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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Summer Soiree: Miretta in Stardewland (Magic Fest)

After stepping into a portal the likes of which she'd never seen - a black-edged rift torn into the air and filled with green, blue, and purple pulsing lights, golden orbs shining like stars or perhaps they were stars, no way of knowing in a place like this, and no way of finding out maybe unless she stepped through - Miretta found herself in a green world. Trees rushed with wind all around a clearing, and rocks and stumps lay strewn carelessly about, apparently by long-past rampant weather, but there was also the possibility that they were left by monsters... Looking around, Miretta checked the area for rock walls that could have caused an avalanche, or trees or bushes that were particularly precarious (or worse, that could have the nests of vicious monsters built into them). One cave, no avalanche-ready walls, not any particularly messy or suspicious looking bushes or branches.
The area would be Area 1, then, Miretta decided. She would hike a little further up into the trees and find somewhere to camp.

She found something surprisingly quickly - just up the path, which she'd thought must be worn into the soft wildgrasses by forest animals, there was an old... Farmhouse? Its windows were dim and dirty, and the roof could do with some repairs, as could the wooden porch floor.

"Oh my! Hello!"
There was a young woman behind her, Miretta was startled to discover. People normally could not sneak up on the Hunter, but this woman seemed particularly soft-footed. Or perhaps her latest stints at the Help Desk had dulled her senses..? There was also a chance that the Portal had done something to her Hunter's instinct. Miretta frowned for only a moment, then smiled and waved.
"Hello!" She said smartly, and then waited a polite moment for the other woman to say something. When no answer came, Miretta folded her arms awkwardly. Her stance was straight, but she tried to come off as easy-going.
"Maybe it's obvious, but I'm not from around these parts. Any idea where I could find a..." She hesitated. "A Help Desk?"

"There's the town hall," the other woman said, in what seemed to be curious tones. She had a faint accent, Miretta noted - or rather, Miretta's accent was different from this woman's. "I can lead you to it, if you want. I'm just here to check on the wildlife. There's a project I'm working on. Did you come to see the wizard, or are you here for the festival?"
Miretta absorbed this information, and before she answered, the woman continued speaking.
"Oh, or are you here about the farming gig, perhaps? I know there's supposed to be someone coming to help prepare the house."

Miretta wasn't sure what compelled her to answer as she did. But she said, "Yes. I am here for the gig! Please direct me to the wizard."
It felt okay.

"Right this way, follow me," the woman said exuberantly. "I'm Robin."

After leading her to the Town Hall, Robin ("Come on over and we can talk woodworking later, don't be a stranger, now!") handed her over to Pierre, who gave her a packet with a sandwich in it. He reminded her of the Moga Village merchant she used to know, so Miretta was instantly fond of the man. Miretta was curious about a blue barrel made of metal, which had some kind of looped contraption instead of a cork or wooden bung. When she asked if it was a bomb or trap, Pierre laughed out loud for several moments. "It might as well be!" The merchant said. "That's Joja Cola. Here, have some tea instead..."

After a delightful conversation with the man, Miretta was sent to the wizard on another side of town.
"You seem like a good candidate indeed. My arcane talents are exceptional. As usual. Take your time to get to know the village residents, and when you have what you need to be comfortable here, participate in the festival, and you will find yourself balanced. The island... Needs you ... As you need the island. This is a time for the intricate powers of the universe and its realms' restoration. Coming here was the right thing to do. You should be a farmer while you're here, there's a lot of magic in the hard work you'll do, you know. And besides, a strong lass like you could really help clean up! Hem. I'm a wizard of few words, usually, so count yourself as lucky and blessed to hear me instruct you. We have used our powers on this day and you and this island have been truly fortunate to unite with each other...."

Telling her to go, the wizard booted Miretta out with a vial of potion. She had been instructed to drink it, but only when she got back to the farm. Returning to 'Base Camp', as she'd call it, at the old and broken-down house, Miretta did as she was told. Drinking the potion, she felt very comfortable, assured, and sleepy. She also realized it was only mint and chamomile. Looks like all of that Herb classification study was good for something, she thought dreamily, as she fell asleep.

The wizard truthfully was a scientist of many machines, and much of his magic was simply... Science. He was a wizard of mechanics and alchemy, and chemical potions, too. Perhaps he was especially interested in festivals because of all the science of socializing and the chemical reaction occurring in people's minds at a party. In any case, he had many mechanisms and mysterious things, to the point where it was difficult to tell what was magic and what was simply.... Science.

Welcome to Stardew Valley! Festival

The wizard has called over peoples and races of all kinds and all walks of life, to be a part of his treasured and fabulous Magic Festival. As the Universe's Interweavings hang in the Balance, he wants everyone to come and party. Because portals expend a lot of energy, he's enlisted Miretta and Linus and a few other villagers, his friends and kinfolk and neighbors in general, to write Messages-in-a-Bottle, and entreat people to summon themselves to the island with a magic (or science?) teleportation symbol written on the page. In return they get a day of festivities and party-going fun, as well as to meet new people, tour the town, see the beauties of the island, and eat a lot of fresh farmed food!

Welcome to Stardew! Get energized and eat some food!

🍈 🍉 🍎 🍏 🍐 🍋 🍑 🍍 🍓 🍠 🥕 🥔 🥬 🥧 💎 ⛏️ ⚒️ 🔨 🎆 🎇 🌆 🏝️ 🌊 🌊 🌊 🏖️ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
As she was no stranger to life among a little farm community, having grown up on a tiny island far away that was famous for its delicious seaweed, Tsukasa felt almost as though she were returning home when the ferry finally reached the dock. It'd been several days now since she'd set foot on dry land but then again she wasn't exactly what you'd call a landlubber. For her studies had taken her far and wide across the vast ocean, searching as it were for a correlation between increased toxic algal blooms and an overall diminished population of more sensitive coral species. As it so happens various tests done on water samples collected near Joja Cola production facilities seem to point a finger square at the megacorp. Even the air seems to have a very faint, nigh undetectable tinge of pollution to it when the ferry had pulled near the island...peculiar in that it was purported that there was but one of their faceless, soulless supermarkets in Further investigation will be required.

But Tsukasa would be remiss if she were to blatantly announce the coming of an environmental scientist seeking to shutter the corporation for good. They'd hide every bit of evidence and pretend she was the one in the wrong, as had been the case before she'd caught on to their nefarious and litigious ways... All of that would have to wait until she'd gotten the chance to establish herself as a normal inhabitant of Pelican town. And to think that it had been someone that proclaimed themselves to be some sort of "magical practitioner" who alerted the least someone had the best intentions in mind for the natural world.

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