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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Summer Soiree: Dancing With The Fae (CLOSED)


There is a circle of mushrooms not far from where you're currently standing.

Something about it immediately captivates you, though you can't put your finger on why. There really isn't much else to it, is there? You find it interesting that it forms a perfect circle, but aside from that, nothing spectacular stands out to you.

At least, from a glance. Something in your gut is telling you that this is no ordinary circle.

This is a fairy ring. No matter where you stand in time, you know that there is a great deal of folklore that surrounds these circles. Some say they bring good fortune. Some say they are dangerous and best avoided.

Yet this one makes you feel... Safe. Welcome, even.

You are not drawn to the ring out of your own curiosities, you realize. An unknown force, a supernatural hand, is trying to coax you towards it. And as you do, your senses are fluttering. You feel warm and fuzzy, you smell something delicious and sweet, and you hear the faint sound of music. Music with a hearty rhythm that fills you with a sudden burst of energy.

Your toes are barely touching the mushrooms now. As the music gently swims in your ears, a honeyed voice calls out to you...

"My my, now look at you. You seem weary, traveler. Are you tired? Lonely? Bored, even? Tsk, tsk... That won't do you any good, will it?"

The voice seemingly wants you to step into the circle, yet you do not feel forced to do so.

"I might know a trick or two. I can melt away all your troubles... if only for a little while."

This is an invitation.

"Care to join me for a dance?~"

Hi there! Welcome to my Summer Soiree topic! Nice to see you. ^_^

This is NOT my first time hosting one of these, and considering how well my last two topics went, it won't be the last! So allow me to set up the stage and lay out some ground rules:

This is a dance party! Nameless has set up an area in their domain to meet some new people. There is music and a place to dance, but there are also snacks and refreshments for people who'd rather sit aside and calmly watch the fun.

The setting is high fantasy, but anyone is allowed to stop by! Fairy rings have been suddenly appearing everywhere, in suburban areas, outside of kingdoms, on alien planets deep in space, and more. (So in case you're curious, yes- Fandom OCs and Canon Characters are also welcome to join!)

Your character is in a large yet closed-off area underground. Should you wish to leave, Nameless will guide you to the large fairy ring in the room. You may back out of (and by extension, return to) my topic at any time! The fairy rings will teleport people to Nameless' realm for the duration of the soiree.

No harm/non-consensual trickery will be done to your character! Nameless is usually up to no good, but to abide by the rules of RPR, she will play nice for the event. Still, I'd avoid giving her your real name if I were you.

Remember to keep it civil! IC drama is okay, but please, keep it IC. We're here to have fun!

And lastly, don't be afraid to PM me if you have any questions or concerns! I promise, I don't bite. I wanna make sure this event is fun for everyone involved!

Aaaaaaand, that's it! With that, come on in and have some fun! :D
Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

((apologies in advance for anything kellie might say. They can be a grouchy little thing sometimes lol))

A dark haired woman stops barely short of the little ring of mushrooms that sat neatly on the humid forest floor. They had heard of such strange fae things but had never seen one up close. Fae were tricky, and sly.... would act friendly whilst plotting the worst... And yet... This one felt different. It did not make them uneasy; quite the opposite in fact. And after so long of walking, with no purpose except to survive, maybe a rest was well earned. Maybe they could have a little fun without worrying about how a being might perceive their 'humaness'. Here, they could relax.

They stepped into the ring, eyes closed should something strange happen. It would be their first going through such a thing and they did not know all the etiquette the fae would expect of them... Best behaviour, Kellie. They told themself. But don't forget you are here to enjoy yourself.
The Nameless One (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

The mushrooms would glow brightly the moment anyone stood dead in the center of the circle.

The next moment was a blur, a warm and bright violation of the five senses that could barely be registered in anyone's mind. It very quickly subsided, leaving whoever stood in the circle in a new place entirely.

A different ring, a larger one, in a dark little underground tunnel. Roots from trees were entwined so tightly they formed sturdy walls, and the ground was carpeted by soft, green moss. Up ahead, there were lights- many of them. Luminescent mushrooms of many colours- vibrant pinks and blues and yellows and greens, would become more and more apparent the further down the hall, squirming through spaces in the otherwise water-tight walls.

The end of the hallway reveals a much grander space, almost like a ballroom. Vines hung from an abnormally tall ceiling, more glowing mushrooms adorned the walls, and the room itself, while currently void of people, was set up in anticipation for them.

