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Forums » Introductions » A Shooting Star Dances By


Good morning my lovely comets. My name is Ciela Azure, keeper of the Cosmic Observatory known for whimsical stories and God-inspired creations.
I am a teacher to students that fill me with so much joy everyday. And for the purposes of my searches here on this lovely community, I am an author. I have a novel published on Amazon and a second I am currently writing as we speak.
I use roleplaying to increase my writing abilities, to collaborate and potentially partner as editors, and to find inspiration. And I wish to flesh out my fictional universe so that is what my time here will focus on.

I hope you will be part of that journey.
Hey! Welcome!
CielaAzure Topic Starter

.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
Hey! Welcome!
Thank you very kindly.
Welcome to RPR 🙂
CielaAzure Topic Starter

KorrokMustache wrote:
Thank you very much.
CielaAzure Topic Starter

Minsi wrote:
Welcome to RPR 🙂
Thank you.
Welcome to RPR! ^_^

Welcome to RPR! What do you teach?
CielaAzure Topic Starter

-Knight- wrote:
Welcome to RPR! ^_^
Thank you, Sir Knight.
CielaAzure Topic Starter

Jaws wrote:
Welcome to RPR! What do you teach?
Thank you. I teach preschool.
Welcome to RPR! Glad to have you here. :)

It takes a special type of person to be a teacher and love doing it, and it makes me so happy to hear you are! Thank you for what you do. <3

Hope you like it here!

~ Moony
Welcome to RPR, we hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for!
CielaAzure Topic Starter

moonywrites wrote:
Welcome to RPR! Glad to have you here. :)

It takes a special type of person to be a teacher and love doing it, and it makes me so happy to hear you are! Thank you for what you do. <3

Hope you like it here!

~ Moony
Thank you. I do truly love what I do. I believe God made me to do it, and that is most likely why I enjoy it.
CielaAzure Topic Starter

Berrystar wrote:
Welcome to RPR, we hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for!
Thank you truly.

Welcome to RPR! I hope you find the kind or friendships you're looking for!
CielaAzure Topic Starter

LadyCrow27 wrote:

Welcome to RPR! I hope you find the kind or friendships you're looking for!

Thank you. And I surely hope so as well.
Hello! Welcome to RP Repository! :)
CielaAzure Topic Starter

Dawnia wrote:
Hello! Welcome to RP Repository! :)
Thank you for the welcome.

That's cool! Are the novels related? The one you've published and the one you're working on?

I love writing and sharing with others so while it would be cool to be published one day I'm also quite content with sharing stories through RP and like you expanding myittke words I've created.

Welcome to rpr I hope you find lots of muses x

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