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Aiyana Smoke (played by Meleck)

Whisper watched Falcon as he moved and settled in.

"There is a group of Nuns that have a mission across the street for the homeless," She said moving some blankets to hide the remaining weapons.
Her face expressed some displeasure with the group as the church and reservation life was not always pleasant.

She continued, "These two got smuggled in and then dropped in the city by Coyotes."
She pulled out a bucket that would be their improvised toilet and setting it in the other corner.

"I am trying to teach them enough so they can be safe on the streets," She concluded.
She removed her outer coat and hung it near a dryer vent that was pumping warm humid air into the room and outside. Then sat down and started to unbraid her hair. She hummed a native tune which was a prayer but kept the words to herself.

She checked the floor to see if they had left a blood trail or if the bandages held.
Falon (played by ZenaWolf) Topic Starter

*falon eyed the woman and smiled softly to himself as she began humming and showed his dressings to her* you did a splendid job wrapping up. No blood from me. I do think if it’s not to much trouble, the kids should dry the floor to avoid slipping or making the room humid and musty… *falon dug in his pocket and pulled out a pocket of his father and him as a boy and snuggled into the blanket watching it and remembering good old times* you know… if you’d like I can get food brought to us.. I have a friend who works at the restaurant down the street.. he can run us left overs. He’s also been in the game longer than me so he knows to keep quiet..
Aiyana Smoke (played by Meleck)

She looked at the kids and nodded to the kids to dry the floor.

Both kids got excited by the mention of food and started to encourage him to make the call.

"I am not sure this is the best idea..." she added.
It had been a lot of work to find this place and to keep it hidden. This was her safe house. If anything really bad happened. She knew that they were trespassing too.

"Make the call. We will send one of the kids to pick it up at the front door," She said.
Falon (played by ZenaWolf) Topic Starter

*falon smiled and phone his friend. Within 20 minutes a smallish boy was at the door in a raincoat holding out 2 plastic bags filled with Italian meals from the restaurant down the road. Before Fallon allowed the guy to leave he put his fingers to his lips* remember, you don’t know me and you don’t know anything. *the guy nods and quickly slips away into the night. The two large over stuffed bags have steam rising from it leaving the nice aroma of fresh Italian food filling the room*
Aiyana Smoke (played by Meleck)

The kids ate like starving animals. Whisper ate about half of the serving and placed the container on the top shelf of the storage racks. She had learned that eating to fast or more than you normally have can make you sick.

"Do you want me to call your father now or a little later?" she asked as she sat down against the wall. She was not sure how Falcon wanted her to talk with his father.

Finally she asked, "So what gang stole children?"
Falon (played by ZenaWolf) Topic Starter

*falon ate half of his plate and put it aside, intending to leave it for them to eat later as he was confident the woman new how to store the food properly* firstl, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Falon. I used to be close to this gang called the Vipers because of my mom. More like a free lancer with them until she passed away and they didn’t have any holds on me. Then a friend of mine got taken on her way back home from work… *he falls silent letting his anger roll off him in waves*
Aiyana Smoke (played by Meleck)

Whisper listened and watched Falcon and his reaction. His anger seemed interesting.

"Women get abducted by gangs all the time," she said plainly.
"Women get used by gangs," she added in a more cynical tone.
She said, "I am Aiyana. But most people call me Whisper. My Spirit Name is Whisper of Smoke."
"When my grandmother was smudging me, I turned into the smoke and grandfather named me," She added.

"If you don't tell them, they will not ask for your leftovers," Whisper added.
There were lots of rules on the street. When it came to food, you did not steal it if someone fed you.

"It sounds like the Vipers have a hold on you," she added with a bit of a maternal look.
Falon (played by ZenaWolf) Topic Starter

So that’s supposed to make it right? I had been tailing the Viper’s movement over the abductions recently and that’s why she was taken. They realized I was getting closer and they took her as a signal for me to back off. *he grits his teeth and looks to the children* the food left over is for you. Only eat when your guardian says so. I have confidence she knows how to store this so you can enjoy it for a little longer. I can’t guarantee you food like this every night, but I can promise you can expect more food like this in the future when there’s extra to spare. Especially in winter as most people like to stay home and out of the cold. Summers make get a little more difficult though. *he motions to the untouched plastic bag with two full cartons of food as well as the half eaten plate he has* I’m sorry that it’s gross to eat after someone but I don’t want the food to go to waste and I’m plenty full right now. *his eyes flash to whisper* forgive my rudeness at giving my half eaten plate. I just think you need the food more than me. *falons gaze drops to his bandages, impressed with her handiwork* you did really well.. have you worked as a nurse before?
Aiyana Smoke (played by Meleck)

Whisper smiled at his response.
"I did not say it was right, it sucks," she said still calm.
"I have family that are gang bangers that is why I ended up being used, doing drugs, in jail, and am why I am living on the street," she added.

She leaned back against the wall looking intently at him.
"Your friend is lucky. You seem to want her back. No one wants a woman that has been through what I have in their life," she said.

She did not look down or give any indication of shame. She had learned to keep that hidden as it gave people power over her.
"I rather have a roof over my head, with a kitchen, and food," she said.
"I'd love to have a job and bills," she said laughing.

She did not want to tell him about all the evil in her world and what she had done to survive. Falcon probably knew all the evil she was capable of. He probably moved his wallet to his front pocket by now. Always a good thing to do on the street.

