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Forums » RP Discussion » Your most violent OC and why.

So, if we're talkin conscious violence, my man Blake here absolutely takes the cake. Even though my current cast features a master assassin and two variants of unstoppable danger doggos, Nice Man Blake is arguably the most volatile and violent in personality and actions. He has killed people with his own two hands and cybernetic weaponry, sure, but the main thing with him is that he's a supreme overseer of a contitental army equipped with thousands of mobilized citizens and combat robots, who have collectively brought about the destruction of entire tribal communities, villages and even a couple of cities. He allows bloodthirsty officers to do as they please to strike fear into the heart of their enemies, and when it comes down to it, he often sees to bombardments, mass execution and other nasty business himself.

He might not have the highest 'direct' kill count, that would go to either Flarus or Sprite, and isn't nearly as gruesome in his ways as a possessed cannibalistic monster like Clickjaw would - though that's up for debate, seeing how he also tortures and approves of the torture of dissidents, POWs, experiments, etc. -, but he's the only one out of these four characters that hasn't thought twice about what he's done.

Sprite often loathes her beastly form and the carnage that its capable of, Clickjaw was a meek and unassuming human once that might not have welcomed their creator's curse if they'd known what it would turn them into, and though Flarus cares little about others and loves the thrill of the kill, he often ponders what things would've been like had he not gone down the path of assassination and other dirty work. Nice Man Blake, though, is stuck in a state of decade-long megalomania and lusts after the acts of violence that he perpetuates, taking pride in his genocides, war crimes and terror attacks. Whatever humanity sparkled in the eyes of the young boy that decided to follow his mercenary mother out into the wilderness one day, now lays dead and buried beneath layers of metal, cybernetics and faux flesh.

Gods forbid you stand in his way.
Victi. Why? Thrill of the hunt.

She loves lurking and following prey, she loves the misdirection of illusion magic and putting the target on the back foot, and she hungers for that moment of unleashing a final spell, a last sword strike, or a primal and satisfying kick or bite to the back of the neck.... but she has some constraints.

She considers herself a responsible hunter, meaning that she tries to only kill, or fight in general, when she has to. Prey, of course, is the main one, either literally hunting game animals for food or neutralizing a bounty target to get paid. The other acceptable type of target for her is people who attack her, mostly security or armed forces who do not want her in the places she has been hired to do things in. More violence than needed makes people with resources more upset than needed, and she doesn't need that trouble.

That said, she... does kinda like to make a reason to indulge her wild instincts. If she can antagonize someone she already doesn't like and they attack her, that's great! She gets to fight them. If it's marginally faster to go sauntering through gang territory to get somewhere she needs/wants to be, you can bet that she'll go through and smugly refuse to pay their tolls, TOTALLY not just so that she can revel in a flurry of violence.

While Victi is a clever person and a potent mage, she's also a thrill-seeking ambush predator with all that comes with it.
Skeith (played by LunarValravn)

There's many a violent character in my roster but Skeith will be taking that crown...for now. This character has more blood on his hands and at his feet than my currently listed characters. What makes that scary is most of the blood spilled by him is indirect.

Experiments: Many an experiment has been done in his search to cure his kind and the world of human blood. A large number of his subjects have not made it out alive or, if they have, have endured a level of torment fit to call the demon Fear.

Magic/Dark Rituals: Uoliaeth culture doesn't fear death and even reveres death. There are some rituals they do and spells too which demands blood or even a life. Under Skeith's leadership, many of these have grown into common use in his search to purify the world.

Murders: He has killed many in his path too and often in the most cruel way possible. His victims are often enemies but some who have stood in his way have found the Uoliaeth's mother. If he is bothered by their deaths, he doesn't show it.

Schemes: Societies have fallen due to his schemes. Though he's rarely involved with these, innocents and guilty parties alike have fallen enmasse due to his schemes.

Alt: Outside of deaths, there have been many who have suffered physical and mental trauma under his ambitions. His own son has felt loss, abandonment, betrayal, and more under his schemes simply because Skeith wants him ready for what he was created for. Mind, Skeith has been absent for most of his son's life. Without his ambitions, Skeith may have been different but he believes these evils must be faced to end the greater evil devouring his world.
My most violent character is most certainly this pretty little terrifying thing.

There is no rhyme or true reason to her violence. It is what she is made of, made for, and makes entire use of. If she’s bored, she will kill. If she is excited, she will brutally torment and kill. If it is a Tuesday, she will kill.

She has no thoughts, no feelings, no regard for anything or anyone that is not herself, or her boyfriend, and even then, he is lucky not to be stabbed at the smallest inconvenience to her day.
Revenant (played by Churchtuary)

Revenant, undoubtedly.
Forced to kill his own mother at a young age under self-defense, losing his father to a government conspiracy, being drafted to fight a desperate and bloodthirsty race of fire-breathing, dragon-like aliens, being captured, tortured and experiment upon by said species, which fuels Revenant into committing an act of mass murder over the beasts and any human sympathizers with a kill count racking over a thousand. Though he hates mentioning how many people and dragon-people he has slaughtered in the past - and in current days - Revenant is violent socially as well, with him constantly taunting, demeaning and patronizing whoever he thinks is beneath him. Deep down, his external social aggression makes him feel better about the immeasurable weight of guilt upon his shoulders. But most importantly, his outward violence helps to keep buried the hopeful kid he once was, that died along with his parents. He's violent because violence is the only thing he's good at.
That would be my OC Lorelai.

Even though her partner in crime is the active part in this.
His name is Gorogoth, the twin brother of Veliai. He's a prince of the Rilynath Kingdom and he made an axe out of mummified succubus flesh (handle) and a sharpened bone. In battle, he would bite chunks out of his enemy, chew, and swallow. His nickname is The Butcher of Rilynath because when his father placed him on the throne as a stand-in, he put every prisoner in the dungeons for violent crimes, prisoners of war, and those guilty of treason to death in one day.

He is an epitome of chaotic good.

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