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Forums » Smalltalk » What about your life influenced your story?

I am writing my comic Eclipse Treaty partly as a metaphor for my growing up as a sheltered autistic child who fell behind my peers and was always the odd one out, slowing learning things about what the world is actually like and losing my childlike wonder of the world yet maturing into the person I am today. The main villain of the overarching story is also representative of something I've dealt with a lot in my life: abuse of power, bullying, and fire.

So I wonder: does anyone else here have something that influenced the story they are writing? It doesn't have to be as deep as mine, it can be something as small as you can think of!
It's more than the story but also characters influenced by my life. For a start, I have always been neglected by society and the medical community. It wasn't until about 5 years ago a variety of psychologists and those overseeing autistic fields said I show all the signs of autism...yet I am still undiagnosed. There's many other health issues, mental and physical, that I struggle with too. It makes sense now that life that always felt to be on nightmare mode diffulty and why I have always been isolated. How does this fit into story and characters?

Story Influence

For the stories I work on, one will find less fellowship and cheer than in most. Many of my characters overcome challenges with little to no help and society seems darker than normal. There's actually a focus on the flaws of society that the average person either doesn't want to see or is rarely affected by. In short, it tends to cover what you also focus on, bullying, abuse of power, etc, yet also shows no matter how difficult things get, one does have the means and power to change their life for the better.

Alongside this, there's a heavy focus on demons in my stories. Rage, fear, greed, etc. Anyone is familiar with these and any nuerodivergent knows just how physical these 'demons' feel some days. While the demons are shown as immortal and even seemingly impossible to be rid of, many a character does overcome them. By no means is it easy. I've had panic attacks, literally had blood burn, or even pass out after an emotional outburst yet, I try to show through the stories that one can still go forward despite your demons haunting you.

Character Influence

Blacklight: A character who is skittish, terrified of others and his own power. Despite this, he's got a big heart but can seem apathetic and does, for a time, become darker and less merciful. Much of my life and experiences has been poured into this one. Anxiety, regret, disillusionment, obsession with past, revenge, healing.

Rhith: A colorful character who covers darker aspects than you might expect. Rejection, Masking, Social expectations and pressure, Losing oneself, The sacrifices of chasing fame, Demands of the rich and elite, Depression, Loneliness, etc. Trying to fit in and be excepted is costly and this character has been influenced by the long years I fought for that. He's hardly gloomy though and many who have had an RP with him enjoy him.

Just a bit of an example. There's so many aspects of my life that has inspired stories and characters though.
Jooters wrote:
"[...] a metaphor for my growing up as a sheltered autistic child who fell behind my peers and was always the odd one out, slowing learning things about what the world is actually like and losing my childlike wonder of the world yet maturing into the person I am today. [...]"
This is a beautiful idea. I think it's a wonderful thing when people use their own experiences and "re-write" them into fiction to show it in a different, metaphorical way. It's not just about creativity, but also how thought-provoking these stories can be while analyzing them. I also like metaphors, since they almost always lack some "details" and allow the reader to fill in the gaps and figue out what they meant, often allowing to put themself into the story and situations.

My own life experiences had a big impact on my stories. I can't explain it clearly, it's more vague and "unconsious". I definitely see that, as my life changed, the themes and settings of my stories changed as well, and I began focusing on different topics. I used to write more comedy, romance, erotica. Now I keep romance almost exclusively to roleplaying. In personal stories, I rarely go in-depth into romance and go into platonic stuff instead, while comedy and humor is pretty non-existent and it's more "serious stuff".

I prefer to stay vague since my life is something i do not wish to share with people i just met.

But some events helped me to handle some issue(s) better, and i can, if i feel comfortable, putting it in my stories, they are not the main focus, they are secondary.

It help me to handle some past things better and possibly moving on.
I’m in the process of writing a story where one of the protagonists is also the ‘main antagonist’—he suffered a deep betrayal, and the pain from the trauma manifested into physical entities that ended up destroying most of the world. I suffered a betrayal trauma that more or less screwed up my life and I feel like it’s made me a burden that makes everyone else suffer as a result. So that’s fun. Whenever I’m out of my depressive funk and can actually continue writing the story, it’ll be great. 🥲

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