Jerry had obtained more fireworks, Sunnie left the waters edge and grabbed hold of his loot. She'd take them over to a less crowded area of beach as she tried to figure out how they worked. It only consisted of her turning the thing in her hands several times before furrowing her brows. "Yeah...I have no idea how to use this. Maybe I can just light it up with my lighter- the fuse part?" Somehow the thought of holding such dangerous explosives made her nervous. Not that Sunnie would want to show it though.

"Okay...change of plans! Imma take a smoke break and then I'll be back to figure it out. " Retreating to her bag she fished out a cigarette and lit it with her lighter. "Lighters here if you need it! I don't have anything to cut the wood with but...I mean i have a small knife for fruit?" Sunnie chuckled weakly figuring that wouldn't be much help. Nevertheless, not wanting to be rude she took a few paces up the beach to smoke in a place away from the others.

Goodness...the thought of using the fireworks was both exciting and nerve-wracking!

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Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus