Sometimes, an entertainer have to go from a town to another for his job, pleasing the population with his jokes, his songs and even, his puppets show.
Recently, he needed to explore more, but he is not sure where to go, first.
Shall he explore your realm? Maybe he can live there, probably for a short while?
=No metagaming,
=No overpowered characters,
=No OOC drama,
=Adults writers writers are preferred, i’m one myself, that’s why.
=No text-talk.
=No NSFW, i never liked that, at all.
Recently, he needed to explore more, but he is not sure where to go, first.
Shall he explore your realm? Maybe he can live there, probably for a short while?
=No metagaming,
=No overpowered characters,
=No OOC drama,
=Adults writers writers are preferred, i’m one myself, that’s why.
=No text-talk.
=No NSFW, i never liked that, at all.
You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Exploring may be quite fun.. Or not.
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus