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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » (Summer Soiree)18th Century Caribbean (CLOSED)

gl-1485942-1719318124.jpgMary stood at the water’s edge, watching for ships to arrive. She had decided this uninhabited neutral island would be a good place for pirates and other travelers to visit and discuss potential future adventures together. It was also an excellent time to simply make merry. She hoped the invitations she placed in the bottles and tossed into the sea reached others.
Yellowbeard (played anonymously)

Yellowbeard and his son Dan came ashore holding onto a log because their ship sunk after getting peppered by cannon fire from the British navy. Fortunately for them, they had managed to offload their treasure before that happened. They were just temporarily without a ship.

Seeing a bonfire starting to blaze, Yellowbeard told his son. "Be's careful whatcha say boy. This smells lika pirate party... the drinkin' may be good but the betrayin' is better."

The two walked toward the fire when they saw a red-head glowin' in the flickerin' flames. "Arrgh there... Who ya be signallin' with that fire?" Yellowbeard cried out. "Dad... maybe we take a less.... aggressive approach. Let me do the talking." The young lad, maybe twenty if but a day, looked to the woman. "Pardon our state, but we just come ashore. I take it you're throwing some sort of party here?"

It may have been explained to them had they found one of the bottles...
Capt. Mary Killigrew - Pirate (played by Stormiedayz) Topic Starter

Captain Kiligrew smiled warmly at the newcomers who looked to have lost their luck somewhere at sea.

“Come warm yerselves,, and quench ye thirst. We’re on neutral ground here. No trouble lurking about. I hope to meet fellow adventurers and share tales or plot up new travels together.”
A rowboat nestled into the wet sand at shore, not far from a wet log that seemed out of place, but not so outrageous as to be an unbelievable rescue aide or transport option. We did make vessels out of them, after all.

The small boat was adorned with a large tasseled umbrella, an enormous lantern hangs from a decorative arm extending up from the bow, and a few small crates! With, it would seem, one extra redhead! You can't have too many!

She waves her bottle with the re-rolled message at Mary, a bright smile plastered on her face! "Halloooo!" She hops out, pulling the rowboat in further. After securing her transportation at shore, Rose marches right up, undeterred by the sand. One arm totes several bottles with a basket of croissants hanging from the other.
"Lady Mary! Well met!" Rose bows, inclining her head respectfully.
"I was lucky enough to catch an invite. I thought perhaps I might share some rum and treats with your party!"

Aside, shortly after greeting Mary, Rose offers to the men who presumably arrived via log, "Well met. I also have some fresh water and some dried meats, if you'd like?"
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Exiled from her lifelong home, Akira now wandered a world teeming with new marvels as she walked with staff in hand and a backpack. Every unfamiliar sight and sound beckoned her curiosity, urging her to explore. To sustain herself, she painted exquisite portraits of people and landscapes, selling them for essential provisions like food and clothing.

In this new land, Akira's eyes caught sight of a distant fire, its warmth almost palpable even from afar. Drawing nearer, she spotted two women with fiery red hair — a hue she had never encountered before, igniting her fascination. As she approached, snatches of conversation reached her ears, stirring a hunger not just for food but for the experiences awaiting her.

Moving stealthily, Akira emerged from the shadows like a specter, her soft voice carrying an excited melody as a smile graced her delicate lips. "Excuse me, my name is Akira. I saw your fire and wondered if I might join you for the night?" With dignity and respect, she addressed the group, despite her simple attire making her an oddity among the pirates. Yet appearances belied her true nature; Akira bore unseen scars of battles and untold stories that shaped her mysterious presence.
Capt. Mary Killigrew - Pirate (played by Stormiedayz) Topic Starter

Mary was excited to have both Akira and Rosalyn approach.

She was extra pleased to see two other women, one a redhead no less. She warmly welcomed them while eyeing the basket of croissants.

“All are welcome!” She smiled at the men who had arrived first, “Are you going to just stand there hungry, the woman has come bearing gifts?”

