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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Summer Soiree: Don't fear, MAI is here!

MAI (played by jennaisante)


One day, you found yourself a package in front of your door, inside your mailbox, or anywhere the package has their route to you. It just a plain brown cardboard box, sealed with a single, elegant silver ribbon. On the list of the shipper name, it was said from: META Group Corp, and at the bottom, it crafted your name, your address and your phone number. You probably have the 5W 1H on your mind. Curiosity piqued, you brought the package inside your home/shelter/studio/wherever you are currently living.


It's all that written in the center of the seal. To extinguish your worry, like answering your questions inside your brain. Like it was programmed and you feel like someone has controlling your body, you may now understand how the character on The Sims may have someone being the puppeteer. But, you washed out that thought because you think that it was an impossible things that might occur in this reality.


You get the scissors/cutter/or even your nail clipper to open the box. Inside, you found a VR Headset with an envelope. It was a letter directly for you. You feel itchy to open the letter. And it says:

Congratulations! You have been chosen!
We know that our customer must have the question "Why" on their brain. Why is it you that we choose?
We are under develop on creating a reality based on Virtual amusement to bring your Summer to your home!
You were invited to try our latest Product, and guided by our beautiful personal bot Assistance, we assure you, you can even smell the beach salt only from your room!
Where do we get your data? Probably from your email account, your back account, or perhaps........ RPR profile Identification data.
Worry not, we are not affiliate with any of the admins and your data will be safe with us!
Now, put the VR on and enjoy your virtual reality of the Summer beneath your roof!

Best Regards,
META Group Corp, CEO.

- Everyone is welcome! Face claim or OCs. Human FC or Animated/Graphic FC.
- Please be human only.
Our system can't detect another race's brain, we are still under development!
- No one liners. Our bot Assistant need to read your expressions and action unless you want to be detected as an intruder and you will be annihilated from the system immediately
- Please be kind to each other.
Leo Cromwell (played anonymously)

The remnants of the previous night's revelry clung to Leo like a second skin. A throbbing headache pulsed in his temples, and his mouth felt like sandpaper. The party, a blur of laughter and music, was a distant memory, leaving behind only the lingering scent of stale beer and the echo of boisterous conversations.

He groaned, rolling over in his bed, and reached for his phone to check the time.

It's already morning!

The insistent rapping on his door shattered the silence, and he sat up with a jolt, his head spinning. With a groan, he pulled the covers off and stumbled towards the door, his movements sluggish and uncertain.

As he opened the door, a rectangular package lay on the welcome mat, nestled between two potted ferns. A small, elegant envelope rested on top, its crisp white paper contrasting sharply with the worn wood of his door. With a shaky hand, Leo picked up the envelope and pulled out the letter inside.

Who the fuck sent him a weird package?

The letter was short and to the point, its elegant script a stark contrast to the chaotic state of Leo's mind. It spoke of a 'taste of summer,' a promise to escape the drudgery of everyday life and experience something extraordinary. Intrigued, Leo set the package aside and reached for the VR headset that lay on its package.

He slipped the headset over his head, its cool plastic fitting snugly against his skin. "The fuck?!" He muttered.

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