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Forums » RP Discussion » Multi Player Community

So, I see a lot of extremely elaborate groups, but... I have this idea and I want to check the temperature on interest.

I want a Progressive Supernatural/Magic/Weird/Crytpid Community RP
Say, it's a small town.
Strange events happen
People run businesses, community and govt centers
News station
Radio station
Anyone, Anything.

Modern, 2024-, but we can discuss historical events!!! I'd love tonsee some okd RPs about town origins, or your character origins!!!!
Yes magic
Yes cryptids, monsters, fae, demons, angels, spirits, magic users, cults, hunters, etc.

Very much doesn't need to be wildly planned, but perhaps we operate on sort of a shared Mindset of engagement.

We can discuss level of out-ness, as it were.
And potential drama.

Laurel Hill Springs!!!
Claine Moderator

I'd probably join to chat / lurk. I'm pretty busy with my other projects so I don't actually have a lot of time for RPing, but it seems like the kind of community I'd like :)
I'd be in, that sound exactly like my type of game!
Hey there, this sounds interesting and I would love to help out if still looking for people to help build the community.
You know I'm down!
.the.MILK.theef. Topic Starter

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Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus