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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Summer Soiree: Brimstone & Roses

Mother Maria (played anonymously)


Y/C turns around the corner and all of a sudden, a boutique appears with stardust spreading like connetti. A flyer convincingly lands in Y/C's hand.

Displeased that fashion is only available for the rich in this society?

Well, head down to Brimstone & Roses where you are your own model for a affordable price.


(1) While this is aimed at fantasy characters, anyone can up and join.

(2) Please restrain from purposely destroying in the shop because your character will be kicked. Accidents are okay however.

(3) "No booze in the boutique!"



A sign hanging on a door in the boutique read out Bar. If one were to enter the room, they would see the small restaurant. A familiar vampire who is known for job hopping is behind the counter, mixing drinks. There is some help wanted posters in the restaurant; one for a cook position* and some for waiters.
* The bartender is quite a lethal cook, so it is best to not let her prepare food.
Volitivo Cane Piccolo (played anonymously)

A quick break of the forth wall here, I have no clue how Volitivo is outside of his camp, and we're going to ignore that.

Volitivo carefully walked inside the mysterious boutique that appeared out of thin air and stardust, tugging gently at his veil nervously. The boutique was quite lovely, having a calm, brown color scheme that was easy on the eyes.

Volitivo noticed the door that had a sign said bar on it, but seemed to have no interest of it as of yet. "Hello?" He called out in a soft, gentle voice, it was a miracle anyone could hear him talking so quietly. "I received this flyer and.. wanted to see what it was all about.."
Mother Maria (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Welcome to my Brimstone and Roses, darling." Mother Maria appeared out of nowhere. She had a sewing pin in her mouth and was currently looking the small child in a nun's attire.

"For a limited time, I'm offering anything in my boutique for free."

"All someone needs is a flyer like you are holding." Mother Maria showed the boy one of her award winning smiles.
Volitivo Cane Piccolo (played anonymously)

Volitivo gasped and stumbled a few steps back when Mother Maria appeared out of nowhere, he stared for a few seconds, his eyes widened, then figured he should pay attention to what this woman was saying.

"Oh." Volitivo looked down at the flyer in his hands, and gently tilted his head back up to look at Mother Maria.
"This is a very sweet, thoughtful thing for you to do, miss." Volitivo nodded at Mother Maria as a gesture of respect.

"A few of the boys in the camp I belong to accidentally tore their uniforms while climbing a tree to save a stray cat, and I was hoping to find somewhere that could make new ones." Volitivo said in a gentle voice, "Or something to wear temporarily that is similar, until Lillakille can get them some new ones." Volitivo calmly added. "So, uhm." Volitivo looked down at the flyer again, then looked back up at Mother Maria. "Could you help me? Please?"
Mother Maria (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The floor under her illuminated and smiled when the boy nodded at her. "Just giving back to the community."

"Tears? I can repair those with ease." The mention of this mysterious Lillakille. "Is she your camp counselor?"

One could notice the unusual amount of vampires in the boutique, either customer or employee.
Volitivo Cane Piccolo (played anonymously)

Volitivo nodded. "Yes, Lillakille is my camp counselor! She is very sweet and kind." He stated, before reaching into his bag and pulling out two uniforms with some rough tears in them, a few twigs and leafs on them. Volitivo held them out to Mother Maria and smiled, "Bless you, you're so kind, like Lillakille." Volitivo warmly added.

Volitivo, however, was surprisingly unaware of the vampires, because he was too focused on getting the uniforms fixed.
Mother Maria (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"As she should. I don't get the adults who are plain mean to children." Mother Maria grabbed the uniforms from Volitivo and picked off the leafs and twigs.

She placed them on a table with her sewing machine. MM inspected each one of them carefully and placed a pin in any tear that she found.
Volitivo Cane Piccolo (played anonymously)

Volitivo watched closely and curiously, watching as MM inspected them and placed the pins in them.

He stood a distance so he wouldn't get in the way or anything.

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