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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Party X Party (2/9)

Shochu (played by Jaws)


First come, first serve
Time Period: Early 1900s


Ship's Captain: Open
A captain is selected by their capability of commanding the ship. Unlike the Captains who were appointed by their respective governments and who's authority is supreme at all times, most pirate captain's were democratically elected by the ships crew and could be replaced at any time by a majority vote of the crewmen.

Quartermaster: Open
Most pirates delegated unusual amounts of authority to an individual called the Quartermaster, who became almost the Captain's equal. The general rule is that during times of battle the Captain retained unlimited authority, but at all other times he and the rest of the crew were subject to the command of the Quartermaster.

Navigator: Open
This officer is in charge of navigation and the sailing of the ship. They directed the course and looked after the maps and instruments necessary for navigation.

Cook: Open
A cook, or chef, is a person who prepares food for passengers or crew mates on ships. A cook must have knowledge of nutritional values and know how to cook a variety of things while out at sea into something edible. They also tend to be one of the main people a Quartermaster will check in with when making a list of things the crew and ship require before each stop at ports.

Boatswain: Open
The Boatswain supervised the maintenance of the vessel and its supply stores. He is responsible for inspecting the ship and its sails and rigging each morning, and reporting their state to the captain. The Boatswain is also in charge of all deck activities, including weighing and dropping anchor, and the handling of the sails.

Doctor: Open
The doctor is someone who studies medicine and treats injuries. While out at sea it is important for a doctor to be well versed in worldly knowledge of diseases in the seas that their crew will be swimming in.

Shipwright: Open
They are responsible for the building and the repair of the ship; similar to how a ship's Doctor is responsible for the health of its crew, the Shipwright is responsible for the well being and seaworthiness of the ship itself. However, even the most advanced shipwrights cannot fix a boat that is beyond repair.

Master Gunner: Shochu
The Master Gunner is responsible for the ship's guns and ammunition. This included sifting the powder to keep it dry, prevent it from separating, insuring the cannons and ordnance were kept free of rust, and that all weapons were kept in good repair.

Cabin Boy: Skadi Liao
A young boy who worked aboard pirate ships as a servant. Many cabin boys made their way aboard ship by being kidnapped by pirates or were runaways looking for a means of escape.
Shochu (played by Jaws) Topic Starter

Picture this; the salty breeze carries in the air. Unsupervised children running around the port. Merchants yelling at those same children for knocking over their wares. By one of the many docks lied a beauty. It was a galleon that was practically still young.

Upon the deck laid a young man slumped into one of the barrels. His face was red and his breath smelled like alcohol.
Skadi Liao (played anonymously)

A young looking white haired girl nervously clutching a umbrella climbed the gangplank onto a galleon, looking around quickly. She approached what she assumed was the captain of said galleon, a black haired young man. "Hello? Hi? Are you the captain of this ship?" she quickly stated at him, followed up with a equally fast "I'm here to work as this ship's Cabin... Boy."
Shochu (played by Jaws) Topic Starter

"Captain?" Shochu said whilst half-awake. His eyes blink a couple before seeing the young white haired girl. "Captain!" He jumped up from the barrel immediately, causing the empty barrel to roll off the galleon. Shochu saluted and shouted, "Master Gunner, Shochu, reporting for duty!" Gaining a better look at the person in front of him, disappointment flashed across his face.

"You're not the captain." Shochu quickly sat on the floor and looked up at Skadi again. "Nevertheless, welcome. What is your name, cabin boy?" He grabbed a canteen from his jacket pocket and took a long sip.
Fumiko blinks, looking confused. "Now where in the hell am I? Is this a domain? I've never quite seen a boat like this, at least not outside of history books. I could probably still work with this. Maybe even beef it up a little bit. Still, I don't see anyone..." She begins to dart around at inhuman speeds, looking in rooms for people.
Skadi Liao (played anonymously)

She curtly stated "My name is Skadi Liao, sir. What do you want me to do right now?" she bowed, straightening up soon after, eagerly looking at Shochu
Shochu (played by Jaws) Topic Starter

"Skadi Liao," he repeated back slowly, letting it linger on his tongue. Shochu immediately pressed laid down and pressed his ear against the floor. "I hear someone in the lower deck. Go grab my cannon from those barrels over there." He pointed to a black handheld cannon.
Skadi Liao (played anonymously)

"Yes, sir." Skadi strode over to the barrels which his cannon was resting upon, hefting the cylindrical weapon with one hand, still tightly holding her umbrella with the other. She returned to where Shochu was laying, and offered the cannon to him. "I'll assist with combat if necessary, just not under this sun."

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