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Forums » Forum Games » Most Likely

Back at it again with another forum game! The game is simple; you post as your character who most likely fits the question and leave a question for another character. Keep it PG-13 and follow the site's rules. Have fun like always and peace out! *mic drop*
Most likely to unexpectedly have a random pop song in their playlist
This ol' Boomer Cat here, without a doubt. He's the kinda guy who swears that 'good music just ain't around that much anymore' and only listens to cultured bops of the past, trying to embody that old man that he was programmed to be. But just because he has the voice of a cynical big city PI veteran, doesn't mean he has the rhythm-blindness of one- in some way or another, he has the in-universe equivalent of a viral Maroon 5 or Coldplay banger in there that he would frantically skip if it came on, or simply act that he has no idea how it ended up in there.

And Goddess be damned if he doesn't be tapping his foot to the vibes whenever his case leads him into a club. Cultural elitism has the man in a chokehold, even though the door of the cage is open. That's what an immortal's identity crisis does for ya.

Who's most likely to interrupt a 'fun' movie night with a barrage of unnecessary questions for the fellow movie-watchers? I mean the kinda shit where your friend goes "who's that?" "what is he doing?" "wait, why are they saying that?" even though everyone is seeing the film for the first time too.
Chao Lu (played by Jaws) Topic Starter

The guy over here! Who knew that conspiracy theories and annoying questions during movies go hand in hand? Chao will ask even more during any of alien invasion movies or Men in Black. To solve your issues with this yapper, keep a six pack of orange soda and a huge bowl of orange gummies around to keep the questions at bay.

Most likely to forget all about their plants til the near death of them
Jaws Topic Starter

bonguesligh wrote:
This topic interests me quite a bit. space waves
((I can see the little white link lol. Also, you're supposed to reply with your character.))
Rebecca Kennedy (played anonymously)

Chao Lu wrote:
Most likely to forget all about their plants til the near death of them

“I’m pretty bad at it, especially indoor plants. Fortunately Jay got me some pretty awesome cactus so they can handle a bit of watering forgetfulness. He takes care of the rest of our houseplants.”

Most likely to drop/spill a tiny bit of food/drink on themselves just about every time they eat/drink?
Ling (played by Jaws) Topic Starter

This girl right here. If you mention her messiness, she probably say something along the lines; "Look somewhere else, Sherlock." then punch you playfully in the arm.

Most likely to sang along without shame to any song that they know.
Gaynor Schmidt (played anonymously)

Gaynor, definitely. Especially to his favorite song, Toxic.

Most Likely to do almost absolutely anything for their crush/lover
Calan Barnett (played anonymously)

He’s pretty head over heels for a certain someone.

Most likely to procrastinate just about anything they need to get done.

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