The main area for dancing was a large flowerbed- almost a meadow- with music coming from some unknown crevice in the area. Off to a far wall were long picnic benches made of split logs, brimming with various foods- Sugary sweets like cakes, custards, tarts, candied fruits, and more sat neatly in wooden bowls and plates, accompanied by large pitchers of fresh milk and cups of tea served ice cold. That explains the sweet smell wafting from the fairy ring.

It seemed worrying about appearances would be the least of anyone's concerns, as the hostess seemed less than human herself. A purple-skinned humanoid with elven ears, fluffy violet hair, and vibrant butterfly wings, was finishing setting up the snack table when their antennae suddenly raised to the sky. A guest?

The faerie turned around with a wry smile at the dark-haired woman, clasping her large hands together in delight.

"Ohhh, goodie!" They stepped forward, with grace. "I was wondering when my guests would arrive."

Her antennae twitched as she approached. She appeared to be examining the newcomer, sensing something unusual. She looked human... but was she as ordinary as she looked? The urge to ask for names to be given was irresistible... But the faerie decided against it. She took names all the time, why not do something else for once? She'd always get a chance to do so later.

This person could keep her name. For now...

"And who do I have the pleasure of meeting today?"
Nothing said summer shenanigans like sprinting barefoot through a forest with a month's worth of stolen loot on one's shoulders.

Splattered in lukewarm dew and green grassy stains, Artie and Sprite dashed amongst the mossy hills, brambles catching onto their skins and clothing as they raced onward. Fingers of one hand each intertwined, the others clenched coarse-woven sacks of kilograms of forcefully borrowed runearcks: enchanted bones of species long vanished, which were especially prized among collectors. After spending so much time glued to the sides of their platonic companions, the self-willed sapphics'd decided to take on a mission as a duo for once.. and, well, here they were.

"Eyy- ey! Think w'lost 'em!" Sprite gasped when they darted across a rocky creek. Artie didn't need to be told so twice. "Bahh!" Like an old tractor her uncle back home refused to give up on, she sagged to her knees with a violent creak, dropping the jiggly bag of bones besides her. "A.. told ye about the.. the turrets. Pfft, A think A know what Randle's complainin' 'bout now," Artie chuckled, kneading her pained fingers into the soft mucky leaves below them. She looked up to her lover, her cheeks red and puffy with exhaustion. There was the glisten of a smile, though- not a day went by where she couldn't appreciate the sheet stupidity of her wee ol' Sprite.

"Hmm.. what 'bout?" Sprite smirked, lifting Artie to her feet. "'Bout how much of a.. dashin', smart, sexy moron I am?" She slipped her hand onto Artie's lower back and twirled around to pin her against a thick, low-hanging branch, leaning in for a kiss. "Aye, mostly the moron bit-" Schnap!

Packed with the weight of the two, the lumbering lovers fell right through the branch, down a very gentle slope of thorny bushes and sharp, dead wood, right towards of the edge of someplace very interesting.

Soft, bulbous fungi stood aligned in a circle. The air was heavy with a potent magickal aura- so strong, even, that it let the forest around them fade away, and draw them into a trance of peace and merry cosiness. Too stumped to carry on with their romantic racket, they sat crouched and watched as Mother Nature's own ballroom manifested around them, fitted with lights and lush vines that reached up into impressive heights. And, in the middle of it all, a stranger conversing with a purple-skinned humanoid, yet unaware of their gracious entrance. Artie and Sprite exchanged looks, and quickly scurried over towards the side of the ballroom, watching the unknown woman and purple creature with wide eyes.

"Huh.. that an Nnos of some sort?" Sprite whispered, only to be shut up by a squeeze into her palm. Nope, they looked to magickal to be dwarfy. Besides, no humanoid native to Eyremos would be able to fashion an illusionary realm of these proportions.. "Ye think we should tell 'em hi?" Artie whispered back after a while. No souls had been sucked out yet, and the gentle summer warmth that hung in the air was actually quite pleasant. "A at least wanna compliment their music choice." Not her usual style, but being in a softened mood as she was, Artie could appreciate tunes that reminded her of home.
aster (played by Rua)

despite knowing it's a bad idea and the.. ghost thing that follows him everywhere, as if it's attached voices that its dangerous and shouldn't be trusted. Aster doesn't listen though, instead he hops inside the mushroom circle verses better judgement.

