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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Summer Soiree: Dancing With The Fae (CLOSED)

The sound of his own name hit his ear harshly (a rarity, as it was Valdemar’s favorite word). The short woman with the NASTY grip had been very clear—their host having his name was a BAD thing. But then, it wasn’t like they were going to know his name any MORE by talking to him, right? And if anything, the fey seemed quite eager to hear from him…

“OH, quite a LOT!” Valdemar replied, his good sense losing out to the absolute TREAT of hearing himself talk. Despite the imminent complaints, he hardly seemed upset at all. If anything, his spirits were noticeably lifted, as if he were all too hungry for the validation.

“For a start, the lack of CLEAR, WRITTEN INVITATIONS is frankly APPALLING,” he said, folding his arms behind his back, rocking jauntily on his heels.

“HOOOOW is one to divine the time, date, and LOCATION of your event from a DUBIOUS MUSHROOM CIRCLE? Not to mention the MORALITY of enchanting your guests into attending! And anyway, what if I were to have—nyehh—a ‘JOB’ or something? Why, I may as well set my day planner aflame after all this!”

He paused for a moment, both to take a breath and to consider. “Also… ahem. It SEEEEMS I find myself without a dance partner. Which is, you know… erm. Boring.” He squinted off into the distance, the effort of reflection clearly VERY taxing on him. “Nyehh… I think, perhaps, it’s more THAT. Maybe? I’ll grant you this IS one of the better parties I’ve been to.”
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi realized the time on her smartphone. According to it, a few hours have passed during their merrymaking. She became worried as the possibility of thieves and wild animals ransacking their campsite became much more prevalent and higher. She approached Nameless and smiled like an innocent child. She was still unaware whether or not Nameless would do something to her after her careless and happy-go-lucky attitude in revealing her name.

"Dear host of this amazing party" Azumi smiled "I would like you to guide us to our way back to me and my son's realm!"

Ren soon approached Azumi and asked "Party's over already?"

She nodded gently.

"Did you put away the guitar, dearie?"

"Yeah, I did. Unsummoned and all"

Azumi looked back at Nameless, patiently expecting a response.
The Nameless One (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

Nameless slowly raised an eyebrow as Valdemar loudly announced his problems with Nameless' party. His main problem was the lack of written invites, which coaxed an entertained eyeroll out of the fae.

"Ohh, but where's the fun in that?" Nameless asked, amused. "What one wouldn't give to be whisked away to a lovely little party such as this? With food, music, friends..."

Nameless folded her own arms behind her back, miming the lanky shadow-construct. "Besides, I did not force you to come here. I may have lured you and these fine folk here, but the choice to step into the fairy ring was all your own. My influence only goes so far, Valdemar.~"

A mischievous, perhaps even malicious look crept into their soft yellow eyes.

"Besides, if I could just enchant whomever I please into doing whatever I please... Well. That would make taking their names rather redundant, now wouldn't it?"

If anyone in the crowd had any doubts as to the name-stealing myth... Nameless came clean. Loudly. The fae would indeed take your name, should you not guard it. And they were very guilty of such an act.

"I am very grateful for your input, darling. I will keep it in mind for next time.~"

It looked as if Nameless wanted to add more to their statement, but she was interrupted by Azumi, who desired to leave. "Of course! Follow me, now. Back to whence you came!"

Nameless guided Ren and Azumi towards the long corridor that they had originally arrived from. "Just step into the ring once more. It will take you back to the ring that brought you here. I did enjoy your company. And I do hope we will cross paths once more!"

Before they left, however... Nameless forcefully, yet somehow gently, grabbed the kitsune by a wrist. They leaned in close to one of the fuzzy white ears atop her head, voice hushed to a whisper, smelling sweetly of honey and blackberries.

"And you, Azumi. I'm certain we will meet much sooner than you think."

Azumi would feel a sharp chill down her spine as Nameless let go and wished her farewell. Was that a promise? Or a threat?


And as the two had made their leave, Nameless clapped loudly to grab everyone else's attention.

"Come to think of it, it's grown awfully late, has it not?" They mused, with a smile. "I suppose you all have different matters to attend to by now, so I will not hold you here forever. Should any of you wish to leave, you may head down the hallway behind me- It will remember where you came from, and will return you just as gently."

In one final display of wonder, Nameless' wings fanned out and the faerie gently fluttered over all of their guests.

"I am forever grateful for all of you who decided to dance with me today. Please, come back soon.~"
The Nameless One (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

The music would slowly die down as the festivities came to a close.

Carefully, each and every person was personally bid farewell by The Nameless One. True to their word, as all fae were, the moment you stepped into the circle of mushrooms before you, your senses are violated by the same warm and wonderful feeling that whisked you here in the first place.

The moment you open your eyes, you are standing where you had found the first fairy ring. Though, you discover that said fairy ring is gone, leaving you to wonder if the event had even happened at all. Was it all a dream? Merely a figment of your imagination?

A warm breeze drifts by you as the honeyed sound of laughter tickles your ears.

You take that as a no.

Annnnd that's a wrap! Thank you for Dancing With The Fae!

Ohhh man, I can't stress enough just how much I enjoy hosting topics for the Summer Soiree. I'm consistently impressed by the amount of talented writers that show up to my events! That's three successful forums now, and I'm sure there'll be plenty more in the future. I don't plan on stopping.

I hope you guys had as much fun as I did! As always, here's to hoping our characters cross paths again someday!

-Hades ^_^

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