Mary turned her attention to the two women shaking her head, “Tis the reason I am glad to see women. Men are useful at times, but tis my fantasy to put together a crew of women to sail the seas in search of adventure, treasure, and knowledge. What a fierce force we would be.”

Seemingly appearing out of no where, the tightly tied gray boots he wore cutting through the water as he moved onto shore. Dark eyes reflected the flames as he moved towards the gathering. Straightening the captain’s coat he wore that was originally not his before approaching the party.

“Hello everyone.” He wasn’t sure what dialect he should use so he chose to sound more Scandinavian. Most people were put more at ease with an accent that they do not associate with danger. Still even with the change the voice came out deep.

“Would you like some help unloading your ship on shore m’lady?” He nods to Roslyn’s ship. A broad smile spreading across his face, deep dimpled pits appearing in his cheeks. Looking to Mary and Akira he gave them both a nod. “Hope you don’t mind one more scoundrel at your…” he lifts the still wet parchment from the bottle. “…Soirée?”
Yellowbeard (played anonymously)

Capt. Mary Killigrew - Pirate wrote:
“Come warm yerselves,, and quench ye thirst. We’re on neutral ground here. No trouble lurking about. I hope to meet fellow adventurers and share tales or plot up new travels together.”

"Aye lass, that be might friendly of ya." He grabbed a bottle of rum and went and sat down to enjoy it while he watched other scalawags arrive.

"Some mighty fine ships be arrivin' fer sure" Yellowbeard growled after a drink. He watched a young lass fade in from the shadows and nodded his head. She spoke all polite and learned like his educated boy.

Dan1.png"Yah miss, me boy Dan here will be happy to have ya joins him fer the night!" He then looked at Dan. You should go chat up that cute stealthy one. Ya might get lucky boy!"

"Dad, I don't think these women are here for a cuddle. Unlike you though, I will have a polite, friendly chat." Dan left his yellow-bearded dad to drink and went over to introduce himself to the woman. "Pardon the crudeness of my dad there. He hasn't spent much time in civilized society."

He gave the red head who greeted them an apologetic look as well. "I can't take him anywhere."
Vardarianna (played by Dawnia)

Corsair-Captain-A.pngThe wash of the waves breaking over the bow had the ship pitching madly. The Corsair Raider ship from the Far Haradian coast was far away from home with their dainty prize. Captain Khabec had led a daring raid on the City of Pelargir at night, and there had found a prize much more worthy than gold or silver or revenge on their sworn blood enemies of Gondor. In a way it was revenge in itself... the kidnapping of the king of Gondor's eldest daughter, Princess Vardarianna!

The raid would have been the epitome of perfection, as they were in and out of the city without notice .. that was, until the quay guards and all but one of the Princess's personal guard was found dead. Their escape would have been perfect but for the storm front they had to sail into. The storm damaged their ship, and but for the skill of the Numenorean crew, they would have been lost with all hands. But now, as they sailed clear of the storm, they had no idea where they were.

They did have a bottle that washed aboard with a wave. Inside was an invitation to a party? Ahead was the island, sighted with a bonfire and other ships moored. "Make for land and we will perform repairs." Captain Khabec told his first mate. He promptly ordered the navigator to set course for the island.

Vari-captured-A.pngWhen they sailed up and dropped anchor, Captain Khabec along with three men and the princess set off in the dinghy to come ashore. There appeared a red-haired woman was the focus of the others gathered around, he and his party walked up to her. He hoped she understood the common tongue because he didn't wish to speak Adûnaic.

"Good day m'lady... it appears we have been invited to this place for a ..." Khabec squinted at the word that seemed strange. Princess Vardaianna grabbed the paper and looked at it.
"Soiree" she said.
"Sore-ee" Khabec said.
Vardianna rolled her eyes. "No. I'll say it slower so your meathead can understand ... 'swah-RAY' "
Khabec nodded and was about to slap the spirited woman before he restrained himself. He saw the red head eyeing him closely. "So yeah. asking if my crew and my ... 'guest' here has permission to attend?"

