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Forums » General Roleplay » Breaking the Lights || 1x1 RP

Jane Harper (played by jennaisante) Topic Starter

Jane shook her head and chuckled when Adrian excitedly told the playful banter shared among the marines and their roommates. "Gay chicken? Oh my God!" she exclaimed, laughter bubbling from her lips as she playfully covered her open mouth with her fingers, a reflexive gesture of disbelief that only added to her amusement. The concept struck her as both hilariously absurd and strangely endearing—a unique way to bond and test limits with friends.

As Adrian casually requested some edamame, Jane nodded her approval with a smile; it was one of her favorite snacks to munch on during study sessions. The prospect of enjoying the crunchy green pods while engaging in interesting conversation was something she always cherished.

"When I was seven," Jane began, her voice imbued with nostalgia, "My dad brought a fashion magazine for me to read while we waited at the dentist's office. I remember flipping through the glossy pages and being completely captivated by the mesmerizing images of models showcasing incredible outfits." Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she recounted the moment. "The clothes looked so fabulous, and I was particularly drawn to the beautiful dresses, stunning handbags, and elegant shoes featured in those articles."

From that moment on, Jane explained, her passion for fashion blossomed. "As I grew older and started high school, I became obsessed with mixing and matching my clothes. I wanted to create unique outfits that reflected my personality." A warm smile spread across her face. "I even started sewing clothes for my dolls! There was something so fulfilling and relieving when I saw that the doll fit perfectly into the outfits I had crafted. It felt like I was creating something special."

She animatedly shared her experiences with Adrian, her eyes gleaming with enthusiasm and joy at the memories. Fashion wasn’t just about clothes for her; it was an art form, a means of self-expression, and a delightful journey into creativity that began at a very young age.
He shifted a bit as he grinned and listened to her. The soft-spoken Marine seemed to be enthralled with her as she discussed her love for fashion, so much so that it matched his interest in teaching. He was able to draw parallels between her with fashion and him with being a history teacher. His warm eyes focused on her as he listened attentively.

"That reminds me of when I went to museums with Donovan and his parents or my parents. Donovan seemed to be more interested in engineering and how things worked. That's why he liked going to science exhibits and I stuck with historical exhibits."

He would tilt his head before continuing his line of questioning "have you made any articles of clothing before you got to college?"
Jane Harper (played by jennaisante) Topic Starter

Jane could see the twinkle of nostalgia in Adrian's eyes when he told Jane about his visit to the museum with his friend. And when Adrian asked her about if she made a cloth before she entered the collage she would simply shake her head. "For human, I haven't. I only made for dolls. I'm not really confident to make one before getting into college."

"I truly hope that soon you'll be able to achieve your dream of becoming a teacher," she said, her voice full of warmth. "And as for me, I'm determined to pursue my aspiration of becoming a designer. Let's promise each other that we'll put in our utmost effort to reach our dreams, shall we?" With her eyes shining with sincerity, she extended her pinky finger towards Adrian, a gesture that felt significant to both of them. This wasn’t just a casual promise; it was a solemn vow between two friends who understood the importance of supporting one another on their respective journeys.

Just then, the timing could not have been more perfect. The waiter approached their table, carrying a beautifully arranged tray filled with vibrant sushi. The sushi packs looked absolutely delightful, each piece a work of art waiting to be savored. With a graceful flourish, the waiter placed the colorful assortment before Jane and Adrian, the aroma wafting through the air, promising an enjoyable meal.

Excitedly, Jane picked up her chopsticks and reached for the shoyu, pouring a small amount into her plate. She carefully added a tiny bit of wasabi on the edge, cautious yet intrigued. To complete her setup, she reached for the pickled ginger, placing a piece atop the shoyu.

With a mischievous grin, she turned her attention back to Adrian. “Tell me,” she inquired, her eyes sparkling with playful curiosity, “do you like wasabi?”
Adrian reached across and hooked his pinky with hers. He smiled warmly at her. His eyes were cool yet inviting, but there was an undercurrent of inexplicable pain bit strength only seen in military members who have seen war.

He looked up and he smiled before saying a quick blessing. He took a piece of nigiri and he looked at the pickled ginger and a memory struck the Marine. "I remember being told that the ginger was to cleanse your pallette..."

Instead of a suggesting tone, it was more of a reminiscing tone. When she asked if he liked Wasabi, he decided now would be a good time to shock her. He was grinning wolfishly inside as he took a chopstick and got a decent sized piece of Wasabi and simply ate it. He let out a simple polite cough and then grinned hammishly.
Jane Harper (played by jennaisante) Topic Starter

"Yeah, but I really enjoy eating the pickled ginger alongside the sushi," she said with a light-hearted chuckle.

While Adrian decided to take a generous dollop of wasabi, completely ignoring the usual caution that sushi lovers adhered to. Jane's eyes widened in disbelief as she watched him. "Isn't that a bit too much?" she exclaimed, her voice rising in surprise. "Whoa!" She blinked rapidly in astonishment, her gaze fixed on Adrian when he prepared to take a bite.

In the next moment, she was taken aback as Adrian started to cough. Panic surged through her as she quickly reached for his water mug, pouring some refreshing liquid into it. "Are you okay?" she asked, her tone laced with genuine concern. "Here, have some drink," she offered, pushing the mug towards him with a look that mixed of scared and concern.
He perked a brow outwardly, but inwardly he was smirking. "I'm completely fine. Trust me. I used to eat this all the time when I was stationed in Okinawa". He would them turn his attention to the nigiri in front of him which he ate with just a tiny bit of soy sauce.

"I feel really rude for doing that. I'm sorry. It was just a stupid parlor trick of mine" He tried to laugh it off to cover up the fact that he felt overwhelmingly guilty. Within an instant, he issued an apology "I'm sorry for making you worry. I was kinda banking on you not being as concerned as you were given that I was gonna order a spicy tuna roll box.
Jane Harper (played by jennaisante) Topic Starter

Jane's brow furrowed, her gaze lingering on Adrian's face as she chewed thoughtfully. "Ahh, I'm sorry, I should've thought that you like spicy things..." she said, her voice laced with concern. "But, wasabi spice is really different, isn't it?" She lifted a piece of tempura, the golden batter shimmering in the soft light. Hesitantly, she dipped it into the soy sauce, her fingers delicately brushing the edge of the bowl. The dark liquid clung to the tempura, coating it in a savory sheen. She took a small bite, savoring the flavor. "Oh, this is nice," she said, a hint of relief in her voice as she chewed. The worried look slowly faded from her face, replaced by a faint smile.

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