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Forums » General Roleplay » [Closed](Summer Soiree) Firework Spectacular.

Traveler (played by Pigglepix)

Trav gave a thumbs up to Jerry and Sunny as they left with the fireworks before heading over to the tree. "No saw, no problem." She said to herself as she pulled out a pair of vaguely fantasy-esque daggers to cut up the branches. Were they a little out of place? Probably. She hoped no one will ask too many questions about why she has them, but that was probably inevitable. After cutting the branches into more manageable sizes, she put away her daggers and brought the wood over to the main site that everyone was mostly gathered in.
Denver Harlem (played anonymously)

Denver saw Sunnie rummaging around in his backpack and he smiled. "Have at them. Have another beer too if you like." Denver sipped his second. He wasn't much into searching for fireworks or fishing for that matter. A bonfire though.... that would be nice especially after dark. He did have a supply of marshmallows and graham crackers and chocolate so they could make smores ... that is if Sunnie didn't already make off with the stuff.

It was good those old fireworks were going to get used. He looked at the guy searching for fireworks. He was more into that than talking cars which was cool. He got up and went over to use Sunnie's lighter to light the joint he had and took a long toke before handing the lighter back. "You don't need to cut firewood. there is plenty of driftwood up that way we can use. Just pile it on when the fire gets going. Will need some dry tinder to get it burning though. I do have some sterno tabs in my pack".

Denver walked up and gathered an armload of drift wood of smaller sizes, and in doing so, he found some fireworks. Cool! He has more to launch after dark. He got back to where the others were gathered in the dry sand which was the best place to start a fire. He piled the driftwood there the one called 'Trav' had piled theirs. It was of course right near where his chair was... They would have a fire going right quick.
(OOC: I'm sorry for my late reply ;_;)

Jasmine' lips curving into a warm smile, was about to respond Denver when a voice cut through the air. Lucas, his tone urgent, shouted, 'Yo!' He turned his gaze towards Jasmine.

Jasmine found herself caught in a moment of indecision. She was torn between responding to Denver's invitation and helping Lucas with whatever task he had in mind. The conflicting calls for her attention left her momentarily astonished, unsure of which to address first.

Jasmine's attention shifted towards Sunnie. "Oh, let me assist you with the fireworks." Jasmine uttered. She was a bit hesitant about offering to help with the fishing, unsure of her skills in that area. As Sunnie retreated for a smoke break, Jasmine approached Denver, who was diligently stacking a pile of driftwood. Her smile widened, and her voice held a genuine eagerness as she asked, "May I help you?"
Jerry was a bit perplexed. Had Sunnie never seen fireworks before? "You need a bottle or at least a can to put the stick in before lighting the wick," Jerry explained. "When I was a kid, we used to make wrist rocket launchers and have bottle rocket fights using pieces of PVC pipe by taping them to our arms. Not the brightest thing we did."

Fortunately, since some of the attendees had brought coolers with beer and soda, they'd have the needed bottles to launch the bottle rockets. Jerry wondered if they had other types of fireworks hidden. He decided to go look. Hopefully there were some M80s or Blackcats. Firecrackers were always fun and as a child, he had used them to blow up little green army men. He also enjoyed the little army tanks that rolled forward and then shot mini sparklers from their turrets followed by two small blasts.

Several of the other people on the beach were gathering drift wood for the fire. One was using some oddly shaped knives to cut the wood. Jerry decided to go back to his search. He'd gather more wood and maybe find a few more fireworks in the process.
Lucas Broderick (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Lucas pursed his lips but ultimately decided to forget the snow and go back to fishing. To his surprise the line started bobing. The man gasped and approached it quickly- soon producing a tiny fish! Not enough to really feed a group but it was a start! "Yes! I caught one!" Lucas beamed happily, glancing over to Trav who happened to be closest to him. He wanted to show off his catch!

Lucas would then set up the other unused rods with bait and had them waiting for other catches. He's cook them up once the fire was made.

Lucas saw the others starting to set up the fire and noted there was already a pile of fireworks forming. Many of them he hadn't seen or used before. It was becoming exciting. He turned his attention to Jerry. "Those sound pretty cool. I used to play with those tiny army men all the time. You seem to know what you're doing. Great. I don't know anything about fireworks." Bashfully he rubbed his head.
Sunnie Rose (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Sunnie got about half way through when she noticed people gathering around the beginnings of a bonfire. The woman hummed in amusement, putting out her cig before trotting over. They were getting to the fun part without her!

She noted Jerry had found some fireworks and even brought some wood to be used. To his comment she produced a joyful grin. "You're right! I don't know a thing about fireworks. I've only seen them in movies! I never grew up doing fun stuff like this." She cast her gaze to the already darkening sky. The light of day was practically gone a day the start of twinkling stars could be seen overhead. Sunnie looked to Trav and smiled politely. "Thanks for gathering wood by the way. Here come with me-" Sunnie looped Trav's arm and tried to guide them back towards the starting of the fire. "Sunburnt boy. You come too-" she told Lucas who seemed to be following behind. Lucas indulged in more snacks.