He assumed it would be alright. The invitation said everyone was welcome. It's just best to ask anyway.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira's eyes brightened with excitement as Mary shared her vision. "Your fantasy stirs something within me," Akira began, her tone carrying a hint of wonder. "To sail the seas with a crew of women, united in our quest for adventure, treasure, and knowledge—it is a dream I never dared to speak aloud, but one that sings to my soul."

Akira layed down her backpack and sat gracefully upon it. Her hand lightly touched the wooden staff at her side, a symbol of her own journey and the powers she wielded. "With our combined spirit we could indeed become a force to be reckoned with. A force that not only navigates the seas but shapes the very course of our own destinies."

Then she suddenly remembered she had no idea what the woman's name was, "Pardon me, but what is your name?" As she awaits Mary's reply, she quickly turned her attention to the others. First one was the handsome young man whose name she had not yet learned.

Akira's eyes glinted with curiosity as she studied Axel, a fellow adventurer appearing unexpectedly. Her voice held a hint of amusement as she replied, "Welcome. The more companions, the merrier the journey. What secrets does that parchment hold, I wonder?"

Akira returned Yellowbeard's nod with a warm grin, appreciating the camaraderie of fellow travelers on this unexpected journey. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she silently acknowledged the mysteries and adventures that awaited them all. At Yellowbeard's comment about the thought of Dan getting lucky, Akira's cheeks flushed slightly at the unexpected attention, her smile growing despite her attempt to suppress it. Her eyes flickered with a mix of amusement and bashfulness as she acknowledged the playful banter, choosing to let her blush and smile convey her response rather than words.

Akira couldn't help but let out a small giggle at Dan's comment about his father. Her laughter was warm and genuine, reflecting understanding rather than offense.

"It's quite alright," Akira replied with a gentle smile. "I must admit, I haven't had much experience in civilized society either." She had put her right fist into her left open palm, giving him a curt bow of respect. "I'm Akira. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

As the three men and woman approached Mary and engaged in conversation, Akira observed quietly, her mind musing over the term 'meathead' with curiosity. Though unfamiliar with the insult, she found its blunt nature intriguing. Without interrupting their exchange, Akira met their glances with a warm smile and a brief, friendly greeting, embodying her characteristic calm and welcoming demeanor amidst the unfolding scene.
Capt. Mary Killigrew - Pirate (played by Stormiedayz) Topic Starter

Mary found herself surrounded by quite a variety of characters, some very rough and rugged, some bright and cheerful, some more refined, and all appeared to be adventurers. She was exceptionally pleased with the outcome of her little soirée. Surely some new adventure would be born this night, whether her dream of putting together an all female crew, or something else just as compelling.

The men were handsome, and appeared quite sea savvy, although one in particular might be in need of a bath.

There was something different…something special about the quiet spoken woman. Book learned perhaps? Mary herself was book learned.

Mary sat on a large log, close to the fire. “Gather round, and let the tales begin, tall or not.” She wanted to see who amongst this group might be worthy of sailing the seas with her.
Axel Helvig wrote:
“Would you like some help unloading your ship on shore m’lady?” He nods to Roslyn’s ship. A broad smile spreading across his face, deep dimpled pits appearing in his cheeks. Looking to Mary and Akira he gave them both a nod. “Hope you don’t mind one more scoundrel at your…” he lifts the still wet parchment from the bottle. “…Soirée?”

Rose is listening eagerly and picturing a ship of beautiful and vicious ladies at sea breaking hearts and sailing for freedom! But, she can't resist an attempt to assess Akira and the log sailors; the way Rogues and shadowy figures often do. There's the initial impression, but in a group over time it builds out, like an unfolding story.
Here, she's quick to make note of posture, revealed weapons, the state of one's gear, the manner in which someone moves when they think no one is watching, and perhaps making notes of what they seem focused on.

