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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Wait this isn't a summer s⌀iree, this is a circus?

Ciel (played anonymously)

This is not a summer soiree event!
The title is just to be funny. ;)
You will not get any accolades for attending, but please enjoy bringing your characters here anyway!

"Com'on Smile, ye can't advertise Free Admission Day if ye ain't bein' attention-grabbin!" A brown-haired girl with freckles all over her face annouced, as she placed a wig that looked like a bunch of white flowers instead of hair strands, on her head, tucking her brown hair underneath it.

"I'm trying the best I can, Doll!" Ciel, who was in a circus uniform, sighed loudly. "Raise that sign up! Show it off!" The girl, Doll, gestured to the sign that Ciel was lazily holding in his hands. "Ugh.." Ciel raised the sign up, it was a wooden-sign that was painted to say 'Free Admission For Today Only!!' and held it up as high as he could. While Doll, cupped her hands and shouted to the crowds walking past the Noah's Ark Circus. "Free admission! Free admission at the Noah's Ark Circus for today only! Feast ye eyes on amazin' tricks and get ye hands on yummy treats!"

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