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Name: Aiyana "Whispers" Smoke
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Native American
Height: 5'6"
Build: Lithe, wiry
Occupation: Healer, Shaman
Lifestyle: Nomadic, lives on the streets

Physical Description:
Aiyana has a strong, defined face with high cheekbones and a weathered, earthy-brown complexion. Her dark, almond-shaped eyes hold an intense, knowing gaze, often seen as piercing and wise. Her expression is calm, with a soft, mysterious smile that rarely reveals her inner thoughts.
Hair: Long black hair streaked with silver, typically worn loose or in braids. She decorates her hair with feathers, beads, and charms made from bone and wood.
Eyes: Dark brown, almost black, holding a deep wisdom and an ability to see beyond the surface. Her gaze feels ancient, as if she can read people's souls.
Clothing: Aiyana wears layers of earth-toned clothing—brown, gray, and green—made from practical, worn fabrics. Her garments are adorned with small trinkets, feathers, and natural symbols. She blends seamlessly into her surroundings, often moving quietly and unnoticed.
Tattoos & Markings: She bears subtle, faded tattoos on her forearms and shoulders, depicting spiritual symbols and animals from her shamanic lineage.
Posture & Movement: Aiyana moves with quiet, deliberate grace, her posture open and grounding. Her steps are fluid, and she has a presence that commands attention despite her unassuming appearance.

Aiyana is quiet, deeply observant, and often communicates in soft, measured tones. She speaks in riddles and metaphors, offering advice only when needed. Though she lives on the margins of society, she holds an immense inner strength and spiritual grounding, which draws others to her. She is a deeply empathetic person, able to sense both physical and emotional pain in others, but she bears this burden lightly, releasing it through her rituals. Her presence is calm, and her wisdom is undeniable, but she remains humble, connected to both the earth and the spiritual world.

- Herbal Medicine & Healing Rituals: Aiyana is a master herbalist, using plants to create medicinal teas, salves, and poultices. Her healing methods include chants, smoke rituals, and touch, working both physically and spiritually to heal those in need.
- Empathic Healing: She possesses the ability to sense the pain of others through touch, both physical and emotional. Her touch brings relief, as she can absorb and release the pain back into the earth.
- Spiritual Visions: During intense healing sessions, Aiyana receives visions—fragmented, symbolic images of the past, present, or future. These visions guide her healing process and spiritual insight.
- Connection with Nature: Her bond with nature is profound. She can sense weather shifts, find hidden plants for her remedies, and read the land in a way others cannot. She’s deeply attuned to the earth’s energies.

Spirit Animal:
Aiyana’s spirit animal is the owl, symbolizing wisdom, intuition, and the ability to see through darkness. The owl mirrors her quiet, observant nature and her role as a spiritual guide. Its silent flight and sharp talons represent her power to heal without being noticed, while her vision pierces into the spiritual realm, just as the owl sees into the night.

History & Background:
Aiyana comes from a long line of Native American shamans, who inherited ancient healing practices and spiritual wisdom from their ancestors. Her family, once revered, faded into obscurity as the modern world moved away from such traditions. Aiyana embraced her roots and chose a nomadic life on the streets, believing her purpose is to heal and guide those who need it most.
Over the years, she has wandered through urban environments, offering her healing to the lost, wounded, and broken. Though she appears homeless, Aiyana is rich in spirit and deeply connected to nature, carrying her ancestors' wisdom.

Run-ins with the Law:
Living a transient lifestyle has occasionally put Aiyana at odds with the law. She has been arrested or harassed for loitering or vagrancy, particularly when she performs her healing rituals in public spaces. However, her calm and non-confrontational demeanor typically diffuses tense situations, and she is often seen as a harmless, if eccentric, street figure. Though the authorities may see her as a vagrant, many locals know her as a healer and leave her be, respecting her work and presence.

Tattoos & Markings:
Her body bears symbolic tattoos, including animals and spiritual symbols passed down through her shamanic lineage. They are faint and blend into her sun-worn skin, acting as a constant reminder of her spiritual journey and connection to the earth. Each tattoo tells a part of her story, representing a different stage of her growth as a healer and spiritual guide.
Falon wrote:
Meleck wrote:
Name: Aiyana "Whispers" Smoke
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Native American
Height: 5'6"
Build: Lithe, wiry
Occupation: Healer, Shaman
Lifestyle: Nomadic, lives on the streets

Physical Description:
Aiyana has a strong, defined face with high cheekbones and a weathered, earthy-brown complexion. Her dark, almond-shaped eyes hold an intense, knowing gaze, often seen as piercing and wise. Her expression is calm, with a soft, mysterious smile that rarely reveals her inner thoughts.
Hair: Long black hair streaked with silver, typically worn loose or in braids. She decorates her hair with feathers, beads, and charms made from bone and wood.
Eyes: Dark brown, almost black, holding a deep wisdom and an ability to see beyond the surface. Her gaze feels ancient, as if she can read people's souls.
Clothing: Aiyana wears layers of earth-toned clothing—brown, gray, and green—made from practical, worn fabrics. Her garments are adorned with small trinkets, feathers, and natural symbols. She blends seamlessly into her surroundings, often moving quietly and unnoticed.
Tattoos & Markings: She bears subtle, faded tattoos on her forearms and shoulders, depicting spiritual symbols and animals from her shamanic lineage.
Posture & Movement: Aiyana moves with quiet, deliberate grace, her posture open and grounding. Her steps are fluid, and she has a presence that commands attention despite her unassuming appearance.