Her nose caught whiff of the joint Denver smoked and she rose a brow with intrigue. She'd never done anything as harsh but she was alittle curious. "Jasmine. Denver. Get the fire going, yeah? I saw you had those smores-" she pointed to Denver. "Teach me how to make them!" Simple things like smores Sunnie had never done.

She then looked at Jerry. "And you- show me how to light a fireworks properly. We have two bottles already but...I think we need to drink more." Reaching into the cooler she retrieved the empty well as a fresh one for herself.
Traveler (played by Pigglepix)

Trav gave Lucas a thumbs up when he returned with the fish. "Great catch! Well, slightly mediocre catch, but still pretty good for your first time!" Then she turned to Sunnie. "No problem!" She said as she followed Sunnie to the fire location.
Lucas Broderick (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

With Sunnie's invitation Lucas came over by the budding bonfire too. He wouldn't waste time taking the lighter and illuminating their quickly darkening space with light. It painted their surroundings in warm amber light. "Nice." Lucas was content, occasionally glancing back at the rods he had set up. He glanced to Trav and seemed to be wondering what conversation he should make. "Want to help me try and light a firework?" He held up a box of sparklers. "These count right?" He chuckled and opened it up. He lit the tip of the sparkler in the fire before taking a few steps away. The air was filled with a light hissing- and bright colors of red accompanied the golden hues of the fire.
Thanks for gathering wood by the way. Here come with me-" Sunnie looped Trav's arm and tried to guide them back towards the starting of the fire. "Sunburnt boy. You come too-" she told Lucas who seemed to be following behind. Lucas indulged in more snacks.

Jerry shrugged and went with her. "Sure," he replied.

She then looked at Jerry. "And you- show me how to light a fireworks properly. We have two bottles already but...I think we need to drink more." Reaching into the cooler she retrieved the empty well as a fresh one for herself.

"Drink more? I like you already," Jerry said warming up to Sunnie. "So, not much to it, really."

He took an empty bottle and stuck the long stick of the bottle rocket in the bottle so the actual fire work part was still sticking out. He took care to make sure that the wick was outside the bottle.

"Now just take your lighter and light the wick and stand back," he instructed. He made a gesture to allow Sunnie to light the firework herself.
Sunnie Rose (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Sunnie watched with great attention as Jerry prepared the rocket. Sunnie's summer afternoons prior to this had been filled with studying. There had never been any friends to hang with or time for events. A sense of excitement welled it's way inside her, and once he gave her the okay, she approached the bottle rocket and lit the whick that stuck out of the top of the bottle. The bright flame came to life snd she quickly shuffled back. The sizzle sound was louder than expected!

"Okay! Now what do I do again?" She laughed already eager to see the display , but she may have been standing too close. That second beer wasn't helping her mind as she sipped it.
Lucas Broderick (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Whether or not the others actively engage further in the fireworks display, the sky was soon lit ablaze. Colors of purple, and blues- Scarlets and greens painted the skies above. Lucas found himself eventually looking up from his sparkler and admiring the colors. A toothy grin painted his features. "Look at that! Maybe we weren't the only place doing stuff like this." He hummed in amusement.

Turning back he noticed Sunnie alittle too close to her rocket. "Oh! More back-" he rushed to her side, pulling her back and watching as their own little rocket flew up into the air. It was their little parties addition to the spectacle above.

The rods were left waiting their catch...though likely now it wouldn't happen. Nevertheless, despite not having caught many fish or forming many new relations, Lucas enjoyed the spectacle and fun he endured watching the fireworks with strangers.


((Thanks for playing while you did!))
Denver Harlem (played anonymously)

Denver and Jasmine got a fire going, and Jerry taught Sunni the intricacies of the handling and enjoyment of fireworks. It was quite a nice little gathering of strangers here on the beach!

Denver only managed to drink four of his beers and smoke two joints, so even though the party was wrapping up, he though he'd stay in his chair a while longer. He dug around in among the melted snowballs and found two more Deschutes at the bottom. That cute Sunnie woman didn't drink all his beers after all. He cracked one open and tossed a wet, watery snowball at Sunnie as she walked by...
Jerry showed Sunnie how to use the fireworks again. They found a few more and enjoyed lighting up the sky as they found some more and then spent the remainder of the evening chilling around the bonfire.

Jerry realized he wished this moment could last forever. Unfortunately, he'd likely never see the people again. He had to keep moving. Eventually, after saying his goodbyes, he got into his orange VW bug and disappeared into the night.

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