So I’m rather dry on fantasy charecters so hopefully you guys can help.
Facts that will be true:
Facts that will be true:
Will be genderfluid
Is something other than human, with powers
Has a unique personality
what about a shape-changer (human or nonhuman). their species a total mystery because they are always taking another form.
fig wrote:
what about a shape-changer (human or nonhuman). their species a total mystery because they are always taking another form.
The shape changer has one distinctive feature that they always keep consistent. For example, they wear a distinctive ring, so their friends and people in the know are able to recognize them. Other than that, they are highly variable in their forms. They could be a big buff ork on Monday, a hunched human wisewoman on Tuesday and a fun-loving gnome on Wednesday.
What if this character's unique personality is due to their identity? Perhaps they live in a world where each gender class is expected to act a certain way? But with them being Genderfluid, they're a hodge podge of personality characteristics?
Claine wrote:
fig wrote:
what about a shape-changer (human or nonhuman). their species a total mystery because they are always taking another form.
The shape changer has one distinctive feature that they always keep consistent. For example, they wear a distinctive ring, so their friends and people in the know are able to recognize them. Other than that, they are highly variable in their forms. They could be a big buff ork on Monday, a hunched human wisewoman on Tuesday and a fun-loving gnome on Wednesday.
Claine wrote:
fig wrote:
what about a shape-changer (human or nonhuman). their species a total mystery because they are always taking another form.
The shape changer has one distinctive feature that they always keep consistent. For example, they wear a distinctive ring, so their friends and people in the know are able to recognize them. Other than that, they are highly variable in their forms. They could be a big buff ork on Monday, a hunched human wisewoman on Tuesday and a fun-loving gnome on Wednesday.
to add onto these two ideas, maybe instead of a distinctive ring, maybe they have a spucific few main forms, like a 'main' human for that alwayse looks the same or main cat or distinc goblin form. they can still sift into any other creature outside those 'main' forms to any other creature, but his freinds know that if a human or cat or what ever that looks a certain way that is is indeed them. i do love the shape shifter idea tho, a gender fluid shape shifter sounds so cool.
alternatively, it could be a genderfluid dragon, they can change their body part to change to match their gender identity. maybe they're a dragon who got separated from most/all other dragons, growing up to be around all other kinds of creatures and culturs. because of this, they might have a loud and eccentric personality and humor..
Charecter sucssfully made! Thanks to everyone for ideas! If I included your idea and forgot to give you credit please PM me.
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