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Forums » Introductions » Hello :D

Hello, my name is Cas, and I'm new to the website, but I am here with enthusiasm as I want to share my characters with everyone <3

I'm also looking for people to do Feral Wolf RP with if anyones interested. <3

Check out my profile :D
Welcome to RPR, we hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for! If you're looking for RP's, I suggest looking for them in the "Looking For Roleplay" forum or making a post yourself!
Hey there!

Welcome to RPR! Excited for you to share your characters! Once getting the hang of it, the character pages are super fun in my opinion.

Best of luck! <3

Welcome to the site! So glad youre here. You can browse and post games in 'looking for rp' to tailor things more specifically.

Hopefully you get some good partners to obsess over characters with.
TheWaywardBruja Topic Starter

Four wrote:
Welcome to the site! So glad youre hear. You can browse and post games in 'looking for rp' to tailor things more specifically.

Hopefully you get some good partners to obsess over characters with.

Well, Bend - my main is a super special character himself and I feel like his backstory is super creative but maybe I'm just biased xD

Thank you though.
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or are unsure about something, feel free to ask someone or use the Help forum!
Welcome to RPR,
Welcome to RPR 🙂

Welcome to RPR! I hope you enjoy it here!

TheWaywardBruja wrote:
Four wrote:
Welcome to the site! So glad youre hear. You can browse and post games in 'looking for rp' to tailor things more specifically.

Hopefully you get some good partners to obsess over characters with.

Well, Bend - my main is a super special character himself and I feel like his backstory is super creative but maybe I'm just biased xD

Thank you though.

I think we're all a little biased about our characters! 😁

Most of mine are anonymous but I have a soft spot for them all.

They're perfect(ly... Broken..)
Welcome to RPR!
6elf756i.gifHello! Welcome to RPR! I It is the perfect place to throw your OCs at other peoples, at least that is what I've been using this site for :)
TheWaywardBruja Topic Starter

Four wrote:
TheWaywardBruja wrote:
Four wrote:
Welcome to the site! So glad youre hear. You can browse and post games in 'looking for rp' to tailor things more specifically.

Hopefully you get some good partners to obsess over characters with.

Well, Bend - my main is a super special character himself and I feel like his backstory is super creative but maybe I'm just biased xD

Thank you though.

I think we're all a little biased about our characters! 😁

Most of mine are anonymous but I have a soft spot for them all.

They're perfect(ly... Broken..)

Maaayyybe just a little 😂
Hello there! Welcome to the RPR family :D
Hello Cas! Welcome to RP Repository! :)
I love your Icon! <3
Welcome to RPR!
Welcome to RPR Cas! I hope you enjoy your stay^^
Welcome to the RPR, Cas!📝✨

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hello :D

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