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Forums » General Roleplay » Summer Soiree: (1980s, Beach, Contest, Open: IC)

I'm thinking: 1980s vibes with Progressive hearts and minds!
Every-character is welcome and I think it would be hilarious to have inter dimensional and magical guests all competing to win the contest.

Are you a Competitor? Audience? Staff? Watching from afar? Casually buying merch?

When we get at least 5 competitors checked in and seated, I can do a short announcement to begin. include a dice roll : 2d6* per contestant post.
Semi-free order depending on the level of interest.
This can stay open as long as needed.
Winner is the contestant who can reach the goal of : 40 dogs first! *Or whenever Big Blue hits 150? 200? 🤣 )

In the charming coastal town of Grand Haven, Michigan, residents and vacationers bustled along the pier in the late morning, before it got too hot outside. Every few feet, an orange flyer could be seen all along the coast, advertising this particular summer tradition. At the very end, over-looking the beautiful water, a large table with room for 8-10 adults had been set up.

The Pronto-Pup's annual hot dog eating contest was being assembled quickly. Their diligent team had years of practice by now, this was a famous and popular event! Decorative banners and a fun variety of Pronto Pup Props and merchandise all in classic Pronto-Pup colors helped direct attention to the contest.
There were tables along the walkways with refreshments and vendors; even a few fishermen and bird watchers who couldn't be deterred from their daily time at the pier.

Agnes checked on the Grill Master, the buns, and the cooler of complimentary beverages for the contestants!
She set out condiment bottles at each contestant seat along with pitchers and water cups.

"Hey, Dan!" Agnes called to the boss who was giving the merch table a second or third review. It had to be just right!
Her feathery cinnamon waves blew in the breeze.
"I'm gonna go check the sign up table, you need anything?"

Once she got the all clear, she sprinted over and welcomed some guests.
"Hey! Good to see ya! If you wanna compete, please sign up and head to the table at the end! Can't miss it! Be sure to weigh down anything that might catch a breeze and fly off! See me or anyone in an orange pronto-pup STAFF shirt if you have questions!"
rolled 2d20 and got a natural 8.
2 6

Note: GOAL

Trevor was a long way from home. He'd flown to the other side of the country from Teal Cove, Texas to attend his cousin's wedding. The last time he was in Michigan was grade school. Since he wasn't a groomsmen and only attending as a guest, he wasn't needed that afternoon as everyone prepared for the wedding the following day.

Bored, he decided to catch a bus and go exploring since there wasn't much on television. After checking out various shops around the downtown area, he eventually made his way to the beach. It seemed like some kind of party or festival was going on. As he walked along the sidewalk after getting off of the bus, he spotted one of many orange flyers on a telephone pole. There was a hotdog eating contest among other activities down closer to the water.

Trevor headed down the beach and found several tents and the table where the event was going to take place. It looked like they were still taking contestants as the crowd began to gather. He'd never tried competitive eating before, but could certainly eat his weight in hotdogs. Figuring he had nothing to lose, he made his way to the event table to sign up.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 4.

Note: contestant

Agnes Sothesby (played by .the.MILK.theef.) Topic Starter

Agnes smiles at Trevor, handing him a complimentary Pronto-Pup contestant t-shirt after guesstimating his size.
"Hey, welcome! Make yourself comfortable while we wait. Sign up is open for a while still. There's a cooler of ice cold drinks by the contestant tables if you're thirsty."

The woman waves more newcomers in and passes the signup clipboard down the table when he's done.

Meanwhile, Dan the boss man was having some sort of intense conversation with the poor exasperated teenager sweating by the hot grill. He's making them drink a cup of water to stay hydrated.
Their orange Staff t-shirt is stuffed into a pocket, rustled by the lake breeze.
It would appear they wish to at least work on their tan while they have to be here with their dad, smelling like grilled hot dogs... "Fine! Fine! I promise to drink more water."

Dan seems satisfied, walking away with the look of a Dad-Mission-completed look plastered on his Flanders-esque mustachio'd face. However, his child is busy getting a soda when he's turned toward Agnes.
Agnes smiles at Trevor, handing him a complimentary Pronto-Pup contestant t-shirt after guesstimating his size.

"Hey, welcome! Make yourself comfortable while we wait. Sign up is open for a while still. There's a cooler of ice cold drinks by the contestant tables if you're thirsty."

"Thanks," Trevor replied taking the shirt. He helped himself to a can of Coke from a nearby cooler and found a place to sit while he waited.

