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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Summer Soiree: Dancing With The Fae

aster (played by Rua)

Aster Laughs happily with the dance,
and slightly in awe about the surrounding change to match the fae.

"great. More dancing, please stop!" ghost whines annoyed and grumpily. It hated when Aster dances, always happy and having the time of their life! So annoying...

Aster doesn't hear ghost, having too much fun to care about their complaining. When It was time to shift gears and aster to take control of the dance it because more calm but erratic? No... More like a campfire, small little crackles of energy before a bigger one comes along.
“HAH!” Valdemar’s dark eyes glinted in the warm ambient light, flashing like stars. “Incredible!”

For a moment, he stared with a sort of admiration at his dance partner’s new ensemble—as well as the magic behind it. Were they TOO a weaver of night and shadows? Or at the very least, serviceable quick-change illusions?

In this one very specific, VERY ISOLATED instance… Val had to admit he was eager to see just how WRONG he’d been in his initial presumptions. This perhaps-not-entirely mortal was proving to be a fascinating puzzle.

As Kellie spun back to meet him, the genie looked down with a bit of a smug, knowing grin. “You’re having FUN, aren’t you~?”
Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

“I thought that was the point of these functions? To have fun are they not?” Their voice lowered slightly as to not be overheard. “Though I will admit I’m not too good at these sorts. Parties and fancies are not where I usually find myself.”

Kellie chuckled to try and push the strange dark feelings away. This was a party. No reason to mope over the lack of festivities in their past. They glanced towards the host, noting her dancing with the horned being from earlier.

“Also now is as good a time to inform you. You are in a fae realm. I assume most of us are fae to some extent or know well of them. You giving out what I assume is your true name so carelessly can give a fae power over you. It would be wise to leave quickly once the party ends or else risk being stuck here.” Kellie almost felt pity for him being so clueless of such things. They were no fae expert themself but they knew one’s name was the one thing to carefully guard.
"No? Hm." He considered for a moment, giving her a discerning look. "Well, I suppose I'd dock you points for calling me an IDIOT earlier, but on the whole, I'd say you've been doing famously. Leisure... ahem. Suits you."

As her voice lowered into a warning, Valdemar followed her glance. Ah, right. Their HOST. He was supposed to be mad at them or something.

He was FULLY prepared to dismiss Kellie's concerns as nonsense—who'd ever heard of someone having power over a GENIE, for goodness sake?!—when the last bit of her warning sunk in.

Stranded HERE?! HIM?! VALDEMAR?!

He let out a strangled little NYEH as he fumbled step, steadying himself against her. It wasn't much of a collision really—the man scarcely seemed to weigh anything at all.

“WHAT?!” he demanded, looking very blatantly at the other couple on the makeshift dance floor. Then, realizing a little late that some discretion was called for, he turned back to his partner. “WHAT.”

He said it in the exact same volume, just a bit closer to her face.

“Well, surely they can't just get AWAY with that!” Valdemar added in the hissing tones of someone trying VERY hard to whisper. “It's... it's unfair! Should I go over there? Should I say something? I'm going to say something—”
Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

“Valdemar,” Kellie stated taking a hold of his arm as he looked about ready to have some strong words with the host. It was vice like. For such a fine and seemingly frail woman, they would be difficult to move. “Do not say something. Especially with how little you seem to know about about us. You could offend her and things will turn out far worse for you.”

They released their tight hold on his arm and in turn threw him into a light spin and dip. They were the only thing from falling against the soft grassy ground. There was a sly grin on their face. “How about we just enjoy the evening, Val? We have some lovely company and hours to mingle amongst ourselves.”
@Sunflower and Yasin

And whaddaya know, they were right all along! A childlike excitement spread between the two of them as the frilled man confirmed that Cris was indeed their mutual friend. Artie and Sprite grinned to each other, and squeezed each other’s hand with giddy glee. Somehow, the prospect of hanging out at a mischievous and potentially dangerous supernatural entity felt less scary when accompanied by vague acquaintances. Said acquaintances then proceeded to introduce themselves by name, and Artie tensed up.

Sprite still hadn't gotten the hint though. She just chuckled at how corny and adorable Sunflower's choice of name was. They seemed happy together, and in a rough and unforgiving universe, that was a beautiful thing. That was when Artie understood the trick. So.. fake names were safe?

"Right, pleasure to meet both of ye," she smiled, scratching the back of her scruffy ginger tuft. "A'm, ehh.. A'm Lantana, 'cause, ye know-" Artie plucked at the unkempt lock of fire red on her cranium. Was that a.. twig, in there? "-an' that A'm not too fond of bein' eaten by somethin' in here." Not quite to her surprise - loving her as she did, Artie knew that Sprite really wasn't half as stupid as she looked sometimes -, her lover then followed up: "Yeah, yeah, an' I'm Butterfly, 'cause m'only really immune an' likin' the whole poison.." Her voice died off towards the end. They only knew about these toxic Earthly flower and the butterflies that loved them because Randle had mistaken it for a tobacco equivalent he knew from his own planet, and poisoned his three mortal friends into the hospital, where the doctors had explained to them what it was. Yeah, nowhere near as cutesy and fun as 'Sunflower' had put it. Had to change the subject.

