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Forums » Introductions » That Didn’t Last Long

I thought I was ready to retire from writing, but I don’t think I am truly there yet! I absolutely miss it and want to get back into again. So I am open for new stories and I am happy to be back! 😁
Welcome back to RPR, we hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for!
Welcome back!
hey, welcome back :D
Welcome back! :3

Retire from writing? Unheard of! :D I can't fathom the notion, but I understand that priorities have a way of making us forget our writing roots or even burn out from time to time. It makes sense. Either way, I hope you are able to enjoy it for all it has to offer -- RPR is a good place for all of that. :)

Should you need any help with anything or have any questions, feel free to reach out to the community. We're all a bunch of willing folks who are happy to help. I hope you find what you seek and are able to world build to you heart's content out there! Have a good 'un!
Hey hi! Welcome to RPR!

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Roueg wrote:
I thought I was ready to retire from writing, but I don’t think I am truly there yet! I absolutely miss it and want to get back into again. So I am open for new stories and I am happy to be back! 😁

Welcome back.

I don't think I'd ever actually retire. I might take breaks and a break might lead to me never riding again but... I would never say the words retire.
Welcome back !
Welcome back Roueg! I have to say I was taken aback and saddened when I saw your update a while about stepping away from writing. This is wonderful news, and I hope you find fun and inspiration to write great stories again! :D

Welcome back to RPR!
Welcome back! :)
Hello there! Welcome back to the RPR family :D
<3 Welcome back to RPR! <3
I thought I would never do it again myself, but 7 years later I was back haha
"Every time you try to stop, the life just pulls you back in.

Welcome back
Welcome back to the RPR!📝✨
Welcome to RPR,
Welcome back! :) I hope your re-entry into the writing space is pleasant, welcoming and reassuring!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » That Didn’t Last Long

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