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Forums » General Roleplay » Summer Soiree: A Gatsby Summer Soiree (OPEN)

Dominic D'Angelo (played anonymously) Topic Starter

//I mean that's just the event for it to get accolades and such, I'm absolutely sure it can continue until it meets a healthy close, so don't rush yourself too much!
Ashti Rodgers (played by Kotomi657)

((For sure! Thanks ya'll ❤️. I'm happy with it too I would have been sad if it ended abruptly lol. Also don't mind Ashti continuing to search for Gatsby. Totally fine if he never shows up or is just a theory))
((I think I was hunting down Pics for Pearl, so please enjoy all these. Some AI, some iconic and not nearly all from the era, some are a little before or after the 20s.))

IMG-3997.jpg IMG-3990.jpg IMG-4001.jpg IMG-3992.jpg IMG-3994.jpg IMG-3995.jpg IMG-4010.jpg IMG-4009.jpg IMG-4013.jpg IMG-4014.jpg IMG-4016.jpg IMG-4015.jpg IMG-4008.jpg IMG-4011.jpg IMG-4007.jpg IMG-4005.jpg IMG-4006.jpg IMG-4002.jpg IMG-4004.jpg IMG-4003.jpg IMG-3998.jpg IMG-3999.jpg IMG-3996.jpg IMG-3993.jpg IMG-3991.jpg
Ashti Rodgers (played by Kotomi657)

((I literally love the roaring 20's- the fashion and the art so much UGHhh these are so pretty. Pearl is so pretty 😍))
Dominic D'Angelo (played anonymously) Topic Starter

As Ashti went into another song, Dominic threw his hands up at her comment, really wanting to barge back on stage and snatch the mike away. The audience was captivated, Pearl was in love, and Dominic was hoping that this would not, against his luck, be the one day Gatsby decided to finally attend his own party.

It was so hard to get the man's attention, and here she was entrancing an entire crowd - Jay would have no choice but to at least acknowledge her.

"He didn't hire you to sing," Dominic said to Ashti as her second song came to a close and the crowd cheered her, "You're a guest as much as anyone else here is" He would not say that included him but it was I plied anyway, "So you really just showed up prepared to take center stage?"
Dominic D'Angelo (played anonymously) Topic Starter

/ The plan is for him to show up, just at the end. Give a little attendance, offer a few dances, then disappear into the night, as the party continues lol.
Ashti would hold her hand out as her song came to an end, hoping to swipe a drink from Pearl as she drew closer... and winked!

Indeed, the little enchanted flower brought more champagne like an offering of devotion! She was glistening in the heat, a bit nervous and a bit warm, but always excited to be here!
Shoulders bare upon her return, that slender figure is seen fitted snugly by a beautiful robin's egg body suit. This reveal better detailed how the sheer draping petals of her costume were fixed.
With a graceful twirl, Pearl offers Ashti, by hand, an elegantly gilded flute of champagne. La Llorona had excited the crowd into a romantic & energetic state!
More guests were drawn in for every word Ashti sang!

Pearl looks between Dominic and Ashti curiously... Wasn't... he pleased?
Of course she was aware of the games of socialites, and for this she was grateful to fly under the radar, generally.

Dominic would know Pearl couldn't resist piping up, but she felt confident Ms Rodgers could hold her own. While they argue under layers of Gatsby devotion and myth, Pearl gulps down cold water like a fiend!
She's looking around off stage for anyone in need of champagne, just to be sure it's offloaded quickly and leave time to prepare for anything required by her stunning charge.

A peacock in well... a stringy little piece comes up to Pearl, offering her a note and a smirk, taking one of the flutes before she can protest. The ginger flower watches them saunter off, a bit jealous of their calves.
Reading the note, she smirks and stuffs it into her suit.

Not one to stray far, Pearl awaits requests as little pink and yellow down feathers drift off the very hard to please Mr D'Angelo, she smiles.
Dominic D'Angelo (played anonymously) Topic Starter

//Actually we'll do this, A slight change, sorry I'm going to control a little here, I know it's often frowned upon, but as this was the plan anyway, and it lines up with the weekend I"lol do it.