Currently, Trevor was wearing a t-shirt for the band Yes. Not wanting to lose his t-shirt, he decided to tie it around his waste after he slipped it off and pulled the hotdog shirt over his head. Trevor hadn't purchased anything earlier when he was out exploring downtown and didn't have a bag or backpack to put it in.
Big Blue (played by Samiakki)

Big Blue had no clue where a rift spat her out now. Wet footsteps slapped against the wood of the pier, leaving pointed footprints of water in their owner's wake. While some beach-goers hurriedly packed up their things to get away from the towering, finned woman, others gawked in either awe or fear, frozen in their tracks. There had been calls beforehand of a shark in the swimming waters, but none expected it to actually leave the waters.

Why did she do so? For the delectable smell on the pier, of course!

Hunting was not going so well for Big Blue. She'd have to find other alternatives, and if that meant acquiring food from humans, she'd do it. In truth, she had no interest in eating them. They were bony, with most lacking the substantial fat she needed. She's rather partake of whatever meat they had available here from the land beasts they slaughtered themselves. Lazy things, many humans were - content to mooch their food off of other humans. Granted, the concept of money was relatively foreign to her.

Thus, the fact most of the things at this food stand where people started congregating was free was a bonus that Blue didn't realize. Eying Agnes and Trevor downwards, both of whom she dwarfed significantly, she blinked. Each of her three eye rows moving independently. It smelled delectable here. Sometimes humans seemed to know what they were doing with their meat.

"I. . . B. . . BLUE. . ." She raised a knife-like claw to her chest. "WA. . . NT. . ."

She squinted at the sign that announced the hot dog-eating contest. Unfortunately, she could not read, but judging by the amount of hot dogs being grilled, she tried to make a guess.

"FOO. . . D. . . EAT. . . FFFFI. . . GHT. . ."

Humans trying to see who could devour the most morsels was an amusing concept to her. She had to admit that she was a little curious if one could beat even her appetite. Confidently, she doubted it.
Agnes Sothesby (played by .the.MILK.theef.) Topic Starter

Big Blue wrote:
... She had to admit that she was a little curious if one could beat even her appetite. Confidently, she doubted it.

(I'm gonna say Big Blue OBVIOUSLY gets to roll 6d12?!? And may re-roll 1s! 🤣💖🤣)

Agnes sees Trevor off to get settled but her attention quickly turns to whatever hubbub was happening up front. The crowd made way for a sea creature? who seems to have come ashore to join the party!

The small woman beams up at Big Blue's introduction, politely listening before she excitedly nods in the affirmative. Her heart has simply melted. Aggie was grabbing for the clipboard in an instant, "Hi Blue!" She offers them a t-shirt that might fit, as it was only fair.

As Blue was technically the newest in town, Agnes offered to guide them to the table for contestants and the drink cooler while they wait. She waves at the Grillmaster of Teen angst and Boss Dan, who both look stunned and then quite excited for the pull of fresh drama and a formidable challenge on the pier!
"We're gonna need a..- uh, more dogs!!!"
Big Blue (played by Samiakki)

The occasional panicked cry of 'SEA MONSTER' at Blue flew over her head. She was busy observing the tiny female human as she greeted her cheerfully. That was a relief. They didn't want to grill her. Next thing she knew, a piece of fabric was being presented to her, which she took in a wet hand that was almost the size of a dinner plate. Unfolding it to look at the full object, she raised it to her unseen nostrils and took in its scent. Ah. This was one of those garments Intelligents wore due to their pervasive fear of nudity.

Just then, she glanced down at herself. Was Blue being. . . rude? Should she have worn something before coming here? She had no intimate parts on display, so it confused her slightly. She glanced around to see if she had committed some sort of unspoken sin. Some long-haired juvenile that smelled like a male was also wearing the same garment, which made it click for Blue. These are what the competitors wore! Chuffing in realization, she raised the extra large T-shirt to fit over her head, guessing where the neck hole would be. Unfortunately, there was yet one problem to that. Her fins were in the way and didn't allow room for her to pull the shirt down. She tried to fit a hand through the arm hole, but immediately retreated from it out of fear of becoming stuck. Growling softly at her torment, she found a 'solution' by stretching the back of the shirt over her two dorsal fins, so that any image that appeared there on the shirt was upside-down. Which was a certainty, given that she had put it on backwards.

Just putting on a shirt was a whole adventure in and of itself. It took a moment before Blue realized she was being guided somewhere. She followed wordlessly, having to duck slightly to be under the tent. Her rear found a spot on a chair adjacent to Trevor's, where she had to curl her tail as it creaked under her weight. Resting her palms on her knees, she appeared to be the most awkward one here. The things she did for a decent meal. . . And the other rusalki would not be hearing about this. Blue was already a bit eccentric for her kind as it was.