The cheerful rogue inclines her head politely to Yellowbeard, Dan, Akira and Lady Mary while offering the basket and bottles... well, one bottle as Yellowbeard takes the other for himself. Of course, she laughs as he suggests the likelihood of evening companions. This was a party after all! Would anyone be surprised that strangers in strange company got up to shenanigans???
The thief toasted, "na zdravie! I'm Rose!!!"
It was not her mother tongue, clearly, but she used it with the same gusto and intent! Most people didn't mind.

She regarded the Father and Son duo curiously, their personalities were so different! Surely a story was in there! Yellowbeard reminded her of someone, perhaps one of her cousins who had all the best stories.
A little, knowing, smile captured her mouth as Father encouraged Son to 'get out there', as it were.
"There's at least one night's worth of fun in my boat!" Uhhhh... Phrasing..?

Her grin only broadens as Axel arrives and offers some assistance with the remaining crates in her little boat. A gloved-hand juts out to the Dark haired Scandinavian introductorily.
"Ahhh Yes! Thank you, Captain-..." a little smirk catches her mouth here, the breeze tousles her fiery curls as she waits for a name or title like she could tell his jacket was "new to him." It clearly wasn't a problem. Did anyone expect all these crates of refreshments to come from a strictly above board transaction?

Roslyn chatters excitedly to her high ranking assistant as they spot more new arrivals on their path.
"You... uh... go swimming with your bottle?" She notes Axel's wet parchment from earlier with a charming grin. The leather-clad rogue nods her greetings to the beautiful Vardarianna, The Captain, and their three companions approaching Lady Mary's beach gathering.

Shortly arriving at the rowboat, the excitable redhead immediately reaches for a large basket of mixed citrus fruits, "So..."
Now detailing the crates for him, she nods to the sealed ones. There were definitely two full of hefty rum bottles and one with various dried meat, fish, & soda bread all wrapped in little waxed cloth envelopes.
Additionally, the basket of varied citrus fruit, a basket of big beefy pineapples, and a basket of gorgeous mangos.
Perfectly ripe! Clearly better to be enjoyed now than go to waste!
His once dark eyes seemed to brighten as he neared the fire, dark blue the shade of the deep ocean. He nodded to Mary for the offer of liviations. It was interesting to see such a group of scallywags and seafarers. His eyes glance to the beautiful, stealthy one. Something about her made him very curious about her. He knew there were many wild and crazy creatures and people with amazing gifts lurking on the high ocean. He had seen them with his own eyes over the many years.

The host spoke of an all female crew and had conflicting thoughts about it. On one hand he remembered how his beloved had been quite the sailor and swordsman, usually complaining about the ship's conditions much less than her male counterparts. On the other hand he was always picking sailors based on merit. Having too much of even a great thing can be a problem.

He clapped his fingerless gloved hand into Roslyn’s hand. “Well met. Not a Captain though. Captains have ships and mine is in Davy Jones's locker.” He thought about the wet parchment. “My bottle must’ve opened on the way over.” He went with her to unload the small boat for the rest of the party, carrying two of the large barrels over each shoulder. Then back he went for more, showing no signs of tiring or stressing his body with the filled barrels. Upon seeing the barrel’s open he was reminded that live in the world of plenty now. A bounty half as big had his entire village fighting tooth and nail in the deep winters.

It seemed to him that the princess Vardarianna might not be there under her own volition. Perhaps he would ask further questions but this wasn’t his party so he didn’t want to make waves. Sitting down on a log near the fire and found his hand around one of the rum bottles, pulling a cork with his mouth and chugging half of the sweet alcohol as he awaited more people showing up. Listening closely to get everyone’s name even if he didn’t introduce himself to everyone.
Vardarianna (played by Dawnia)

Axel Helvig wrote:
It seemed to him that the princess Vardarianna might not be there under her own volition.
Perhaps he would ask further questions but this wasn’t his party so he didn’t want to make waves.

Vardarianna saw the rogue lok her way, and though she could easily end up in worse hands than Khabec's, she gave him a pleading look to try and project that she was indeed a hostage.