Ashti finished her song, and Dominic only rolled his eyes in irritation. She was stealing a spot light, which shouldn't have been a big deal, because Dominic could have used the dozens of parties to do such things.

As he looked up at the balcony's he noticed a Gentlemen in a white suite, blue button down and a face of pure enlightenment.

It'd been ages since Dominic last saw Gatsby, but from the distance, he was sure it was him. As Ashti finished the song Gatsby began to descend the steps, and it was like the crowd knew, not of who he was, but that he was someone of great importance as they parted ways for him. Jay rose his hands in the air above his head, clapping at Ashti's performance, clearly impressed by it.

Dominic could only stare as the well dressed man, stood with Pearl and Ashti as the man gave the singer a standing ovation.
Ashti Rodgers (played by Kotomi657)

Was it possible to know someone without...truly knowing them? Ashti's face was painted in pleasure as she sipped her drink painfully slow- attempting to keep appearances while dehydrating infront of an audience. It was then, through the blurr of spotlights, a figure parted through the sea of people. Their murmurs grew in strength and Ashti was met with a sole applaud. It was the only one she wanted tonight. One that somehow seemed to ring louder than the other ones. The light blinding her glimmering eyes couldn't steal her gaze. This had to be-

"Gatsby-" she spoke in a whisper, exhaling a half laugh. Was she truly seeing what she thought she was? For a moment Ashti considered going into another song to dazzle him, but if she did wouldn't others try to take him away from her? She needed to talk to the man personally. Clearing her throat she cast a curious glance the 'host' before handing the darling flower her empty glass. Did Pearl know this man? Ashti wished she could steal some of Pearl's energy!! Seeing Gatsby made the singers knees weak but she tried to hide it. "Thank you." She said to Pearl before looking to Gatsby. Ashti liked being in an elevated place with the man of night on the ground. Made her feel mighty. Brave.

"Sorry-" she began with a dazzling smile. Or was it sweat? Goodness she hoped she didn't look as nervous as she felt! "I stole your stage." A coy grin and she tucked her long hair behind her ear. "I think it suits me best though. Don't I fit the stage?" She gestured to it with an outstretched hand. "I can sing more if you like." She tried not to sound eager. Ashti walked towards the edge of the stage, crouching down with the mic still in hand. "I can sing for you always, if you like. I'd you'd have me." A business proposal of sorts- though could it be more she was proposing? Was she trying to take Dominic's man?
Pearl occasionally spied Dominic's harsh reactions. She knew, though, that his heart was full of love. Quietly, holding her tray of fresh champagne at the ready, she watches him looking to the mysterious figure who descends the stairs applauding only for Ashti. Of course!

Jay Gatsby was beautiful, truly. Pearl's experiences were from afar, mainly vicarious. Dominic's words were always layers of intrigue, but anyone could see the intentions to protect him.

Together, the trio stare as Gatsby comes down to the beautiful party. Pearl snaps back to reality when she hears his name from Ashti. "Oooooohhh...", The little petal expelled in a soft tone. Was he coming their way!?

Eyes wide, Pearl looks between Gatsby, Dominic, and Ashti... she doesn't even look, but accepts the glass from the wonderful songstress. She raises it in thanks, still gob-smacked!

This was the longest amount of time she'd stood still the entire evening!
Dominic D'Angelo (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Dominic nearly lost his balance at the smooth exchange between the singer and the owner, he'd have never been able to recoup just like that, and even after a stunning performance she still managed to offer a breathtaking smile to Jay. The conversation was so organic - so perfectly sewn Dominic was uncertain Gatsby would even notice him and Pearl on either side of him - instead merely thinking them to be pillars guiding his way to the singer.

Thankfully, it was not quite the case. The response came, "I'd love that Miss," Gatsby paused thoughtfully, his endless stream of seeming to know just everything took a moment to catch up, "... Rogers, was it? Quite the reputation and to have you come to my home and perform - I am quite honored. Perhaps, if it's not too much you could delight us with one more?"

