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Forums » RP Discussion » What inspired your OC's design?

For Joot, his design was mainly based off of a random character from an old webcomic I forgot the name of who was a black cat with blue eyes. Then, I found a picrew that had a black cat with blue eyes and blue ears, inspiring that. His outfit was actually not my creation. Originally, he was meant to wear a pink hoodie, but the artist for his first reference gave him a bottle green one. After that, it kinda just stuck! I had also wanted to make him a witch or magic user from the beginning, and after playing Elden Ring it inspired his main spellcasting, uniform, and overall setting.

How about yours?
Dusha Mächtige (played anonymously)

I've responded to this type of forum question before.

But I thought I'd respond to this one.

Dusha actually originated by me being very inspired by a character here on RPR, who I don't remember the name of at the moment, but was a child warrior as well and had a really interesting profile set-up that looked professional and like it could actually be real records and redacted info, etc.

I ended up building on the "child warrior" and "professional info look" and created Dusha. At first, I just started with the basics, name, age. Then I looked for a faceclaim.

I found an image, I don't remember where, and altered it slightly to reflect Dusha. (Brown hair, bleeding eye)

Then I started filling his character more than just basics. Giving him two bloodhounds named Whiskey and Rocks, and giving him hair color, birthdate, place of birth, height, etc. I then went into writing his backstory and his medical records. And finally, rumors, supply and basically just everything else.

As stated in the link I shared of a previous forum I replied to, I got a lot of inspiration from Mother 3, which actually just started with the pigmask references, the rumors and the eye injury, but I ended up expanding it and editing things to fit this inspiration. (Nurse Lola, mother death, other enemies, sunflower motif, etc.)

The links on Dusha's profile that reads "Treating people just like pawns in chess" is a reference to a song known as "Warpigs" by Black Sabbath, which I felt worked with the pigmask thing, since, well... Warpigs.

I am really proud of Dusha's character, despite not using him as much as I'd like to.
When I first came up with the idea for Theo, I wanted an OC in the Marvel Cinematic Universe who didn't come across as being perfect. In my mind, all the other heroes had fairly positive origin stories, so I decided to make Theo's really dark and have him suffer a lot. Making him related to Iron Man was based on the fact that I found all of the different armours the character used to be cool. I knew though, that I couldn't just pass off images of Iron Man as an OC, so I needed a design for what he looked like underneath the armour. I'm not very good at drawing, so I tend to rely on free, easy-to-use stuff to design character concepts. After trying out a somewhat anime-inspired look that I later rejected, I settled on the current design which was created in HeroForge. Theo is average height, although somewhat thin and pale due to a history of physical and mental health issues. His hair is a sort of auburn colour, similar to his mother, Pepper Potts. He's also incredibly smart and witty, like Tony Stark, although Theo comes across as less egotistical due to how subdued he can be at times. Him using a crutch/cane for mobility was inspired by the beginning of "The Dark Knight Rises", when Bruce Wayne has abandoned being Batman and is all reclusive. The justification for Theo needing a crutch is that he has nerve damage that has left him with partial paralysis. In a further Iron Man reference, he has an implanted ARC Reactor which powers his pacemaker.
Drael and Mathius come from a lore that a I and group of friends created well over a decade ago.

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