But what was he going to do? They were on an island, and the only way off one is by ship, and it didn't appear he had one. Besides, Khabec had most of a crew... those left after their run-in with that storm. Still, if she could let these rough but hopefully honorable people know of her plight and what her father would give for her safe return, maybe she would eventually find help sometime around the end of the party?

She started debating on how to get Khabec drunk enough ...
As soon as Vardarianna’s eyes met his he knew that she was the captain’s captive. While Axel was used to fighting against unfair odds or wouldn’t do him well to start a fight especially when the soirée’s host had called for peace. Even so he couldn’t just sit by and do nothing. Strategy was always his strong suit. Rather it was raising an English chapel or bringing pagans to heel in the dead of winter, he always used planning to give himself the advantage.

Maybe he could use the ‘peace’ and the many able bodied people at this little get together. The host had the look of a fierce pirate and he would bet that sword she wore had seen its share of blood. The stealthy warrior was literally brimming with power and he wasn’t sure everyone else could feel it. Even the rogue he had helped with the goods showed her dexterity while they were getting the goods. She carried at least a dagger that he had spotted so hopefully she could use it, if it came to that. Finally the old man in the son. He couldn’t figure them out.

He upended his rum bottle and spilled much of its content on the ground before standing up and walking half stumbling over to the princess and her company, picking up a few full bottles of rum along the way. “Gents…I…” feigning being drunk,. “I have for you the best kind of rum ... free.” He smiled and nearly tripped over his own feet. Handing full bottles to captain and his men. “Come…drink!”
Yellowbeard (played anonymously)

The rum was good, but Yellowbeard couldn’t scratch that itch. He leaned to Dan… “Ahe boy, we can take that there fine ship. You go in and diplomatically blab at that cap’n there, and I’ll circle around and get on the ship. You get that cap’n to bring you and that pretty lass with him, and we’z get him to set sail before we take the ship and crew, and have a ravage…”

Dad! There will be no pirating and ravaging princesses here! This is a soirée … a swah ray… a peaceful party. Enjoy not raping and pillaging for a moment will you?”
“Bah me boy. Its wouldn’t be here, it be in the high seas. You knows they’d just be waiting’ ta betray yah. I wonts be pullin’ the knives out of her back then they happen. If yer mum had told me sooner off ya, I’d a broken out of prison sooner and raised ya right. But me hads to lay low for a while before goin’ to retrieve that treasure I stoles from the Pope.”

Dan shook his head and eyed the pretty princess and gave her a smile. “Just a little while longer dad.. ok?”
Vardarianna (played by Dawnia)

Seeing Khabec enjoying the drink along with the others that came ashore, Vardarianna managed to wander away from the fire and into the darkness. She gave the young man who sat with a gnarly old man a look before she turned to make a spring into the grass.

Her bare feet in the sand made tracks that would easily be followed, so she jumped to the side... and ran right into the arms of the man wearing a captain's coat' So much for her slipping away and making her escape...

OOC - this has been fun. I'm going o n hiatus so needed to close this
Pretending to be drunk and offering them free booze seems to have worked for the rogue. His eyes glanced over at the older man and his son and concentrated on what they were saying for a moment. He wasn’t exactly sure they had the princesses best interest in mind either. Or any of the pirates that were here for the matter.

Axel would slide into the shadows. As soon as the princess, who also seemed to be waiting for others to sleep into a deeper state of inebriation, he was there. “Come… let’s get you of here and get you home.” He didn’t know where her home was, he just knew it wasn’t there. Guiding her into the small boat the captain had come over on, his hands pushed the vessel into the water then jumped in himself. Ferrying the princess away.
A mermaid might be a pirate’s biggest fantasy. A siren, however, was the deadliest version of these creatures, with a beautiful face, sharp claws, small, sharp teeth, and a voice designed to take the fantasies that live in one’s head, and bring them to life.