Six eyes landed their gaze upon Trevor, a sharp blue color that pierced though people. She blinked each pair at a time, starting with the bottom row and moving up. A claw extended, but not to harm him. It was directed at his soda can.

"WH. . . A. . . AT. . . ISSS?"

Saltwater flew from her teeth as she hissed the last word, but nonetheless seemed innocent curious. Or cautiously innocent.

( I appreciate that you're willing to alter the system slightly for a character like Big Blue! It's not necessary, but if that's what you want to do, it's your game! Thanks so much! Blue can definitely eat a mess of hot dogs, even if she hates the bread part, haha! I could just write it that that's why she can only eat 2d6's worth at a time. )
Alesander Windsor (played by Four)

Alesander had already known to pack. He wore a simple 'TEE - SHIRT' from another realm, and some shorts, but in his back were a 'parka' and other warmer items in case he was in the middle of the frozen north again. The portal had shown up near a year ago, and at least once a week, Alesander would slip into the portal, and be whisked off to a new world he didn't understand, but every time he returned no time had passed in his Kingdom so it was suddenly his number one way for escaping his responsibilities. By the end of the day he was beat, having to stay up much longer than people really knew, but it was worth it to him.

This time, the prince appeared on a beach side, but nothing like the coastal town he was from. The sand stretched right out to shore, and there were docks, but not nearly as many as his own port. Most people were half dressed swimming in the ocean themselves. An event seemed to be happening, and a kind woman greeted him cheerfully.

His brain misfired almost immediately. Had he somehow spawned in a place where hot-dogs were the delicacy rather than a poor man's food rations? Regardless, it sounded intriguing, and Alesander was certainly excited, though he did struggle with the pen to sign his name on the clipboard (It was damn near witchcraft itself to not need an ink well!?) But the prince already knew better than to speak about his lack of understanding. He happily switched out one TEE-SHIRT for another. Many people wore these as well, so at least he wasn't dressed too weird, and he waited for further instructions and other competitors. He hoped the rules weren't too hard.

He also heard the words of sea monster as a large... well... sea monster was making it's way across the event area, but it seemed tame, and Alesander had seen enough so far, that it was only mild panic as the thing came closer, rather than full blown fear. As long as it wasn't trying to take a chomp out his leg, he would act like this was completely normal to not raise suspicion for himself. The other normal looking person was completely ignored as he gazed at the glory that was the sea beast.

//Respectfully, as Alesander has no idea what this entails, I think he'll need a /2 everytime, especially competing against big blue, who I am totally in love with by the way, so. HAHA!
Big Blue (played by Samiakki)

Either now sure or hoping to be sure that her name was written among the 'eat fighters,' Blue waited somewhat impatiently in her seat. She wasn't sure how many people were needed. She just wanted an excuse to feast. She had a vague idea of what the food was; ground meat stuffed into some beast's small intestine and then cut into logs. It didn't sound all that bad, as long as it wasn't serve with any kind of disgusting salad.

Sure enough, a third competitor signed up, making Blue antsy. Her attention shifted from the teenage male to the new arrival, of whom she suspected was another male. Considering all rusalki were female, it was hard for her to tell with humans. Regardless, she met the man's stare, appearing incredibly tall even from her seat position, with biceps bigger than Alesander's head. She blinked, uncertain of what to make of this one. Cautious and curious both, she leaned forward slowly, opening her maw as if to bite, but apparently just sniffed him.

"Y. . . YOU. . . EAT. . . FFFFI. . . GHT?"

Her voice was gravelly, sounding unused to speaking in the first place, words almost gargled from the wetness of her throat. Her language sounded foreign, but somehow, it made perfect sense to the others, including Alesander. It was as if the meaning was inside of their heads, despite the sound being external.

( I'm so glad to hear everyone loves Big Blue, hehe! Thank you! I love everyone's OCs here, too! )
Trevor did a double take when Blue arrived. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head. "I have to be dreaming," he mumbled. Trevor felt no fear as the giant sea creature seemed to be no threat. It was more a feeling of fascination.

The creature accepted the free t-shirt. It was rather comical as she attempted to try to put it on. Trevor realized there was no way he was going to win but he didn't care. Winning had never been his plan. He'd happened upon the contest by pure luck. At this point, any prize was no longer an issue. This was going to be a fascinating experience.

Another contestant signed in and joined the competitors, but Trevor took no notice. He just tried his best to act like the situation was completely and perfectly normal. Right now, he mostly focused on the crowd's reactions.

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