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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Azure Floating Islands

Yin (played anonymously)

"In great attempts it is glorious even to fail."
Yin (played anonymously)

A figure stands in silence at the edge of a large floating land mass, a red shafted spear in hand. A forceful but temporary breeze tossed blue and brunette locks about wildly before settling upon slender shoulders as the sunlight beamed down heavily upon the surrounding hovering islands and ocean water below.Crouching down
Yin (played anonymously)

A figure stands in silence at the edge of a large floating land mass, a red shafted spear in hand. A forceful but temporary breeze tossed blue and brunette locks about wildly before settling upon slender shoulders as the sunlight beamed down heavily upon the surrounding hovering islands and ocean water below. Crouching down the figure took a seat allow it's legs to hang freely a bit of soil drifting from the edge of the floating island.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

It wasn’t often that Xi Xuan descended from heaven, though this particular location wasn’t exactly in the mortal realm. One required a certain amount of cultivation to enter, so there was a mixture of entities.

A soft sigh left his lips. Had his father not insisted he come, he would have preferred to stay in solitude. However, going against his father’s wishes wasn’t simply an act of rebellion—due to his ability to perceive various timelines, it was the functional equivalent of crippling one’s own cultivation. Nothing good could come of it.

In an attempt to be discreet, Xi Xuan wore white daoist robes, his hair pulled up in a somewhat loose bun, tied together with a white ribbon. His sword was stored in qiankun sleeves, along with his spirit stones and artifacts. Of course, he hoped he didn’t need to use his sword, but the youth before him was holding a spear.

He quietly approached the ledge, but kept a wide berth from the other man, just in case.
Lei (played by Eris_Izayoi)

Beneath a Paifang gate, a door sized rectangular portal, what looked like a portal to the void formed. Lei was rather forcibly thrown out of the portal , tumbling and coming to a stop a short ways away from where they had materalized from. They quickly stood up, glanced around, and checked their pockets and thighs. Daggers? Check, still strapped to their thighs. Sword? Check, still in scabbard on left leg. Letter? Check, in pocket on their dress. Everything was somehow still here. Hows their dress doing? Just fine, just a bit of dirt.

Setting of with a harsh sigh, they began walking away from the gate, quietly vowing never to come here via gate ever again. Hopefully this would be the last time his master would send him to deliver random mail.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

While he was accustomed to various forms of teleportation, in theory, in actuality, he never frequented any such hubs—or in his case, he stayed far away from the gates of Heaven. So the feeling of a powerful teleportation array, and the sound of a thud some distance away drew Xi Xuan’s attention.

What he saw further confused him. Very rarely did he see spirit beasts or demons showing their various features—such as his own wings—but this huli jing had no qualms about doing so, and was wearing an unusual outfit besides. His gaze lingered a few confused seconds before he quickly, and politely, averted them.

Softly—awkwardly—he spoke, “Are you all right…?”

By all accounts, Xi Xuan looked like a human cultivator, though he wasn’t masking his fenghuang essence. Anyone with the ability to know, would know.
Lei (played by Eris_Izayoi)

They sighed again. Dammit, why did he have to interact with this person? Why couldn't they just deliver the mail, and then go home? Nevertheless they simply replied with a nod in Xi Xuan's direction as they continued walking away. Best not to interact with a phoenix, or anyone, just quickly and discreetly deliver the mail.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

He returned the nod, before looking over the ledge, glancing at the spear-wielding man, before deciding he should probably find somewhere to stay. Apparently, he wasn’t allowed to return to Heaven until he found his destiny—whatever that meant.

It just so happened that the fox was heading in the same direction, but unlike Xi Xuan he seemed to be walking with a purpose, whereas the phoenix wasn’t.

From what little he heard, the Azure Floating Islands was a trade hub. You could exchange high grade spirit stones for just about anything you wanted. The question was, what could he want? Though, now that he thought about it, there might be phoenix cultivation techniques he’s in the dark about…
Lei (played by Eris_Izayoi)

Lei increased the speed they were walking at, striding forwards in an attempt to leave Xi Xuan behind. After a few moments of walking in silence, a few trade buildings came into sight. They adjusted their heading, aiming for one of the nearest buildings.

This was place one out of ten. Before they reached the building, they pulled out a stack of 10 neatly folded letters, sorting through them one by one, placing each back into a pocket until only a single letter remained.

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