"This should be okay... Just don't give it your name... Just don't give it your name..." Aster repeats as a reminder

"This is a foolish idea! You'll be trapped! Remember last time you came into contact with a fae-" the ghost says scolding

"Please just shut it, it seems friendly...."
The Nameless One (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

It took The Nameless One a moment or two to notice there had been two new arrivals.

Ultimately, the increase in murmuring voices were what gave them away. Upon hearing something besides the music or the sound of her own voice, the two yellow antennae atop her head raised upwards once more, like a rabbit's ears. They waved around briefly, as if scanning the room, and after they locked onto the presence of someone by the mouth of the hallway, the faerie turned her attention to it.

"Pardon," She whispered to Kellie, closing in on Artie and Sprite.

"Well, well! More guests!" Their wings fluttered excitedly. "It was only a matter of time before travelers would start rolling in. That makes me happy!"

Once more, the antenna twitched. Almost as if trying to get to know the people in front of them. Something about Artie in particular made them itch- and that something was the faintest smell of metal. Did this person have iron on her? Or was she just around iron very often? Nameless' skin crawled at the thought, causing them to scratch gently at one of their shoulders, but did not back down. These two, who seemed very close, did not appear to have any malintent. There was no need to be rude and jump to conclusions, after all.

"Mm, I get the feeling you two don't know why you're here," Nameless tilted her head, noting the wide eyes she was getting from the couple. "Well, you're welcome to stay awhile, if you're so inclined!~"

The Nameless One's gaze drifted elsewhere, specifically to the hallway, where someone else was hesitantly approaching.

"Oh! Another one?" Nameless' smile did not falter as she beckoned Aster closer. "Come now, don't be shy! The more the merrier, I'll say.~"
Not saying a word, Artie's hand silently wrapped around Sprite's as the glowy-eyed entity fixed their attention onto them. Yet when they spoke up to welcome them, there was nothing but warmth in their voice - or was there? -, its feminine timbre colored with polite happiness. Clueless as they were, they were welcome. That wasn't the kinda phrase they heard often when breaking into someone's personal zone.

"Aye, uh- thank you. We'll keep that in.. mind?" Artie answered, though before she reached the end of her sentence, the fluttery creature seemed to have moved on to her next guest. Yet another dark-haired humanoid, shouldered by a blob of sentient shade, it seemed. "Huh, real friendly f'someone with 'em home so out in the open." Holding onto Artie's clammy hand, Sprite walked ahead, crossing the ballroom to interact with the first guest. "Y'know, most animals that put 'em lairs within everyone's reach are usually out f'em blood of whoever is curious 'nuff to walk into 'em." Not to say that their host was a mere animal, of course. She'd never met someone of her species, though, and given how much corners of the galaxy the two of them had seen, that said something. "Think w'gotta visit this planet more often, don'tcha think, babe?" Grinning ear to ear, she pecked a kiss onto Artie's cheek, and released her hand to bounce up to Kellie in a puppy-like fashion.

"Eyy, how y'holdin' up!" Sprite greeted them, noting a slight stir within her beast when she got close enough to the pale-faced individual. They seemed to resemble a human woman, but something felt off in a way that she couldn't put her finger on. Ah, probably just the strong aura of this place throwin' her Therion off. "M'sweetie 'n I kinda rolled 'nto this place by accident. So, uhh, d'you have any idea what 'tis place is?"

As Sprite unfolded into her extroverted self, Artie kept her distance, arms crossed as she scanned their surroundings. A plethora of glowing mushrooms glittered gently above their heads, spreading a vibe of beautiful comfort that almost felt humid. Even back in the muddy pastures of Paylon, she'd never heard nor seen such a thing, and she came to wonder what Zero's judgement of the place would be. Always his enthusiastic youthful self, it always came down to a coin toss on whether or not he was able to snoop out potential bad intentions at the first try. There was music playing, though, and the purple winged creature hadn't greeted them in a way that would be anything less than normal. Maybe this really was a place where they could let go of all of their worries, even if it was for just a while.
Curly (played by cri86titanium)

Between the busy life of young parents of four, running a magical resort, and practicing to get a better understanding of his newly emerging magical abilities, Curly hadn't had many occasions as of late for some time off with Yaaz, who needed the rest and rejuvenating even more than he did. Tonight, that was going to change!

