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Forums » Smalltalk » RpR loooooooore

Hey, this may be stupid but I wanted to hear you your answers so here goes. I was rping with a friend who was also in another group and their character was like "You seem familiar. Have we met?" It made me wonder, are our characters in the multiverse or something? I mean, we obviously run into each other at different times but it's always in different scenarios and world types. Let me know what you think!

But hey, that's just a theory, a Roleplay Repository theory. Thanks for reading!
If I understand what you're asking, I can say I've run into a couple people here that I met elsewhere before I joined. As writers we're all good. We may sometimes continue character stories ... well, once... but usually don't. Different stories with the same characters are not always linked, but many times they are and helps build a 'character history' through all the roleplays. These things are usually decided upon in our OOC chat.
Trixie's Bar, where you can normally find my characters, acts as a sort of hub that connects all of the different universes that my various characters originate from, and RpR takes on a different context in each universe, usually involving a pun on the name. For example, the Space Marines know of the Arpar sector, an area of space on the edge of the Imperium.
Three of my characters are fathers. Two of them are OCs that are part of a lore my friends and I created called Fate's Circle. As randomentity indicated, there is Trixie's Bar where two of them work. Mathius is the chef, and his wife and his children work there too. Drael, a member of Fate's Circle, is a bodyguard and does security there. Drael's daughter is the bartender.
I would say no, not multiverse, but Omni verse. Which is like... a mutiverse of multi verses.
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel has a few "multiverse" friends, actually.
Thor (a few public forums/forum games and guestbooks)
and Jooters (my old group Xemore, a few public forums and guestbooks)

And if you count AUs, Daniel (Ciel's business friend), Christy (Ciel met her while getting a midnight snack), Carrie (Ciel met her at a fancy dinner) and Sebastian Quint (Ciel met him at the fancy dinner too), from the Hell House RP group. And BL00DF4NG (Ciel met him when investigating a murder), from a Warriors/Wolf Pack AU RP Group.

And there's a few characters that Ciel's met at Trixie's Bar, like Mathius, and like previously mentioned, Jooters, and I think he's acknowledged BL00DF4NG once but didn't interact with him.
Azumi is everywhere. She's hiding in your closet... just to make a new friend...

In all seriousness, I usually have my characters remember other characters they've met during past RPs lol.
Relentlesspursuer Topic Starter

Thanks for the answers! It was interesting to hear your viewpoints.
I would say, unless mentioned, public rp is basically a multiverse. At least, that's how I treat it.

And I did not expect a BL00DF4NG mention here! Haven't used him in a while and now I kinda want to XD Sadly I'm still on hiatus.

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