The sounds of washers and dryers droned on for a little while till they stop. Then the sound of people talking and folding clothes stopped, the solo lightbulb went out and light shown from under the door. Two sets of feet walked past casting a shadow and someone tried the door handle making sure that the door was locked.

"The manager said to check that door. Someone has been breaking in and even broke into the office and stole the petty cash," a woman's voice said.
The second, "It was probably that bag lady and the two kids."
The conversation continued as the pair climbed the stairs.

Whisper had broken in and taken a bag of candy. She had not taken the money. That showed dimly on her face with the light.

After a few moments of silence, she looked at the kids.
"So the McDonalds you got us last week," she started.
"It was his idea," the girl said.
The boy looked proudly back.

She looked at Falcon and said, "I should have never taught them how to pick locks."
Falon (played by ZenaWolf) Topic Starter

We probably should move then if they’re looking for us. I have a place for us to go with extra room for everyone. Let me make a phone call. *Fallon quietly called his father and quickly explained their situation vaguely. With a warm thank you he hung up and stiffly got to his feet* he’ll have beds ready for us let’s go. Can your kids carry the left overs I’m kinda worried to re open these wounds right now.. *he laughs nervously and freezes as the door knob jiggles*
Aiyana Smoke (played by Meleck)

Whisper looked at him with a bit of concern.
Worrying about owing a debt to Falcon she started, "I am not sure.." she began to say as the door handle jiggled.

She got quiet and made a hard hand sign for the kids to move to safer spots and be prepared to run. Standing up slowly, she pressed herself against the wall while staying in the dark beside the door. As she moved, she untied the bag on her left hip and plunged her hand into it pulling out a handful of fine powder. while keeping her hand closed.

*Damn, cursed weapons,* she thought to herself while she started to look serious. She should have smudged the weapons. Then a darker thought hit her, *Surely, the kids would not have grabbed keys, a wallet, or a watch. * Her look got even more sour. *If he had, she was going to dump the kids at the mission doors and leave them,* she thought.

She watched Falcon for a sign if it was a friend or foe entering. Her plan was obvious, release the fine powder into the faces of whoever entered. That would give the group a chance to flee with minimal violence.

Three shoes could be seen under the door.

*It is not the police. Their steel-toed shoes clomped on the stairs. One person would have gone to the door and the second would be waiting on the steps. No squeaks, so it wasn't a gang member coming to find her. It was late enough in the evening that someone might have been shot or knived by now. But, she only hid here when she did not want to be seen. It could be the manager coming to check the room with a cop, people coming from the mission, or more of Falcon's gang friends.* she thought as her body coiled to release her attack and shove her way out of the room.

The very fine-powered salt from McDonalds would make it hard to see even if they had glasses on. It would also burn their throats as they passed through the cloud.

Whisper watched Falcon as the lock gave way and the door opened.
Falon (played by ZenaWolf) Topic Starter

*falon let his long hair fall over his face as the door opened to 3 grungy men stepped inside. They sneered in disgust at the site of Fallon bloodied and battered. They shouted at him yelling at him to leave and asking how he got in the room. Falon began mumbling almost incoherently and stumbled his way to a swaying stand. The burley men shouted at him and began shoving him towards the back door to the streets. Falon made eye contact with whisper and gently shook his head to discourage her from retaliating. The door is swung open and he’s tossed out side into a standing puddle of water from the earlier shower. He lays there waiting and listening for them to leave the other room before he crawls back to the back door to wait for his new friends*
Aiyana Smoke (played by Meleck)

One of the men slid a knife over the dead latch pin and latch bolt and pressed down. The mechanism gave easy and the door swung open.
Ailana kept quiet and followed Falcon's lead ready to negotiate with words or violence if needed.

*Drunks,* she thought as the three men entered going after Falcon.
She gave a hand sign and the two kids ran for the doors with enough ease to slide past the men. They had been running from smugglers, cartels, police, and board patrol, drunks were not as skilled.

As the men roughed up Falcon and threw him out, Whisper made a move to grab the knives and her escape. She threw the salt making a bit of a cloud to make the men cough, sneeze, and tear. It would burn for a little bit, but she would escape.

As she ran up the stairs an older man came down the hall with a Baseball bat. Aluminum.

"Three men," Whisper said in tone that indicated they were after her.
Falon (played by ZenaWolf) Topic Starter

*Falon waited and smiled when he saw the children around the building into his sight, but frowned when he realized whisper was not with them* where is she? Did she not escape with you?
Aiyana Smoke (played by Meleck)

The old man got that protective look on his face and started to move towards the stairs. Placing her hand on him, Whisper urged, "Don't go down there alone. Call someone!"
The man gave her a look that indicated if he wanted her opinion, he would tell her what it was. The marine core tattoo showed on his arm.
As he moved towards the stairwell, Whisper exited the front door. She walked and cut between the buildings and moved into the back alley.

A rat the size of a small dog scurried after making its challenge of her.

Something caught her eye. A black sedan with tinted windows opened its door and two large men got out and started walking after her. They were not in a rush, she was.

One of the things she had learned so far in life is never trust someone in shiney shoes, they always mean trouble.
Falon (played by ZenaWolf) Topic Starter

*Fallon sighed in relief as he saw whisper round the corner but immediately tensed and stood up slightly woozy when he saw the van pull up behind her* WHISPER! *falon shouted and rushed over, wincing as his wounds reopened. He turned to the children and shouted* RUN. Go and hide! *turning on his feet he began running toward her, fear shooting through him*

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