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Forums » Help » Adverting My External RP Forum on RPR?

Greetings. I am really new to RPR, and it seems like a great place to be, and yes, I am still exploring !! :) And though new to RPR, I am a *longtime* RP'r !!! Believe it or not, I had never heard of RPR; guess I have been in a shell somewhere.

Question is.... Am I allowed to advertise my external Jcink RP site here (an ahistorical-adventure-mystery about Venetian Empire in the Italian Renaissance), and see if anyone wishes to join our merry band of RP'rs (all 2 of us) here at RPR? All my former members abandoned ship when I got sick, and there are only 2 of us now, but RPG-D seems to have a monopoly on RP forum advertising since CTTW retired. (RPG Initiative was no help, neither was *Rockin Roleplay*, *Blackheart Listings*, *Roleplay Ads*, *RPG Fix*, or *RPG Adverts*.

Oh, I should explain what I mean by "longtime":
-- I started on AOL in Rhydin, Medieval Tavern, and Red Dragon Inn, as well as a plethora of Forum (Skye: the Winged Isle [StWI] chatrooms;
-- then when AOL defunct'd, I turned to Proboards, and took StWI there... for a while, but Real Life (RL) became distraught... then Photobucket screwed the RP'rs and took away the free pic albums...
-- and so I moved to Jcink who has their own pic storage, and I found it much easier to edit and build on Jcink than ProB.

I have roleplayed in chat forums (AOL), play-by-email (PbE.. which sucked, *smile*), and Play-by-Forum (ProB and Jcink), so yeah I have been around the proverbial block.

So.... Am I allowed to advertise my external Jcink RP site here, and see if anyone wishes to join our merry band of RP'rs (all 2 of us) here at RPR? (oh and PRP's affiliate button is on my site)

Thanks in advance,

People advertise for their Discord RP servers all the time and aren't taken down. Though most of the people that join those also use RPR to host characters, and therefore are generating traffic for ads, possibly buying any of the additional features (character slots, Epic, etc.) and making the site stand out more statically gaining more traffic. These things keep RPR alive and well.

I do know of instances where people are advertising a paid service/website or basically a competitor to RPR and those things are usually removed. Walmart doesn't advertise for Target or let them say "We have this thing over here that you're also selling but buy from us instead"

So I think as long as your advertisement isn't basically just a chance to skim off the top for profit and you're just looking to get more members for your external group I think you're safe.

A moderator or Kim herself might elaborate better than myself or correct me where I'm wrong.

Hope this helps. Cheers.
Playerfiles Topic Starter

Nope, not for profit, the only benefit would be association with other RP'rs and the enjoyment of writing stories.
Sanne Moderator

Hi there! :)

We have no rules against linking to off-site places to have your RPs. The only soft requirement we have is that you don't just sign up for an account here, and only post your links to an off-site place a bunch of times and then never use the site again. If someone wants to advertise their site they can contact Kim to pay for advertising through our official channels.

Just for clarification: we don't disallow linking to sites that are essentially our ' competitors'. Only if they do the act described above do we disallow it. ;)

So if you're here to be a member of our community in good faith and just happen to prefer having your actual roleplays played out on a different site, that's a-okay!

I kind of advertised it on my social, just a link to it and a simple description.

I joined that site because i trully needed a more positive environment, and i’m glad that i found it.

In a way, i feel stupid as i saw that site before but never considered joining it until now.

Personnally, i’m not a fan of making a thread to share my site(s) on it, as i’m not entirely confident on who will join it.

Thanksfully, some sites let you adding your link(s) in your bio, it’s honestly enough.

I can imagine how the site will be with so many threads who have nothing but advertisements in it,

I’m glad it’s not the case on here, it feels cleaner.
Quoting Sanne
Sanne wrote:
Hi there! :)

We have no rules against linking to off-site places to have your RPs. The only soft requirement we have is that you don't just sign up for an account here, and only post your links to an off-site place a bunch of times and then never use the site again. If someone wants to advertise their site they can contact Kim to pay for advertising through our official channels.

Just for clarification: we don't disallow linking to sites that are essentially our ' competitors'. Only if they do the act described above do we disallow it. ;)

So if you're here to be a member of our community in good faith and just happen to prefer having your actual roleplays played out on a different site, that's a-okay!

I like the mellowness of RP Repository when it comes to this subject. Some places are so insecure they absolutely forbid any mention of a competitor RP site. I got a warning more than once for linking my RPR character urls to my characters on other sites. There is a difference between registering an account simply to advertise another site vs registering an account to diversify ones playing board in my opinion. Having registered on several sites before finding this lovely one, I have gone back to revisit many of them and was saddened by the lack of activity on them.

I was close to be banned elsewhere for just mentioning one in my introduction, the moderator was.. A jerk.

Lots of places are now flooded by terrible users, it’s sad for a nice hobby..
Okiwaru-Napp wrote:
I was close to be banned elsewhere for just mentioning one in my introduction, the moderator was.. A jerk.

Lots of places are now flooded by terrible users, it’s sad for a nice hobby..

I've been outright banned from several RP sites for even suggesting I RP somewhere else. Several of them didn't even say they banned me, my email and account was just deactivated. I appreciate that RPR's approach to 'competitive' RP websites is to simply make their product better and encourage people to stay. It's a massive relief from the others.

Kamizombie wrote:
Okiwaru-Napp wrote:
I was close to be banned elsewhere for just mentioning one in my introduction, the moderator was.. A jerk.

Lots of places are now flooded by terrible users, it’s sad for a nice hobby..

I've been outright banned from several RP sites for even suggesting I RP somewhere else. Several of them didn't even say they banned me, my email and account was just deactivated. I appreciate that RPR's approach to 'competitive' RP websites is to simply make their product better and encourage people to stay. It's a massive relief from the others.

It’s also a massive breath of fresh air, i ran into so many jerks and perverts, it’s surreal.

And the mod in my PM as if i insulted someone else, when i just mentioned on which site i was also available, it was really annoying..

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