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Forums » General Roleplay » Summer Soiree - Lemonade stand (Closed)

He stood there watching his daughter from a window. It wasn't a secret that he was absolutely beaming with pride, but since he was by himself, nobody could see him being the proud papa that he is.
"hey uncle drael, how ya beennn?"
He gave Charlie headpats like he used to when she was a little girl.
Kitsunebi (played anonymously)

"Thanks kindly!" Kitsunebi thanked the girl, and with a cheerful smile, she took a sip of her drink. "It's delicious," the witch added happily. She was definitely going to savor this lovely juice. Having paid, the witch bobbed a curtsey, and wandered away from the stand. There didn't seem to be many people about who'd associate with witches, so she would just observe from the sidelines and look around. She sipped some more from her cup. My, it was tasty. Some things just tasted better from a flagon.
Alan Wake (played by Atheist)

Thor's affections were not wholly unwelcome, but there was a lack of certainty at first that made Alan withdraw. Quickly he corrected himself. Dogs knew things -- they could sense things humans could not and the writer came to realize that Thor's affections were not just that; they were concern for Alan's otherwise current mental disposition.

A smile played across Alan's rough features and he gently lay a hand over the offered paw. "So I see you have yourself a friend. Good. You keep this one safe. You never know what's lurking in the shadows." Even during the daylight hours...

He realized she had poured him a cup of lemonade already and he had yet to pay. "Oh! Of course! Hang on a sec." With that Alan procured his messenger bag and began rummaging around until a familiar tinkling could be heard somewhere inside. He withdrew some coins and formed his 25 cent fee with a nickel and a couple of dimes.

"There you are. I appreciate your business!"
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He sat and was looking up at Alan. He looked back at Fumizuki as if asking for help.
Fumizuki (played by randomentity777) Topic Starter

Fumizuki tilts her head sideways slightly in confusion, not sure what Thor is trying to communicate to her. "What is it, doggy?"
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He whined and circled Alan. He kept looking up at him.
Fumizuki (played by randomentity777) Topic Starter

Fumizuki shrugs, and goes back to serving her customers.
Alan Wake (played by Atheist)

"I think he's trying to let you know that adults are a complete mess and that it's probably best you stay as young as you can for as long as you can," he chuckled as an afterthought to keep things light.

"Don't worry, buddy, I'll be all right. Hey, thanks kid, by the way." With that, Alan plucked his cup of lemonade from the stand and pulled himself up to his full height before taking a hearty swig. "That's refreshing!"
Fumizuki (played by randomentity777) Topic Starter

"I'm glad you like it." Fumizuki smiles.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He would pull hm back down forcing him to sit and laid his upper body in his lap as if he were trying to offer compassion and comfort. It was now more like he were being an emotional support dog. He then got up and put a paw on his arm and rested his head on his head on the opposite shoulder, in essence,chugging him.
Alan Wake (played by Atheist)

Alan was a little taken aback by the dog's persistence. He felt as though he were going through some off kilter therapy session, but at least this one was far more tolerable than his last experience. Perhaps he should look into getting a pet. He shook off the notion with a light shrug as he knelt to meet Thor's affections. He didn't have time for an animal, sadly. Too many conferences, book signings, and an overall writing his life away -- not to mention his gallivanting about with the FBC. That was a whole other mess in and of itself.

Once the gentle Thor attached himself to the writer, Alan gave the Malinois a hearty ruffle atop his head. "Thanks big guy, really."

With that, Alan stood, stole another chug of his lemonade, and gave Fumizuki a small smile. "Take care of your friend. He's a good 'un."
Fumizuki (played by randomentity777) Topic Starter

Fumizuki just keeps serving customers.
The Marine came by with his platoon to buy lemonade. All 40 Marines got in line.
Fumizuki (played by randomentity777) Topic Starter

Fumizuki smiled as she served Adrian and his platoon and added the quarters they paid into a little jar that she had been collecting money in. "Hope you enjoy."
"Yes ma'am we are enjoying"
Fumizuki (played by randomentity777) Topic Starter

"Good." Having made a decent amount of money, Fumizuki decided that was a perfect place to finish up. After all, she had things she wanted to do after all.
Kitsunebi (played anonymously)

Kitsunebi tipped her hat, finished her flagon of lemonade, and then whisked the latter into her sleeve and flourished the former as she disappeared in a puff of sparkles (or did she just disappear behind a bush?). "Thanks for the lemonade!" She said, and thought that the people there had been a fun bunch to stand near.

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