"Aye, that ye are," Artie chuckled, and pecked her girlfriend on the cheek. "Anyway, eh, A have to admit that A'm a wee bit rusty on all the etiquette on these kinds of parties. Got the names part right, but tha's as far as it goes. Is there anythin' else we as puny mortals have to be aware of? Ye seem like people who'd know." Wait, where was Sprite? Artie'd noticed her dozing off the moment her lips had left the skin of her face, but now that she'd finished her slightly tense babbel to Sunflower and Yasin, her girlfriend seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Though that only lasted for a couple of seconds.

"Eyy, think makin' 'em host like us by eatin' our share will do!" she trumpetted as she re-inserted herself into the four-man convo, arms laden with a variety of snacks. The same tarts they'd had before were among them, but there was also a glazed kind of fruit she'd never seen before. "'Ere, 'ere, try 'em!" Maybe Sprite also wanted to see if hybrid men like these had any cool eating techniques, like how snakes could swallow things whole, or how frogs could draw stuff into their mouths with their sticky tongue. But, hey, sharing food was also a way to make friends, and appreciating Cris and her fellow Troublemaker Extraordinaire Burt as she did, she wanted to get in touch with some of their associates as well. "Oh, an' feel free t'join us on 'em dancefloor if y'feelin' brave! If there's a chance I'm leave without a face or name t'night, m'might's'well get some cool new dance moves for it in return." No, that was not how that worked..
Nenira (played by Tromkehra)

Nenira felt nervous suddenly having said her actual name to them, even in whisper. "Please call me Lilly. I don't want to be rude and not give you my name." She gives them both hard looks as if to say use that name when addressing me.

Though looking around the room at all the lovely guests she gets destracted by those dancing. Everyone looks wonderful, and a certain dark haired humanoid looked like a fun distraction.

"Pardon me," she excuses herself and sees the Kelpie and the Genie talking to each other. Not sure if their dance or conversation had finished, Nenira did enjoy the look if the effeminate one between the two. The Genie was too loud and brought too much attention to himself. Poor thing may get entrapped tonight.
Kellie wrote:
“How about we just enjoy the evening, Val? We have some lovely company and hours to mingle amongst ourselves.”

Nenira strolls up to them both smiling at Kellie. "You seem very lovely, and you're very nimble on your feet. May I join you for a dance? Nenira lifts her hand to Kellie, wooden bangles dangle from her wrist that seem to sparkle with the surrounding lights, and purple gems in the woods twisted base. "That is, if you do not mind." She asks them both smiling gently.
Ow,” said Valdemar, sounding more affronted than hurt. Squeezing his arm felt weirdly springy, like tightly clenching a rubber ball. “Nyehhh… but…”

He was inclined to at least glance at their host—the would-be name pilferer—but Kellie was much too quick and much too strong for him (not that the latter was wildly uncommon). Val was plunged into a low dip like a sack of potatoes (or, perhaps more accurately, a sack of balloons).

He could only look up at them, his mouth forming a tight but wibbly frown. It was a point he had to consider, at least… despite his every instinct insisting otherwise, Val had to concede that historically… PERHAPS yelling at his problems had not worked out so well for him. And if he HAD to make a hasty exit this evening, did he really want to waste precious dancing time?


Finally, something seemed to give, and Valdemar met her grin with a begrudging sigh.

“You’re TERRIBLE when you’re right. Do you know that?” He didn’t LOVE that this was becoming a trend, either.

Just as Val admitted defeat, he became aware of a beastfolk approaching the dance floor, patient and polite. After a moment’s hesitation, he cleared his throat, trying his best to save as much face as possible.

“Ah-hem! Oh no, of course. By all means,” he said in the primmest of tones. He rather seemed to enjoy the formality of it.

With a ghost of a smirk and a knowing glance to Kellie, he added, “Apparently, I’ve got some mingling to do, besides.”
Yaazecsus (played by Leighoflight)

The beast smiled as the women seemed to catch on quickly that false names worked in this realm. He still couldn’t remember them but their relaxation in knowing a familiar face, Sunflower, was noticeable. Bowing his head “Lovely to meet you both.”

Looking to Sunflower when ‘Lantana’ asked about fae rules he smiled, highlighting the fact that his smile went literally ear to ear. That smile quickly faded as ‘Butterfly’ returned with food, politely stepping forward he’d place a hand on Butterfly’s to stop her and quietly mentioned “It would be wise not to eat any food or drink the fae offer. If only you intend to leave this place.” He picked up one of the glazed fruits and bit into it. “I am technically part of the fae.” which part he didn’t state but he had to say something rather than telling them no then doing exactly what he said not to in the next breath. “If you can, try not to thank the host either…unless that has already been done.” he lightly tapped Sunflower on the nose, a correction he used with the children, for his slip up.

