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Forums » Introductions » Time To Face My Greatest Fear; Introducing Myself!

Howdy Howdy!

I'm going to be honest, I've got no idea how to formally introduce myself even after all these years of adulting! So I'm basically going to wing it, and hopefully y'all be real nice by pretending I aced it to spare my fragile feelings, haha! But all joking aside, I've been curious about roleplaying for the longest time, I just never tried because I feared it would make me feel more unhappy, worried taking on the role of something else would be a reminder of my own projections or insecurities. However, I realized holding myself back from a potential hobby, all because of an irrational fret, wasn't conductive to my wellbeing whatsoever; so I finally decided to give it a go and look... here I am!

Now I'd love to proclaim I've got years of roleplay experience and I'm wearing to go, but that simply isn't the case! I consider my English writing abilities to be fantastic, but I'm not sure that means I'm ready to write an epic tale with somebody from the get-go. Basically, expect me to make a ton of rookie mistakes before I'm confident enough to call myself a writer. Speaking of writing, I sure hope forbidden romance between humans and fictitious humanoid creatures is a popular subject here, as that genre appeals to my tastes greatly. Recently I've been thinking of a Pokémon getting all lovey-dovey with their trainer, or something similar to that effect, as a starting point for my roleplay journey. Anyhow, to avoid the risk of boring my potential roleplay-partners to death before I get to meet them, I best wrap up this god-awful introduction. In summary, I'm new and going to stumble my away around this site till I figure it out, wish me luck! :)

If it makes you feel better, I just opted not to make an introduction when I first arrived because I, too, am bad at those. You’re a braver soul! XD

Anyway, I think as long as you discuss things with your partner, including your inexperience, things should be all right.

The biggest thing is to never control your partner’s character. If there’s like a tacit understanding, you can ‘bunny’ them, as in if you’re both walking towards a building together, with the intention of entering the building, it’s fine to assume they’re going to also enter the building with you.

Don’t auto-land attacks, don’t decide things for them. This is a hobby that’s about consent. It’s like 50/50 storytelling and acting. Yes you’re writing a story together, but you each have your own role to play. Hence roleplay, not collaborative writing.

As far as popular things, check the LFRP forum and you can get a pretty good idea. As long as it’s not outright illegal, it should be okay. The Pokémon would have to pass the Harkness Test for it to be a viable prompt.
Welcome to RPR 🙂

And good luck lol I am kidding.
Hello! Welcome to RP Repository! 🙂
You did quite well with your Intro!
Welcome to RPR, we hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for! If you're looking for RP's, I suggest looking for them in the "Looking For Roleplay" forum or making a post yourself!

Welcome to the family!

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