The chimera had asked Laevis and Yaaz's mother to watch after the children as they took a walk in the lavish garden sprawling around their hotel, on the vestiges of what had once been the Ghertivel family mansion. He had grown some new variety of flowers and climbers - some from his world, some of magical ascendency. Magical flora was something Curly was still getting to know, an all-new discovery of life forms that went beyond his wildest imaginings. And he couldn't wait to share his discoveries with Yaaz, who had brought a new warmth and joy in his life and passions.

"Here we'll have a covered pergola", he was saying, his lime green eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as he strolled idly alongside his beloved, his tail wrapped around Yaaz's own. "Leading all the way to the manor... and I'm working on a new series of orchard graftings--" He suddenly trailed off and looked in surprise at a circle of mushroom, inches away from his reptilian feet.

As a botanist, he knew that mushrooms could grow overnight. Their presence in itself would not have been surprising. But the circle they formed, and the sounds and feelings it evoked... Even before the markings on his tail glowed to life he could _tell_ there was something otherworldly about this circle. A fairy ring? His nose twitched and his eyebrows furrowed slightly, as he turned to meet Yaaz's eyes in a silent question.
Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

The interruption of the other guests was a relief to the woman. The fae antics were not something they were used to and not having to say a name for the moment might be short lived but a good thing.

“No hurry.” They added as the host went after the other guests to greet them. As per their usual, they opted to move towards the side of the room to observe the new arrivals. A strange set certainly. Could be tasty but they wouldn’t risk it. Not here in a fae realm. Not later either. They could find food later…. On the topic of food, they noticed the table lain with it. Taking a tart and starting to munch on it, they watched the new guests arrive.

Rather than simply watching, an overly energetic being bounced up to them to introduce themself. “I believe this is a fae party that the host has graciously held for the general public. The tarts are lovely. I recommend you try one.”
Yaazecsus (played by Leighoflight)

The beast was tired, this in itself was not a new phenomenon, he’d been exhausted for a few years now. Lately he and Curly had been so busy with work or family life that they’d rarely had time just the two of them. It was a relief when Curly told him that he’d managed to pawn off the pups onto his mother and they could have an evening together.
The large manor was now dwarfed by a relatively small world tree having taken over a quarter of the garden. Around it all manner of magical flora had bloomed for Curly to explore and maintain to the best of his ability.

The resort was now open and guests revelled in the strange alien plant life and the saturation of magic across everything at the manor and its grounds.
They walked together through the garden, Curly sharing his plans and Yaaz happy to see Curly so excited about everything.

The beast noticed the chimera’s ears do that cute perk-up thing they did when he was curious or confused about something. Eyes drifted to the fairy ring. “Ah my love! These are wonderful! A gateway to the wylds!” Holding his hand to take him closer he paused to listen to the invitation. Turning to Curly he smiled and kissed him on the snoot “You’ll like this.” He said as he crossed into the mushroom ring.

While trips to the wyld were normal for the half-fae, he’d taken Curly only a rare few times. Where they were transported was beautiful but he knew his lover was going to explode from excitement no doubt. “Remember your fae name my love.” The one he’d offer to the fae rather than give them his true name. “And I’d hold off on the snacks for the start…”
aster (played by Rua)

Aster is surprised by the surroundings, looking around with interest and then hears voices of others. he follows their voices and sees everyone kind of clumped together, he ends up going and grabbing a small snack before distantly joining them

"why aren't you joining them?! this is what you wanted! Your making us suffer by being here and yet here you are at a distance! we could have kept traveling but noooo, you wanted to go into here." the ghost complains annoyed at the situation

"because i dont want to seem insane by talking to you! nobody can see you so ill just look like im talking to myself!" Aster shoots back, the ghost being extra annoying today of all days

after a few though Aster moves closer to the group to listen to the conversations and possibly join if the dang ghost would shut it
Kellie wrote:
Rather than simply watching, an overly energetic being bounced up to them to introduce themself. “I believe this is a fae party that the host has graciously held for the general public. The tarts are lovely. I recommend you try one.”
"Fae..? Never hearda those b'fore," Sprite hummed, squinting her eyes to search her memories for any previous mention of the word. Artie, though, seemed to grow a tad pale, only to regain her confidence and grab Sprite by the arm. "Just a wee somethin' they believe in here on Earth. We'll definitely try the tarts though, thanks," she said with a wide, sparkling smile. "Cheers." Only when she'd finished physically dragging Sprite over to the table where the tarts lay on display, did said Sprite notice that something was up. She chomped down into the first tart she saw. "Right, an' that was..?"

