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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Summer Soiree: Festival of the Sun

You all are invited to the Festival of the Sun, your invitation was given to you through a strange letter delivered to you! The festival is an event hosted by the God of the Sun himself, to pay your respects to the sun, through fun and exciting activities! You can participate in the dances, meet new people, meet the God of the Sun, play carnival games, or even participate in the Sun's Feast! You can enjoy what is provided, with options for every species, or bring your own food!

The festival will take place in an open field, directly in the sunlight, so you can bask in the warmth of his righteous love! Feeling too hot? Don't worry, there still are trees to rest under, as well as tents to rest inside!

"The Sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world's joy." - Kirito Åarons (God of the Sun)

(Quote actually by Henry Ward Beecher)
Kirito Åarons (played by SkyCheese) Topic Starter

"Welcome, all, to the Festival! Please, enjoy yourselves! And don't be afraid to meet somebody! This is not just to celebrate the sun, but to celebrate life itself, and the wonderful creations you all have made! Don't be afraid to laugh, to play, or to just relax. This is YOUR time to enjoy yourselves!" He stood around in the middle of the field, his nine tails flowing behind him as he bowed for a second. He seemed to be dressed in a dress akin to robes, or perhaps a kimono. He stood straight and smiled his big, toothy grin, and looked around at the crowd.
Father Corhi Landor was sitting in his bed chamber before he received his letter, doing every child's favorite activity: reading ancient religious texts. As the lead of the Landorian religion, it was most of what the young corgi did daily. Every day, sitting down, reading tales of how an old guy spread virtuous teachings, things the Saint in White did, etc etc. While it sounds boring, it was, to him, his favorite thing to do. And he did not like being disturbed while doing so.

So what was a surprise was a knock on his chamber door.
Corhi let out a long sigh as he opened the door, seeing his servant on the other side.
"Ugh... What is it?" Corhi whined.
The servant presented him a letter. "This was addressed to you. It is an invitation to a festival of some sort for a different religion. Some sort of... Sun god."
Corhi tilted his head. "A sun god? I am connected to the sun god! The Saint in White! How could there be a different one!"
The servant spoke calmly. "This seems to be dedicated to a god of the sun, not ours, which lives inside of it. I'd consider going if I were you, it might be fun, and it would be a good way to raise support for us from these people."
Corhi thought for a moment. "... Very well, I will attend. Let me change into some more fitting clothes."
After a while, Corhi exited his quarters clad in his full vestments, mitre, and scepter spear.
"Is this festival close or should I use teleportation?" Corhi asked the servant.
"Teleportation would be advised, sir." The servant answered. "I will send some of our finest knights with you to defend you, in case any attempts at assassination are made."
And so, with a nod, Corhi summoned a circle of golden light beneath him and appeared at the grounds of the festival, appearing in a beam of light with two heavily clad knights at his side. He took a look around, looking to see if any other guests have arrived.
A soft flutter of wings reached her ears, and a moment later, a pristine envelope descended gently onto her writing desk. With trembling hands, she reached out and unsealed the parchment, her heart pounding with anticipation. The elegant script danced upon the page, extending an invitation to the prestigious Summer Soiree from the God of Sun himself. Vanille had attended the event the previous year, an unforgettable experience that had left her both dazzled and bewildered.

As she read the words, a nagging question gnawed at her mind: how did these invitations always find her way? Isolated in her humble village, with little contact beyond its borders, it seemed impossible that she would be included in such an exclusive gathering.

Emboldened by this newfound knowledge, Vanille decided to embrace the unknown. She would attend the Summer Soiree again, not as a bewildered outsider but as one who sought to unravel its secrets. This time, her portal will bring her to the place that printed on the letter. And once she jumped to the other side, a nine tails fox greeted them, dressed in a kimono.

With a surge of courage, Vanille approached the group and inquired about the invitations.

"Hey, you look.... awesome." She muttered to Kirito.
Kirito Åarons (played by SkyCheese) Topic Starter

The god turned to the new arrival and gave her a bow. Once he stood tall again, he smiled. "Thank you, you look splendid, my dear. I am glad you could make it to the festival. Please, help yourself to anything you wish. Or perhaps you have an inquiry?" He had the toothy grin still on his face, his emerald green eyes fixed on her with an attentive, yet relaxed gaze. She had his attention now. He radiated a calming aura, and standing so close to him, he gave off a soft warmth, like a gentle hug. He also smelled of flowers and a tiny bit of candy.
Corhi looked up to Kirito.
"Ah, you must be the leader of this festival!" He said, speaking strangely maturely with a high grammar for his age. "I am Father Corhi Landor, leader of the Landorian faith and resonator of the White Priest. What's your name?"
Kirito Åarons (played by SkyCheese) Topic Starter

He turned to Corhi. "Hello, young priest. My name is Kirito, I welcome you to my festival. Please, allow me to finish my previous conversation before we begin one." He smiled and softly bowed to the young one.

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