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Forums » Forum Games » Ask Me Anything Thread

Rules are simple- Ask the person above you anything, literally anything, and they have to answer it to the best of their ability. Once you've been asked something, edit your answer into your post. After asking a question, you are now the one being asked.

So go ahead, Ask Me Anything

Answer: The unhealthy obsession I have for the Metro games
To Cold_Atlas: Is there a reason you are learning Russian? :)
Jaws wrote:
What started your love for the Victorian era, Vee?
I can't quite pinpoint when I did, but it was sometime during Covid when I truly began loving it. I think I've always liked the victorian era without realizing, but I think I unlocked it, in lack of a better word, when I seen this character from a game. :)

What started your love for the Victorian era, Vee?

Answer to AgitoAceXIII: Tired but ya know don't wanna go to asleep. How about you?
@Jaws a simple question but I can't think of anything else at the moment, how are you at the moment?

Answer to @Jaws: I'm doing alright, been at work and I'm ready to go home and nap lol

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