"Luv, listen closely.." Her palm firmly on Sprite's beefy bicep, Artie leaned in close with a voice and expression that could be described as dead and dead serious. This, obviously, only made Sprite giddier. Eyy, secrets! "Couple years before A left Paylon, a bunch of Terran settlers moved in next door, draw to us by their similar culture or some shite like that." Cheeks bloated with a crisp cherry tart, Sprite cocked her to the side. "They told me and me brothers all sorts of things 'bout these fae. From what A've heard, they can take on any form, 'ave powers unseen at their fingertips, and steal ye very name." At this point, Artie had her hands wrapped around Sprite's collar like a maniac. Quickly, she let go, trying to regain her composure to not draw too much attention. "Look, makin' a run for it now will only upset the fae in here. We're best off just lyin' low an' enjoying our evening. Just.. be wary, is all, luv." And as if nothing happened, she turned around to grab herself a lemony pastry. Despite trying to take charge of the situation though, Sprite could tell she was uncomfortable. The urge to tease her about her sudden conviction in the same folktales that she scoffed at on any other day, what little maturity resided within her soul told her to act otherwise. Bickering wasn't going to help them. Sprite didn't really believe that they were in danger- she was used to the Konian wilderness, and back there, danger tended not to present itself in the shape of a tart-laden dance party. But, to Tartaros with it, this wasn't about right or wrong!

If they were stuck at some supernatural party with a bunch of creepy name-stealers, they might as well enjoy their time there! After all, the whole idea of coming to Earth and getting into a heap of trouble together, was to do fun shit with just the two of them. Thus, Sprite tossed the final bite of her cherry tarty into her mouth, and grabbed her lover by the hands. She wasn't familiar with these kinda tunes, but they'd do!

"While we're at it.." she smiled in a hushed, deep tone, "m'might'a show ya this fun tappy-tappy shit we used to do at 'em factories." Softing moving along to the beat of the music, Sprite found her footing and broke into a giddy, almost tribal footwork. The Western Vault being the oppressed melting pot that it was, this so-called 'fun tappy-tappy shit' was a cocktail of all sorts of native Konian and Novaean influences. "Yeah.. y'gettin' it, right there!" Every so often, they would glide away from each other, arms always touching. Though Artie didn't dare utter a word, she could tell by the blush on her cheeks that she was enjoying this, even if she'd never admit it. Heh, she looked so cute like that..

In the meantime, a pair of new guests had arrived at the fae party. And quite the flashy duo, at that.. Both lovers looked over at the hybrid-like men that stood at the entrance, ready to be created by their purple-skinned host. For some vague reason, they had the feeling that they'd seen the more dog-like of the two before. Maybe in a group picture at a friend's place, or something? Hm. Anywho- it was good to be moving like this. Up until then, most activities that they'd done together involved a lot of adrenaline, and often something illegal.

Here was to hoping that the others would get the hint.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi tended to wander aimlessly into random places. From an interdimensional bar to a random neighbor's house, her wanderlust was endless, almost to the point of being a nuisance to those around her cheery self. This, of course, worried her adopted son, Ren, to the point that she was often getting phone calls from him every half-hour or so just to check on her. It did not help that a shikigami may only go so far from its summoner without receiving negative repercussions. Azumi herself was one and was clearly aware of the fact. With this in mind, she set up a camping trip with her son near at some secluded forest. She promised to return to their campsite after at least two hours. Why such a specific time? Because that was what Ren put on the timer application on his phone.

As Azumi continued to soak in the scenery of nature, she stumbled upon a some sort of circle. Upon using a spell to sense this oddity, it was a transportation-type circle. A portal. She loved to teleport! How could she ever pass by the opportunity to take a trip to a new place! It was perfect for a research paper she planned to write for Hill City's Mage Institute. Carefully, she adorably waddled her way towards the circle, her curiosity enveloping to the point that its vice grip made her look as if she was possessed.

After entering the circle, she vanished from the forest entirely, with her son unaware of it.

She saw a large, foreboding tunnel. Her first instinct was to go forward into the tunnel. She had no second thoughts on doing so, as she immediately decided to walk through the tunnel. After what seemed like grueling hours to the fox spirit, showing her need to be entertained by something within minutes, she saw people. Granted, it seemed some of them weren't human. Not only that, it seemed they were in a ballroom of some sorts. In place of the usual grand decorations were natural substitutes just as fancy. Her eyes were set on Artie, the first friend she should make for today.

She walked towards Artie before tugging her arm much like a child would.

"Hello miss!" Azumi smiled at Artie "I am Azumi, a divine kitsune hailing from Japan. Is there a party of some sorts happening here?"
The Nameless One (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

As Aster quietly filtered into the party, more arrivals slowly trickled in.

Yet another couple graced the domain, and the sight of two magnificent beasts immediately caught Nameless' attention. Spreading her wings to full length, Nameless fluttered over to greet them with all the grace and swiftness of a figure skater.

"Welcome, welcome!" Nameless effortlessly landed near the tunnel's entrance, bowing. "Quite a pleasure to see some new faces. I must say, you both look lovely today! Please, enjoy yourselves."

Nameless allowed Curly and Yaaz to pass by. Was that the faintest scent of fae magic she picked up on just now? How interesting. Perhaps they'd make for interesting conversation later on. For now, Nameless allowed their new attendees to just talk amongst themselves. Make new friends. Dance like there would be no tomorrow, much like Sprite appeared to be doing currently.

Watching her so-called 'fun tappy-tappy shit' with amusement made Nameless completely miss the kitsune who was spat out from the hallway and went to go greet Artie. Nameless decided it would be rude to interrupt in order to welcome the yokai-

Azumi? Was that... a name she overheard just now?

Nameless turned away and wandered over to the tables for a tart of her own, keeping her gaze averted. She did not want to be caught staring. All the while grinning like an absolute madman. That fool just gave out her name without a care in the world.

Nameless quietly chuckled to herself, muffling the sound with a mouthful of their dessert of choice. It took everything in her to resist the temptation to take the kitsune's name for herself. Oh, the things they could do with that power... The divine power of a kitsune, no less!

...But now was not the time for any trickery. It was a little too crowded for that sort of thing- Nameless was not in the mood to make enemies today. Azumi could hang onto her name for the time being. Perhaps The Nameless One owed her a visit after the festivities were over with.

Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

The being that was speaking to them was quickly accompanied by another, whom Kellie assumed was either a partner or a very familiar friend. They gave them a short greeting in return before the newcomer whisked their friend away to dance. They were indeed rather cute and the humanoid kelpie watched them and their strange dance, amused. Just off to the side, Kellie glanced to the horned being not far off from them who seemed to be whispering to themself. Weird. It wasn’t their problem though.

More entered and they opted to take a drink with them and walk around the room, giving short but polite greetings to the new friends once the host had gone through her formalities. She was a strange fae. Pretty? Yes. But Kellie didn’t trust them. So much so that a light growl rumbled in their chest inaudible despite the plain smile on their face. What had them somewhat confused was that there was no set theme to the beings who showed up to attend. From seemingly human to a fox person and a few others. To try and fit in a little more with the festivities, their dress kept the cool blue but shifted subtlety to a light summery dressed crossed but a little more formal with floral decorations. Small enough changes to seem a little more suited to the party.
((Why the heck did it *triple* post T-T. Uhhhhh. Help??? ))
aster (played by Rua)

after thinking about who to try to talk to he decides to talk with the fae hosting this, after all why not? They seem nice enough.. and he starts walking over to them

"No no no! What are you doing! That's the fae! Not them! No!"

"Please... Shut it... They look and seem nice enough... And as long as I don't say my name I'm pretty safe right?.... It will be okay..." When he gets close he grabs a cup and something to drink before walking over and standing next to the fae "hello! Quite the pretty place!"

"What if they suck out your soul or steal you or or-" the ghost rants on

Aster looks like he's holding something inside, like he's about to say something but doesn't, trying to ignore the ghost
Artie had never really been much of a dancer, and had fitted right in with the students of the Eastern academies who thoughts that hopping in place was all that needed to be done in clubs. Dancing with Sprite like this, though, did give her a strange kind of confidence that she'd rarely felt before- there was a sense of humility about it, which caused her cheeks to light up red as she tried to drown herself in the moment.

