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Forums » General Roleplay » Skies Above La Serenìsima Repùblica Vèneta

Trade, Wealth, Art and Culture, Intrigue of Politics and Espionage, and of Mystery

Tis 1574, La Serenìsima Repùblica Vèneta, the Serene Venetian Republic, is one of the mightiest naval empires in the world and trading nation, controlling territories along the Adriatic coast and Mediterranean Sea, notoriously renown for its political intrigue, where nobles, spies, and the criminal factions that navigate the complex world of Venetian city-state politics, and dealing with foreign powers or rival factions.

And that fabulous mercantile capital of Europe, Venezia, is a trading powerhouse enabled by a complex political system, where nobles, merchants, smugglers, and even pirates are engaging in commerce, shipping, and negotiations; all working to amass wealth and influence; all-the-while, cohabitating as a hub for espionage, where nobles, spies, investigators, and the criminal minded are all involved in the mysteries and secret plots.

Venezia, the City of Masks, built on a network of canals is renown for its stunning architecture, wealth, art, and culture during this Italian Renaissance period, a time of great artistic and cultural development where artists, scholars, or patrons of the arts, seek to make their mark in the world of culture.

Nay shall I linger further upon the surface... Ne’r yet again to mine own pretend, lest I know La Serenissima wholly;
Let me delve unto her depths, luring me in so I may see into the deepest secrets, so every breath craves for more;
Usher me into the darker hall of souls where fear averts who dare visit;
Pull me unto the depths and form me into one of your secrets.

Who does not love La Serenissima?
The center of the Serenìsima Repùblica Vèneta;
that fabulous mercantile capital of Europe, and one of the mightiest naval empires in the world...
that bewitching blonde waving her scepter like a wand over Justice and Peace...
the Queen of the Adriatic who keeps company with Apollo, Mars and Mercury;
those Byzantine domes, gothic architecture, and luminous mosaics effortlessly mixing
past with present and business with pleasure;
gold leaves fused unto the back of the glass to represent divine light;
the Quadriga of St Mark's, that group of four bronze horses, originally plundered from Constantinople;

La Serenissima... the name whispered, works like a spell, conjuring up the dreams we all envision...
The Dream is but a beautiful city floating over grey shimmering water like a
butterfly spreading its wings upon a darken lagoon;
her only saving grace is the mirroring of marble palaces of wealth... signifying tasks accomplished well...

All the while, her cold waters clutch the very heart of the city through intricate labyrinthine arteries and junctions
with dark gondolas sliding beneath bridges, or sculling down darker, narrower canals;
the face of the mariner hiding behind a mask of anonymity, like the bearer of uncertain omen.

Alas church bells in the background toll to the devout to gather, to learn, to be pious...
praying over holy bones and booty from Crusades;
as Christianity, with its moral code, its religious doctrine, and spirituality has
betrayed itself multiple times over with their abuse of religious power;
where one who watches can marvel over the superiority Christians carry regarding themselves,
yet to the dismay, their treatment of humanity lacks.

Government cover-ups were never so appealing as in the Sala Consiglio dei Dieci
(Trial Chambers of the Council of Ten)....
where Venice’s star chamber plots anonymous accusations of treason...
as innocent victims, as well as the guilty, reside in the Pozzi...

Who does not love La Dominante?
where a Female Merchant, has more rights than her Sisters of Nobility...
where a Courtesan can be as powerful and rich as a Politician...
and if not careful, both could be accused of Witchcraft;

Who dreams not of the beautiful Queen of the Seas?
where secret passageways that riddle Gothic Palazzo Ducale...
where ducal treasures would put a king’s ransom to shame...
politics, unbalanced transactions of coin, divisions in class...
silent fogs...
mystery and awe...
Greed, revenge, betrayal....

Serenìsima Repùblica Vèneta,
yet she still stands
Ottomans East and South... European Powers of the West, Protestants of the North, and Pirates upon the Seas....
Those who wish her demise... those disloyal and unfriendly...
and the criminal underworld all who seek to bring her down...

Is Venezia’s melancholic beauty worth dying for?
Only you know her path !!!

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