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Forums » General Roleplay » Summer Soiree - Lemonade stand (Closed)

Fumizuki set up a small booth, which included a hand written sign that read:
There was a smaller sign underneath that it was 25 cents per drink. After setting up the booth and preparing a jug of lemonade, Fumizuki sat happily and waited for her first customer.
Joot (played by Jooters)

Jooters ran up to the stand excitedly.
"Hi Fumizuki!" He exclaims.
"One cup of lemonade, please!" He adds, reaching into his pocket and pulling out 25 gold coins.
Fumizuki (played by randomentity777) Topic Starter

"Okie fwend." Fumizuki pours Joot a cup of lemonade, and gives it to him.
He walked to the lemonade stand set up by his niece. He smiled at her. "I never thought I'd be related to a successful business owner before!"
Joot (played by Jooters)

Fumizuki wrote:
"Okie fwend." Fumizuki pours Joot a cup of lemonade, and gives it to him.

He took a long sip, before beaming up at Fumizuki.
"WOAAAHHH!! This is SUPER yummy!!" He exclaimed, almost yelling.
Charlie falls from the sky, face planting on the ground with a wad of cash. "Need..... fluids... used too much.... mana..... blehg"
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Charlie falls from the sky, face planting on the ground with a wad of cash. "Need..... fluids... used too much.... mana..... blehg"

He instantly scooped his daughter up. He looked like he saw a ghost because of worry.
Charlie lays in his arms, half limp, waving the wad of cash. "I... ehehe... i tried coding a universe for me... Cough and Olivia... might have gone over board... I don't think i have a drop of mana left right now... heheh"
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Charlie lays in his arms, half limp, waving the wad of cash. "I... ehehe... i tried coding a universe for me... Cough and Olivia... might have gone over board... I don't think i have a drop of mana left right now... heheh"

"You can't be creating things like that right now. You're still young. Here, let's buy a drink from Fumizuki....."
Gary was on his way home from the Rat Palace. He didn't have to go back again until later that evening, which freed up the rest of his day. While a nap sounded good, he thought that he might work on his HO scale model train layout instead. As he got closer to the neighborhood, he spotted a small lemonade stand near the sidewalk.

"That sure sounds good," he said aloud. No one was with him in his blue and white Ford van. He pulled over, fished a coin out of his pocket and approached the stand.

"One glass of lemonade please," he requested from the young entrepreneur.
Fumizuki (played by randomentity777) Topic Starter

Fumizuki prepares some lemonade for Gary. "Here you go." She smiles at Mathius and Charlie's antics.
Fumizuki wrote:
Fumizuki prepares some lemonade for Gary. "Here you go." She smiles at Mathius and Charlie's antics.

Charlie smiles, taking the glass of lemonade. "Thanks Fumi..."
Fumizuki (played by randomentity777) Topic Starter

Fumizuki nodded as she gave Charlie another glass. "That will be 25 cents pwease."
Charlie simply places the entire was of cash in Fumizuki's hand. "Keep the change..."
"Thanks," Gary replies. He hands her a bronze colored coin that has the face of a winking rat on it that reads Pizza Time Theatre on it. It is not a quarter. As Gary goes to take the glass, he realizes his mistake.

"Oh my," he exclaims apologetically. "Sorry, that's an arcade token from my job. Keep it! You can play a free game next time you stop in." Gary fishes around in his pocket and finds a quarter and hands it to Fumizuki.

"Sorry about that," he says sheepishly.
Fumizuki (played by randomentity777) Topic Starter

"It fine." Fumizuki smiles as she adds the quarter he gave her to a little jar she was collecting them in.
He was watching Fumizuki from the temple. He kept his eyes on everyone, but a wave of relief washed over him when he saw Mathius and his niece Charlie.
He would also buy a glass of lemonade. He glared at Fumizuki

"who said you were allowed to make better lemonade than me?" He said playfully
Fumizuki (played by randomentity777) Topic Starter

Fumizuki shrugged. "Dunno." It was more than likely that she had grabbed a jug of lemonade from the fridge as opposed to making it herself.
Sebastian was usually a bit.. how do you say.. aggressive and competitive. But that wasn't to say he wasn't a softie.

The young man placed some money on the stand and looked down at the tiny girl running it, Fumizuki.
"I'll take a cup of lemonade." Sebastian calmly said.

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