So I’ve been playing sky for a bit and just wondering if anyone here also plays sky and has sky ocs? I have a few and even made a fanfic for one of them lol.
So. Uhhh. HI!
So. Uhhh. HI!
I do play that game whenever i can, it is not in my list of fandoms i RP in.
The online is really enjoyable compared to the FPS games.
The online is really enjoyable compared to the FPS games.
Fair fair. I haven’t rp-ed sky ocs before. I just like collecting cute ocs like a dice goblin and shiny click clacks lol.
The game recently has been hard to play with the bugs tho T-T I wish they’d get them all fixed so I can play with my friends again
The game recently has been hard to play with the bugs tho T-T I wish they’d get them all fixed so I can play with my friends again
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