Dominic made a meaningful face at Pearl, clearly stressed about being completely ignored, but then Jay turned on his heel and offered his grin to Pearl and Dominic finally, "Two of my favorites, as always - Miss Robichaux - I do hope I'm saying that correctly, and Mr. D'Angelo." Then he stuck out his hand, offering it to Dominic, not as a handshake, but as a formal invitation to dance, and Dominic had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop from reacting like a small child. Steadily the host took the owner's hand and they began to dance to the music. Whether or not Ashti decided to indulge the crowd another song, or Pearl filled the lounge with her own music, the two men danced.

As they went Dominic would glance at Pearl and Ashti once in a while realizing he did not in fact deserve this dance, and he'd been a poor host to insinuate such hateful things to his guests. Gatsby was here for everyone, and Dominic had no need to gatekeep such a man from the world. As the song ended he'd gracefully pass him off to the women, offering both of them, though especially Ashti, an apology. Everyone would garner some of the unattainable man's attention tonight.

Gatsby offered his hand to Ashti, and Dominic threw the bright boa back around Pearl's neck, offering to dance with her next while most of the lounge was encapsulated with the four. He'd probably be back to being his crabby old self once Gatsby missed a few more of his parties again, but one day he'd win the man's heart - he was sure of it.
Dominic D'Angelo (played anonymously) Topic Starter

//Kotomi got me overthinking now I feel rushed to end it, lmfao. I saw the 'last weekend' post and I was like... noo wait I thought we had until August to finish? I don't know. But however the party ends, it was wonderful spending time with you both :D
Ashti Rodgers (played by Kotomi657)

When encouraged to sing another Ashti would delight in just that. A new flame lit within her bosom rose her to her feet and she sang another tune- one light and happy. One that the audience could move to and one Ashti found herself swaying to also. The inspiration of having Gatsby hear her and delight in her was unmatched.

This had been what she had wanted, a feeling reminiscent of her glory days.

When it came to an end and music replaced her voice, Ashti was eager to dance with Gatsby herself...though she indulged in many questions of future partnerships. Maybe deep down Ashti still wanted to be a star, and what greater honor than being Gatsby's?

Alas as the song came to an end, and as Ashti's drinks were kicking in, she felt joyful and not quite ready to leave the dance floor. Lost hues found Pearl, and while wondering if the happy woman wanted to dance she extend a hand out to her. Whether or not Pearl was around or wanted to indulge, Ashti still felt so full. So accomplished. Truly it was a great night- almost a fantasy compared to the many lonely nights normally spent in her tiny apartment.

So was the illusive magic of Gatsby and the brilliant party Dominic orchestrated.
Ashti Rodgers (played by Kotomi657)

((It was fun. I am glad I joined! I normally get shy in groups haha but thanks for indulging and playing with Ashti <3 ))
Pearl raised her eyebrows at Dominic right before Gatsby redirects his attention to greet them. She simply beams, "Mr Gatsby, a pleasure to see you. Ma cher, you've some Cajun roots, too???" She's flirtatiously complimenting his effortlessly impeccable pronunciation.

Inclining her head to him politely, she stepped back to allow the dutiful host and the mysterious bankroller to dance. Ashti's song choice is perfection. Quite pleased at the success of their first night, Pearl devours the magical moment and grins at Dominic when he seeks her gaze. She's waving him to keep going, to just enjoy himself for once!

When Gatsby dances with Ashti, Pearl excuses herself for one moment from Dominic's offer, practically skipping over to the band and trailing bright little down feathers the whole way there and back. She's leaning in with some requests for moody dance music!
"How about some instrumental accompaniment?" She joins Dom on the floor and leans in, whispering to him. "How was it?" She suspects the answer is good, but, she wants him to admit he had fun.
When they're done, she kisses his cheek softly. "Thank you, Mr D'Angelo."

And then, to Pearl's surprise, Ms Rodgers has invited her to dance as well! Blushing, she takes Ashti's offered hand and leans in to place the softest kiss atop it. The little petal gazes up with a smile and leads Ashti into a slow and elegant dance.
"May I say, You have made this such a lovely evening with your presence alone, Miss Rodgers. Please tell me you'll be coming to every season."
If Ashti indulges Pearl, they chat a while. Pearl flirts...
"Has the evening been exactly perfectly magical?"

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