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Idk why I even tried.............
Claine Moderator

Maybe this person is a witch who has lived for hundreds of years. She has adopted a sarcastic personality because truely, she's seen everything before. And the fact that everyone around her is so naive is frustrating.
She could also be some sort of sage, or otherwise be gifted with supernatural precognition.
And by now she is super used and slightly annoyed that no one heads her warnings about bad stuff to come, so she developed a dark sarcasm, because that allows for the least smug variant of told-you-so, and also is just a mechanism to deal with watching people making preventable mistakes over and over again.
Perhaps she is a kitsune so old she has ascended to her full 9-tailed self? Having spent her early years tricking and deceiving humanity, she has learned every trick and is literally bored with humanity now. Her dark humor could be a mix of she's seen everything and disgusted at the fact humans never seem to learn?

Perhaps she could be looking for ways to leave this world or realm? Find a new place with new experiences? Maybe she's just grown tired of human idiocy and has begrudgingly taken it on herself to teach them? Another idea is perhaps they are just toys to her now and she deliberately stirs trouble cause she's so bored and can?
JadedJester Topic Starter

I'm not too familiar with kitsune lore so I wouldn't know how to play one at all...and while I do understand they can take a human appearance they are still not humanoid...they're physically a fox in their true form. ^^;

Claine and Chaotic kinda sparked something though, for a second there I felt the building blocks in my head start to move in an attempt to build something but theres just not enough pieces yet! Perhaps a witch/oracle/seer of sorts who is a protector of something/someone and often gets her warnings/predictions disregarded? Thats...actually a whole vibe right there... *nod in thought*
to expand on the witch/oracle idea, maybe she was a sort of guardian of some area inhabited by humans, and she tried to take care of them by warning others of future dangers, and got ignored as others in this thread have said. like, as an example, maybe she's some kind of nature guardian and her domain is a specific mountain, forest, island, or something like that, and it's the residents of that place who have heard and ignored her warnings. maybe they think she's just some crazy lady who lived in the area first and is trying to scare them off with rumours of danger and bad omens? if you wanted to go darker, maybe something truly terrible happened - plague, natural disaster, war, etc - and the humans of that area were wiped out due to a disaster they were warned of but didn't believe in. and after that the witch could either give up on humans and become a wandering loner or hermit, or work even harder to make others in the rest of the world believe her, depending on where you wanted to go with it.
in this scenario I'm picturing a sort of world where there are others like her, each with their own domain that they try to protect. a community of guardians, maybe they could even be deities, who all try to care for the humans who live in their domain. it could be a fun bit of worldbuilding, if you wanted to go that route :3
also, if you went with the idea of her having a specific domain, maybe you could design her appearance based on that. like a humanoid with skin like stone if you made her a mountain guardian, skin like bark and leaves in her hair if she took care of a forest, or something vibrant and tropical if she had an island domain, etc etc
I'd probably go the Cassandra route - she is cursed with being the one person in the room to see things coming, but stopping the danger isn't something she can easily do, and it could often be messy, with partial wins: being able to save some people from whatever she sees, but rarely everyone.

She could also often get the blame for the events after they happened, because being the messenger is rarely appreciated, which could lead to her traveling a lot. I imagine her being drawn to bad happenstances and events, maybe a side-effect of her gift, and this could lead to her being blamed as someone who actively causes misfortune instead of just someone who is a passive bad omen.
JadedJester Topic Starter

*nods head in thought* ...interesting indeed.
JadedJester Topic Starter

I like the idea of her "matching her habitat" so to speak...perhaps if she were to be on the move alot she would tend to match whatever her surroundings a chameleon of sorts? I also like the idea that she may be displaced due to a reputation of "bringing misfortune" after her warnings went ignored...and then bad stuff happened and she was blamed...hmm...yes...yes...
JadedJester wrote:
I like the idea of her "matching her habitat" so to speak...perhaps if she were to be on the move alot she would tend to match whatever her surroundings a chameleon of sorts? I also like the idea that she may be displaced due to a reputation of "bringing misfortune" after her warnings went ignored...and then bad stuff happened and she was blamed...hmm...yes...yes...
are you looking for name suggestions? I think Camellia would be a fun choice; it's a flower, but also sounds quite similar to chameleon, fitting with the idea of her matching her habitat... kind of XD
JadedJester Topic Starter

As of current I have nothing set in stone so I haven't even been considering names yet ^^; I can be rather...fickle...when it comes to choosing a name so while I'll be at least considering any names suggested I may end up slightly tweaking it in some way.

Aside from names I was also considering giving her a title of sorts (completely unrelated to this character example: The Mad Jester) which I won't be nearly as picky about...if it fits, it fits.
JadedJester Topic Starter

Anybody got anything else? 👀
JadedJester Topic Starter

Only a few days left...anybody have anything to add?

Note: [Topic was changed a bit to attempt to be more descriptive and get the topic more attention]

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