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Forums » RP Discussion » Collaborative OC: A Superhero!

My 3 starting elements:
- Has superpowers (what the powers are is flexible!)
- Is in their 20's
- Grew up in the city they now protect from villains / crime

Can't wait to hear some ideas! :3
Let's brainstorm <3
superheroes are always fun! I'm kind of thinking of what of their character would turn into an entertaining rp and well, imagine if they were some sort of person with a strong morality and suddenly got some powers and took the chance to be a superhero immediately, if you are looking for someone younger, it might be interesting to see them struggle with their new abilities, them just discovering them. Or an older person (if we talk late twenties) and how it would change their entire life, shake up the stability

or another thing that might be interesting to incorporate is how this character interacts with the city they protect, how is their relationship with the underworld? full-on hate and bloody fights, or are they more of a nuisance to the criminals? I suppose it would depend on what kind of superhero it is, the type to never kill, the one who does for the sake of swift justice, or the kind neigborhood hero who will help an old lady cross the road with the same enthusiasm as stopping a bank robbery?
What if they don't actually want to protect the city, but it just kind of happens. Like, while getting to grips with their powers they accidentally get mixed up with some deal with this organized crime ring, and suddenly the mayor issues a formal thank you on the news to whoever the mysterious hero is, and it puts them on the radar of some supervillain looking for target practice. Next thing they know things just kinda happen around them and they physically can't not intervene. But its all tests by the villain while they work up to their big plan.
Some thoughts that came to me...
  • Doesn't really like his powers
  • Accidently helped a prominent citizen of the city and became an unidentified crime-fighting legend
  • Has long, unkempt hair
  • Is homeless and lives in an old shack or abandoned house
  • Is very good at using his Swiss Army Knife

Had a fun idea for a power: manipulation of states of matter. Might be op but hear me out
moonywrites Topic Starter

Wixiany wrote:
superheroes are always fun! I'm kind of thinking of what of their character would turn into an entertaining rp and well, imagine if they were some sort of person with a strong morality and suddenly got some powers and took the chance to be a superhero immediately, if you are looking for someone younger, it might be interesting to see them struggle with their new abilities, them just discovering them. Or an older person (if we talk late twenties) and how it would change their entire life, shake up the stability

or another thing that might be interesting to incorporate is how this character interacts with the city they protect, how is their relationship with the underworld? full-on hate and bloody fights, or are they more of a nuisance to the criminals? I suppose it would depend on what kind of superhero it is, the type to never kill, the one who does for the sake of swift justice, or the kind neigborhood hero who will help an old lady cross the road with the same enthusiasm as stopping a bank robbery?

Hi! Thanks so much for your input! You mention some great things to think about.

I think the struggle of adjusting and learning about their new abilities since they are a bit younger is a great element!

And in terms of their relationship with the city and the type of superhero they are I think it would be super cool to sorta feed off of all those elements in a way, maybe starting out with their strong morals and wanting to be the kind neighborhood hero that does little things, but then discovering there is much more that needs help and trying to decide when to step in! Maybe it starting in their city but then it expands beyond that and they are just like this is not what i signed up for LOL
moonywrites Topic Starter

Taloir wrote:
What if they don't actually want to protect the city, but it just kind of happens. Like, while getting to grips with their powers they accidentally get mixed up with some deal with this organized crime ring, and suddenly the mayor issues a formal thank you on the news to whoever the mysterious hero is, and it puts them on the radar of some supervillain looking for target practice. Next thing they know things just kinda happen around them and they physically can't not intervene. But its all tests by the villain while they work up to their big plan.

Loving the accidental hero idea! I can see them chilling at home flicking through the channels and seeing their face on the news and the mayor is making an official statement and offering a key to the city or something xD
moonywrites Topic Starter

Dawnia wrote:
Some thoughts that came to me...
  • Doesn't really like his powers
  • Accidently helped a prominent citizen of the city and became an unidentified crime-fighting legend
  • Has long, unkempt hair
  • Is homeless and lives in an old shack or abandoned house
  • Is very good at using his Swiss Army Knife


Ouuu loving these!! Thank you!

The "accidental hero" is totally becoming a theme!

Maybe he used to resent his city- as he had a bad draw of cards and was homeless and alone, but then got powers, happened to help someone, and now lives comfortably but always remember how crappy the city treated him when he was at his lowest? But also still wanting to help people and be a good person? :o
moonywrites Topic Starter

Cold_Atlas wrote:
Had a fun idea for a power: manipulation of states of matter. Might be op but hear me out

Hey I still am looking for some superpower ideas! I'd love if you elaborated a little bit more if you are willing :D
my take on manipulating states of matter: boil concrete and condense air into a liquid, or even a solid. Whether this affects plasmas like fire is debatable. May not actually have any influence on the temperature of the affected object, just it's overall properties. It's a very volatile power with a lot of potential for collateral. Imagine trying to make an oil slick or smth with condensed air and the vacuum from doing that shatters a nearby window and sucks a civilian in. Or trying to flush out a villain with steel gas only to realize the area hadn't been evacuated properly and somebody ends up with a long term lung condition because of it. Heck, just trying to use it to walk through walls or whatever you'd risk bringing down the building. But if you really go for it, consequences ignored, then nothing can stand in your way. Stabbings are a joke, if your opponent throws a punch they lose their hand, and no walls or bindings can slow you down. Bullets probably still hurt (if they can hit you through the concrete smokescreen you're presumably using) and energy attacks might be a problem if you didn't include plasmas though. But at the same time, there's a lot of potential to fix things by turning them into putty and smashing them back together.
If I were to suggest powers based on what I've enjoyed:
- portals can be used in some really clever ways, especially if you tie limitations to them like having to have recently touched a surface to open a portal there or smth. I played a cloner/portaller that could only open wormholes between his clones and it was a lot to keep track of, but I loved it.

- mild superspeed, because its just really convenient to always be ahead of things. You don't need to be faster than a bullet

- uncontrollable touch powers. It a high fantasy setting instead of superhero, but I've got a character that scares people they make physical contact with, and my wife has one whose touch is a love potion. My character's son teleports people they touch in random directions. None of em can toggle it, just decide whether to touch people. And every time it's happened for any of them, it's been so much fun. Especially if you're keying in on 'accidental' as a theme.
How about this?

Hero Name: Eclipse
Background: Eclipse, born as ____________, grew up in the bustling city of _______. From a young age, ____ was fascinated by the city’s vibrant lights and towering skyscrapers. However, tragedy struck when a catastrophic accident at a local power plant claimed the lives of ______’s parents and left the city in darkness for days. During the chaos, _____ discovered a latent ability to manipulate light and shadow, a power that emerged from the trauma of the event.


Light Manipulation: They can generate, control, and bend light to create blinding flashes, laser beams, and even solid constructs made of pure light.

Shadow Control: They can manipulate shadows, using them to cloak themselves, create shadowy tendrils for combat, and even travel short distances through shadows.

Photokinetic Healing: Exposure to light accelerates their healing process, allowing them to recover from injuries more quickly.

Hope you like it.

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