Madison was a very dangerous siren, the water moving like silk across her body as she swam through the water, her tail propelling her forward through the waves. Under the water, she noticed something shiny, and swam to it. She took it to the surface before she opened it, and read an invitation to a party. A smile moved over the siren’s mouth, and she ducked back under the water to find her way to the island.

The siren pushed herself towards the island, her supernatural hearing already picking up the sounds of a party, the crackling of fire, and the laughter of humans. She grinned as she pulled herself out of the water, her tail shifting into her legs as she stood up. She walked the island, stealing clothes until she made an outfit, and shook out her long black hair. Her smile shifted into to a lovely sight, a bubbly action from the siren.

Approaching, she saw several people, and several boats. She could smell them, and if she were to tap in, she could see their thoughts. That wouldn’t be necessary, she thought as booted feet stepped towards the group. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a young woman seemingly escape the party, though Madison didn’t know that minute that she was escaping from a captor. She ignored this as she moved closer to the group, seeing if there was anyone available that she may be able to talk too. Or get a drink from.
The hull of the Howling Tide cut through the black sea on the moonless night. The captain stood stoic and resolute in his venture as his calloused and salt-licked hands gripped the wheel of his mighty ship. The full breeze filled the black sails and whipped his long, wavy hair about his bearded face. His eyes peered into darkness of the night with the anticipation of finding a spark in the distance at any moment.

The crew of the Howling Tide had, most recently, been in the port town of Port Royal, where they had been offloading some Spanish treasures they had "picked up off a sinking vessel near Bermuda". It was true that they had been the ones to open fire on the flag ship and sink it. But that was a minor detail that the captain saw no reason to share while in port. However, while trading the treasures for necessities, he was approached by one of the officers in the King's navy and asked politely at first, then with a pistol pressed to his ribs. Normally, Bandit would have beat the absolute hell out of anyone stupid enough to pull a pistol on him. But, to the officer's luck, the notorious captain was more curious than angry and allowed himself to be temporarily captured for the gain of knowledge.

He was then commissioned by the Royal Navy to hunt down some of his fellow pirates and bring back a kidnapped princess. Captain BlackBones had no love for the Royal Navy and would have refused, spat in their faces, and pulled his weapons on them. But a deal had been offered. One he could not refuse: Safe passage while on this venture as he hunted the pirates down and brought the princess untouched back to Port Royal. Then, and this was the kicker, safe passage to the ship's next destination. This, the crafy captain knew, could be manipulated and used fully to their advantage. With shrewdness on his mind, he struck the accord and claimed the parchment that validated his employment by the Royal Navy.

He returned to his ship and summoned the navigations officer to help him plot a course of where they suspected these fleeing pirates would head. After some debate and fresh stab marks in the thick wooden table, a course was set, and they had their heading. The crew returned to ship, and the Howling Tide raised the anchor and pulled away from the dock.

After three days at sea, one of the powder monkeys fished a sealed bottle from the water as they hung over the side of the massive ship on a rope swing, being their duty that day to check the window casings surrounding the sliding cannon doors to ensure the stability of the ship. The sealed bottle was passed to a deck head, who gave it to the first mate, who brought it to the captain. The captain stepped up to the helm and announced to his crew in his commanding voice, "We've been invited to a soiree, mates. Ya up for it?" The crew let out a loud, "Aye!" in unison, letting the captain know they needed a night off. He steared the ship towards the gathering and, with the night black as pitch, he watched for the flame of a bonfire.

The location was discovered, and the longboats launched. The crew rowed to shore but didn't join the party. They moved as a group up the beach and into the trees of the island. The captain was the only one to remain by the longboat and approached the gathering of people. His dark eyes flicked from face to face, not recognizing any as enemies. His keen eyes had caught the male and female scurrying away from the gathered group, but a couple running off for alone time wasn't of interest to him. He then turned the corner of his mouth up into a crooked smile and offered a greeting, "How might ya all be on this night?" This voice was thick with an Australian accent and his clothes befitting the captain of a successful crew.

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