That was until their giddy trance was broken by a random tug on her arm. Artie stopped in place and turned around, feeling Sprite bouncing away from her, too caught up in her dancing. There was a woman there about her own age and size, with vulpine features and a happy expression plastered onto her muzzle. Like a child, she'd tugged on her sleeve to draw her attention, and immediately started introducing herself. Shit, no! Had someone not gotten the whole fae memo here?! She jerked into action and began cautiously waving her hands at the woman, shushing at her in a way that was probably considered rude in every culture there was. No matter that, though. Rather make a bad first impression than have this naive stranger lose her name for all eternity.

"Aye, aye! Nice to meet ye, sure.. but don't be sayin' yer name out loud," she hissed, her eyes wide and on alert. Dancing around had shaken off most of her nerves, but they were returning now. Sprite was still dancing, caught up in the moment, and from the corner of her eye, she could see her lover gesturing at the other guests to join her. "And, aye, yeah, there is. This is a fae party, hence the whole name thin'. Let's just pretend ye haven't said it yet an' carry on, don't want to draw too much attention to yer slip-up." She scanned the crowd for the purple being and potential other fae-like guests, but found it hard to decide who would and wouldn't be. Best to play it safe anyhow. "How'd ye end up here, anyway? A don't know too much about Earth, but from what A've gathered, Japan's a bloody starmile away from the forest we're in just now." She knew machines, not humans. Smalltalk was hard for her. Maybe that was why it was a good thing that Azumi wasn't updated on the facts of the matter: Artie could disguise her briefing as an attempt to make friendly conversation. Ugh, she could go for a drink about now. She didn't remember the tales from the Paylon settlers featuring any sort of poisoning tricks, so it was safe to assume that the beverages here wouldn't kill her or turn her into a frog, or something.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi looked flabbergasted and surprised at Artie's actions. She did not consider it rude, however.

"Hm? What is wrong with saying my na-" Azumi briefly tilted her head before realizing why "Oh! Is there a fae perhaps in this place? I'm quite knowledgeable of that race's antics, however it did not occur to me that they had 'name-taking' abilities!"

It was then she heard her smartphone ringing. She checked it only to see it was none other than her son Ren. Ren's voice could be heard quite clearly. It seemed she forgot to turn off her speaker phone mode

"Mom?" Ren said "You done exploring the forest? I'm getting worried"

"Oh hush, dear!" Azumi replied "I have stumbled upon an exquisite and wonderful place! It is a ballroom!"

"Hang on, where the heck did you find a ballroom in the middle of the forest?!"

"Oh, it was easy. You know how I went straight ahead into the forest? I ended up finding a circle there that-"

Ren then abruptly hung up. She knew what was about to happen. He was going to quickly make his way to the ballroom and fret over her. Clearly, she was the parent between them, but she knew he worried himself quite easily.

Soon grumblings were heard coming from the tunnel before the ballroom. Out came a young human who wore a red hoodie, covering some of his face.

"Were you hurt?!" Ren stammered

"It was clear I wasn't, my dear!" Azumi giggled then looked at Artie "Miss, this is my son! He summoned me from the spiritual realm to be his adoptive mother long ago! As per your suggestion, I will not refer to him by his name for his own safety"

"Here you go again telling everyone I'm adopted" Ren groaned

Then Azumi suddenly remembered something. Did her son just go all the way into a possibly dangerous forest without her supervision? The fox spirit already told him to stay within the campsite and to hide in the car or their tent if something happened.

"I told you to call me if you were worried, not to put yourself in danger if you were worried!" Azumi said as she put her hands on her hips.

Ren knew not to argue with her, she would not budge when it came to her fretting over him this time. He simply nodded and apologized before letting his mother hug him. Considering that there were other people around, he looked rather displeased and reluctant when he was hugged.

"I've only got a week left before my third term, you know?" Ren smiled "Might as well enjoy this party and my vacation while I still can, I guess..."

"Indeed. I apologize for worrying you, son! Come let us enjoy your break as best as we can before you return to college!"
Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

Kellie watched on from their corner of the room. They could make out the general conversations being held; the strange horned figure speaking with the host; the over excited lady now being equally as upfront and excitable with a kitsune; the kitsune’s son being scolded for leaving safety. All of it was new information that they noted and remembered for later. It would help with blending in later. Such strange guests to this equally strange party. It was wonderful.

Without much to add to any of the immediate conversations, they continued to watch on, watching each of the guests closely without coming off as someone creeping or stalking them. They would know if Kellie was… none of them looked nice enough to eat anyways plus the food and drink was exceptional and was warming them up to the group. Maybe they could be a little more social as the party grew on them. Time would tell eventually.

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