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Forums » RP Discussion » Advice on starting up a world setting?

Hope this is in the right place.

I tried building a world awhile ago but failed miserably both in its construction and in drawing in RPers. Since then, I have learned a lot and gotten a little rusty due to lack of RPs. That said, I'd like to try again with a new world and would like advice on how best to present it. The world is incomplete but should have enough for plenty of adventures. This includes, 4 nationalities, a variety of races, conflict points, and even deep back lore to build on. I am searching for fellow worldbuilders to help develop it further but...

1. Do I present it as a worldbuilding option in the LFRP forums, offering nations and races upfront for others to step in on?

2. Would it be better to present the nations and races alongside a variety of plot points and conflicts/adventures to tackle, finding worldbuilding help through RPs?

Any other suggestions or ideas I haven't thought of?
Mina Moderator

I know that this is an older thread, but I wanted to give some input. (:

I vote for option A.

In my experience, the universes that seem to get the most "traction" are started by multiple people in a collaborative effort.

Your friends bring their friends, who bring their friends, and so forth. When there are multiple founders & friends' characters, input and ideas filling a world, the variety can make it seem more inviting. If you start out with a more populated setting by laying down the world building with others, you're likely to get more bites.
LunarValravn Topic Starter

Thanks for your input! ^^ Will try out presenting the world as a whole then after prepping some introductory lore. Did gain a couple more species and regions since the original time of this post.
I also really enjoy a collaborative effort.

I'm a person who doesn't want to get a whole backstory from a profile and a group upfront.
That effort is appreciated, but it also makes me feel like I need to memorize everything.

I much prefer collaboration where someone has a base idea. Genre, setting. Ok what are things we can all agree are part of assumed/ implied knowledge.

Okay. And what do we want to do
And. Now, how do we flavor the environment individually. Who are the characters.
LunarValravn Topic Starter

Collaboration is definitely the goal but there is a lot of lore in existence, most of which I plan to reveal through RP. There is no group yet. That would be set up if enough were interested. After the last one failed, just felt like too much effort upfront to me.

I haven't posted an LFRP yet but...this would be the gist of the setting for it.

Introduction to current setting and world status.
Sub Category - Nations
Basic nation info here such as culture, style, beliefs, and what their known for.
Sub Category - Races
Basic Info of the races such as basic physical info and abilities.

There's definitely conflicts and plot points here...but if that is too overwhelming, is there a way to present it so it's appealing but not overwhelming?

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