Aiyana is quiet, deeply observant, and often communicates in soft, measured tones. She speaks in riddles and metaphors, offering advice only when needed. Though she lives on the margins of society, she holds an immense inner strength and spiritual grounding, which draws others to her. She is a deeply empathetic person, able to sense both physical and emotional pain in others, but she bears this burden lightly, releasing it through her rituals. Her presence is calm, and her wisdom is undeniable, but she remains humble, connected to both the earth and the spiritual world.

- Herbal Medicine & Healing Rituals: Aiyana is a master herbalist, using plants to create medicinal teas, salves, and poultices. Her healing methods include chants, smoke rituals, and touch, working both physically and spiritually to heal those in need.
- Empathic Healing: She possesses the ability to sense the pain of others through touch, both physical and emotional. Her touch brings relief, as she can absorb and release the pain back into the earth.
- Spiritual Visions: During intense healing sessions, Aiyana receives visions—fragmented, symbolic images of the past, present, or future. These visions guide her healing process and spiritual insight.
- Connection with Nature: Her bond with nature is profound. She can sense weather shifts, find hidden plants for her remedies, and read the land in a way others cannot. She’s deeply attuned to the earth’s energies.

Spirit Animal:
Aiyana’s spirit animal is the owl, symbolizing wisdom, intuition, and the ability to see through darkness. The owl mirrors her quiet, observant nature and her role as a spiritual guide. Its silent flight and sharp talons represent her power to heal without being noticed, while her vision pierces into the spiritual realm, just as the owl sees into the night.

History & Background:
Aiyana comes from a long line of Native American shamans, who inherited ancient healing practices and spiritual wisdom from their ancestors. Her family, once revered, faded into obscurity as the modern world moved away from such traditions. Aiyana embraced her roots and chose a nomadic life on the streets, believing her purpose is to heal and guide those who need it most.
Over the years, she has wandered through urban environments, offering her healing to the lost, wounded, and broken. Though she appears homeless, Aiyana is rich in spirit and deeply connected to nature, carrying her ancestors' wisdom.

Run-ins with the Law:
Living a transient lifestyle has occasionally put Aiyana at odds with the law. She has been arrested or harassed for loitering or vagrancy, particularly when she performs her healing rituals in public spaces. However, her calm and non-confrontational demeanor typically diffuses tense situations, and she is often seen as a harmless, if eccentric, street figure. Though the authorities may see her as a vagrant, many locals know her as a healer and leave her be, respecting her work and presence.

Tattoos & Markings:
Her body bears symbolic tattoos, including animals and spiritual symbols passed down through her shamanic lineage. They are faint and blend into her sun-worn skin, acting as a constant reminder of her spiritual journey and connection to the earth. Each tattoo tells a part of her story, representing a different stage of her growth as a healer and spiritual guide.

i love this character, would love to see you save it to your profille! are you planning on rp with her here?

Yes, I haven't figured out how to make the nice profiles yet. :)
[The night was a friend of Owl. Silent wings moved in the night even as the rain fell.

The warmth of the day had been draining off as the shaman sat in an open entryway of a dive apartment building. It would be about another twenty minutes till the building manager checked the security cameras then he would call the police to move her along. There was a freshness to the air. All the pollutants of the day were being washed out of it. The old produce would soon be thrown into the dumpster. Old bread, apples, oranges, and exotic fruits. The produce manager would have left her a small care package behind the grocery store so she would not have to dig through the dumpster. Their first meeting was her exiting the dumpster with a bag of four three-day-old baguettes and an apple in her hand.
“At least I am not a rat,” she said trying to be playful to the surprised man.
The streets of the city were filled with rats, some with long tails, some walking on two feet. Owl disliked rats and so did she.
She had closed her eyes as she thought about that first encounter. In her ear, there was a sound of violence. It came from down the street and from the alleyway a direction she knew well.
“Come children,” she said to a pair of teenagers who had been smuggled across the border only to find that the land of opportunity was also a land of darkness. A problem she knew too well. Her life on the streets was better than her life on the reservation.
Like a owl, Aiyana moved silently through the rain-soaked streets, her weathered shawl pulled tightly around her shoulders. She sensed the anguish before she saw the scene—blood, the unmistakable scent of death hanging heavy in the humid night air. Her dark eyes flicked toward the distant wail of sirens, but her pace remained steady. The city’s chaos is a song she’s grown accustomed to. The sirens were heading for somewhere else, but soon there would be sirens as the scene was found.
Approaching the bloodied man and the dismembered body her senses sharpen. The rain mingles with the blood, trying in vain to wash away the evidence of violence. Aiyana kneels beside the broken figure with the gentleness of someone who has seen too much suffering. Without a word, she places her weathered hand on his shoulder, her touch cool against his fevered skin. She does not flinch at the sight of his wounds, nor at the life ebbing slowly from his body.
In the stillness of the moment, she whispers, her voice barely audible over the falling rain, but steady—like a thread tying him back to the world.
"Not yet, child of pain," she says, her breath warm and calming despite the severity of the scene. "There are truths still waiting for you to carry, burdens still to release."
Her touch deepens, almost imperceptibly, as if drawing some of his suffering away, into herself, easing his burden. Her eyes, black and infinite, look into his, searching, guiding him back from the edge of surrender.
"Your spirit calls for rest, but the earth is not finished with you yet."
Waving to the children, who had stayed back.
She said in a commanding tone, “Get ready to help me move him.”
Watching young eyes, “And no don’t touch that body.”
The rain falls harder, but within her presence, there is only calm. She waits, silent and patient, for Falcon to decide if he is willing to heed the call of life once more.

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