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Forums » Introductions » Hello! new to RPR

Hello there Jade, welcome to RPR!

Hello there, and welcome to RP Repository! I thoroughly can relate to your ambitions -- you are definitely how I was when I was in school. I had aspirations to go to college and become a writer as well! I succeeded in college -- it was a wild experience and I highly recommend it. Doing what you love is very important as opposed to do what you have to do (which is very important as well, but your happiness is a key factor in all of this.). Journalism and creative writing are a good combination though. 10 out of 10 -- would definitely recommend! Hah hah...

Anyhoo, we have a lot going on around here and if you enjoy a forum-based community, that's exactly what you're in for. There's diversity out the wahzoo and you'll see fandoms runnin' about as well. Might I recommend the Forum Games for your characters starting out! You'll get to interact and develop your lovies and meet new people. You may even hit it off with some of them and take off to world build together! Either way, do some rootin' around. You never know what you might find!

Have a good 'un out there! :)
Greetings and Salutations !! Welcome to RPR

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