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Forums » Introductions » Fantasy, war

I'm pretty new but I am a player who's looking for a good role play or a war role-play fantasy anytime any part of the day anywhere
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
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Hey welcome!
Welcome to the site! And thank you for showing interest in my rp! :3
<3 Hello! Welcome to RP Repository! <3
6elf756i.gifHello! Welcome to RPR! Hope hope you like it here!
There are good roleplays around for sure, some of them concerning war!
Welcome to RPR! :D We're glad to have you here!

That's perhaps one of the biggest genres RP Repository has to offer -- fantasy! I hope you are able to find what you're looking for. Introducing yourself is a perfect start to that. I also recommend you go check out the forums and get into some escapades with some fellow writers. You may hit it off and the lot of you can world-build something amazing together. :D

If you have any questions or what have you, feel free to reach out to any one of us. We'll be happy to help. :)
Welcome to the RPR! 📝✨
Alexandery wrote:
I'm pretty new but I am a player who's looking for a good role play or a war role-play fantasy anytime any part of the day anywhere


If you go under looking for rp in forums, you cna post an ad, or look at others and see what appeals to you. At least that's how I go about it. You can click on 'find rp' to narrow results, but I don't use that much.

Welcome to RPR :)

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Fantasy, war

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