“Also once you leave here you may find time in your world has changed, often a moment in here can be much slower than out there…”
The Nameless One (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

Nameless looked as if they were having the time of their life, dancing with Aster without a care in the world.

But alas, all good things must come to an end. A particularly loud shout (from Valdemar, unsurprisingly), caught her off-guard and caused her to nearly stumble into the tiefling by her side. She stopped in place, feeling a wary gaze or two on her back. A peek over the shoulder revealed that a few people had stopped dancing.

"...Excuse me for a moment, darling."

Leaving Aster's side to return to her duties as the host, The Nameless One wanders over to where Valdemar and Kellie were trying to resume their waltz- soon joined by Nenira. A sly grin snaked up her face as she loudly cleared her throat to grab their attention.

"Is everything alright over here?" Nameless asks, folding her arms behind her back. "Just checking, is all.~"

The Nameless One shifted her gaze over to the two couples nearby, chatting amongst themselves.

She'll be checking on them next...
Nenira (played by Tromkehra)

Nenira steps one step back as Val steps away, most apparently upset. Though that seemed to be his state of being in general at the moment. A very pretty individual to he sure. Still that would probably be fun for a night. She would want to see if he was even worth her time.

Hearing the Hostess come up to the three of them before Val left, Nenira is taken aback by the beauty that is nameless. She had not had a moment to catch a glimpse of the hostess and now she regretted not looking for her sooner. Her freckled cheeks flush at the stunning fae before her. Someone like her could very well convince this satyr to come back to the fae realm. While caught in the beauty of the host, Nenira clears her throat.

It was obvious that Nenira had been rude interrupting Val and Kellie's dance. She had just wanted an opportunity to get away from what she could only understand to be culture shock. Why had she wanted to flee so badly when talking about music? Though punk rock sounds painful, and blues well that's a color for sadness is it not? She has written a sorrowful sonnet from time to time, but nothing that she would deem to be 'blue.'

"I apologize my lady hostess. I was hoping to get to know this lovely individual. I did however come in the middle of a dance they were partaking in together already. I hope this has not caused too much trouble. I would be happy to play a song or two for your guests, or for you in private, to make it up to you." Nenira bows deeply trying to show how sorry she is. Her dirty blond hair tussled around her horns for her bow, some of the locks getting into her face.
aster (played by Rua)

When the dance stopped aster was startled, what happened- oh vald again... he debates following his dance partner but first a snack sounds good, and its away from the drama about to start.... and walks over to the food and drinks to fill his stomach before returning to the dance Floor with the fae. seeing the group talking about not eating the food he walks over and waves ,"you know the food safe right? It's a party, and there's names in the air they haven't taken so we should be fine."
Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

“You’re TERRIBLE when you’re right. Do you know that?” He didn’t LOVE that this was becoming a trend, either.

“Perhaps,” Kellie answered, pulling him up. “So far I’m the only things stopping you from being pulled deeper into the fae realm hook, line and sinker.”

Ninera’s approach had them confused but respectful, remembering not to growl at being disturbed. Satyr’s could be troublesome if not shown the fun and respect they enjoyed having. “Oh you’re no bother. I we’re were finishing up anyways. This shall be interesting.”

Nameless was quick behind the satyr and that had the kelpie on edge. Val’s name was known by just about the whole room and would be the one in the most amount of danger right about now.

“Oh. Nameless. Everything is fine. My dance partner was not expecting me to dip him. I perhaps was a little too enthusiastic. I was about to accept a dance from this lovely lass.” Kellie gave a slight bow to the host then turned to Nenira. “No need for apologies or any other decisions.”
Nenira (played by Tromkehra)

Nenira stands from her bow, and nods to Kellie. Right, the Kelpie, I asked for a dance with her. With one last glance Nenira excuses herself from the hostess. She then offers her hand again to Kellie and offers a sweet smile.

"Then I shall not worry. I am Lilly, and I would be quite honored to get yours."
Val weighed his options. Fading into the shadows to wait for this all to blow over seemed like a viable, WISE decision. Or alternatively, he could wait for his turn with the hooved dancer, if she’d have him, and find a way to occupy himself in the meantime…

Nyehh… his options felt SCANT, at best. The little tiefling fellow went wandering off for refreshment, talking to a pair of couples who were also occupied, it seemed. Probably talking about kissing or whatever, Valdemar had to assume. Eugh.

Long, AGONIZING seconds ticked by with Val languishing in boredom—or, well, the THOUGHT of boredom, anyway. This small eternity of unamusement would have BROKEN lesser men.

He took a few uncertain steps away from the dancefloor, toward the relative safety of the snack tables, the other guests, or even the wooded corridor that BROUGHT him here. But still… STILL.


Surely, the rude thing would be NOT to speak up, right? And Valdemar didn’t want to offend…

“AS A MATTER OF FACT,” Valdemar blurted before he could stop himself. He doubled back to the fey woman as if his feelings and opinions were burning a hole in his pocket. “I MIGHT have a few notes—!”

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