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Elira Caelwyn (played by Meleck)

Blue skies and a gentle breeze swept through the quiet village of Tostad, nestled deep in a wide valley that stretched far into the horizon. The valley, framed by sloping hills and dense forests, seemed almost untouched by the world. Here, life moved slowly, in time with the turning of the seasons. Golden fields of wheat and barley waved gently under the morning sun, while the trees at the valley’s edges had begun to blaze with the deep orange hues of autumn.

At the heart of the valley sat Tostad, a small but hardworking village. Its houses, sturdy and weatherworn, were built from grey stone and darkened timber, their roofs thatched or covered in wooden shingles now streaked with lichen and moss. The villagers here lived simple lives, their routines revolving around the rhythm of the harvest and the steady march toward winter. Smoke curled lazily from stone chimneys, mixing with the scent of fresh bread and drying herbs, creating an air of rustic peace.

The village square, though modest, was alive with quiet activity. Farmers hauled sacks of grain, their boots kicking up dust as they passed the stone well in the center. A tavern stood nearby, its wooden sign creaking softly in the breeze. It was run by Milla, a round-faced woman known for her warm smile and the knack she had for knowing everyone’s business. This was the place where most of the young women worked at some point trying to catch a husband. Elira worked there a few nights a week and when there was a festival or a gathering. Elira had not earned the right to wear a hair scarf. It probably did not help that the last man that placed a hand on her hip, got punched in the nose, and adding in the stories that her mother was a witch able to curse people. Most people stayed clear of Elira. Beside the tavern, a small but bustling bakery filled the air with the scent of fresh bread, rolls, and sweet pastries. The baker, an older man with flour dusted through his beard, often worked well before dawn, his oven providing warmth to the village in the cool morning hours. Elira had sat for hours sewing in the winter months as he baked.

Further along the square, a modest butcher’s shop stood, its stone walls cool even in the summer heat. Cuts of meat hung from hooks in the window, and the butcher—a broad-shouldered man named Joren—was always seen sharpening his knives or chatting with customers, his booming laugh a familiar sound. Just next to the butcher was the brewery, where barrels of ale and mead were prepared for the village’s modest festivities. The brewery, run by a family of brewers for generations, was a small but essential part of Tostad’s life, offering the villagers a place to gather after a long day’s work.

Away from the village square, the homes of Tostad were simple but well-kept. Small cottages dotted the landscape, each with a vegetable garden and pens for livestock. Chickens scratched at the dirt, and goats bleated softly from behind wooden fences. The villagers lived close to the land, relying on their gardens and animals for sustenance. Life here was quiet, revolving around the needs of the harvest and the changing seasons.

On the far edge of the village, where the orange-tinted forest began, stood a small cottage, separate from the rest. It was older than most of the towns buildings. Elora and Elira Caelwyn resided there. Elora was the village’s healer. A modest structure made of stone and wood. It was surrounded by a large carefully tended garden, where rows of lavender, sage, chamomile, and other medicinal herbs grew in abundance. The cottage was connected to the village by a narrow dirt path, worn smooth by years of footsteps. The path crossed over a small stream via a simple stone bridge, its stones covered in moss and ferns. The stream bubbled gently as it flowed from the forest toward the river, its clear waters providing a soothing backdrop to the healer’s quiet work.

Those who ventured along the path to visit the healer’s cottage often found peace in the tranquility of the journey. The scent of herbs filled the air, and the gentle trickle of the stream seemed to carry away the worries of the day. Elira Caelwyn, knew this path well as her mother was the village healer. Her mother, Elora Caelwyn, is quite a figure with quiet wisdom and skill. She lived a life devoted to tending to the villagers’ wounds and illnesses. Her remedies are mostly made from the plants gathered in the nearby forest, which has long kept the village healthy and thriving. At times it appeared that Elora uses magic when someone is seriously injured. The big mystery in Elira’s life is her mother’s office with a lock she cannot pick.

Beyond the village, the valley stretched wide and open, framed by rolling hills and the vibrant autumn forest. A cool, clear river wound through the landscape, its gentle current feeding the fields and providing fresh water for the villagers. The riverbanks were often dotted with children skipping stones or farmers resting after a long day of work. A well-worn stone bridge crossed the river, connecting the fields on either side and allowing easy travel to the outlying farmsteads.

From time to time, traveling merchants would pass through Tostad, setting up their stalls in the square. Their brightly colored fabrics, exotic spices, and curious trinkets would catch the attention of the village children, who flocked to hear tales of far-off lands and distant cities. These visits were brief, but they brought excitement to the village, reminding its residents of the world beyond the valley. Elira’s father was one of these merchants. Fewer merchants came now after the rumors of war started.

Elder Haran, the village’s unofficial leader, could often be seen sitting outside his small home, a stack of old books and scrolls at his side. The villagers frequently sought his advice on matters great and small, relying on his quiet wisdom to settle disputes or guide them through tough decisions. Haran’s three sons act as the village watch. Haran’s steady hand helped maintain the harmony that the villagers cherished so much.

Elira had walked the path from her mother’s house at the edge of the forest towards the village. Carrying two wooden rakes and bit and bridle that she had repaired. She wore a full-length light brown dress with a rose-gold-colored blouse. The dress nearly touched the ground as she walked. The back was laced and tied tight and a light green ribbon was laced in her hair. Tonight in the town there was going to be a celebration. One of the young couples in town wed.

Toes brown from dirt peeked out as Elira walked.

As they approached, As Elira walked to the inn, she passed Garvin, he had the largest farmer in the valley talking to Brina, the shepherdess. Caleb the hunter was talking to the butcher about two deer he had killed. The scent of fresh bread still lingered in the air, mingling with the rich aroma of roasting meat from the butcher’s shop. The villagers, tired from their labors, slowly retreated into their homes, their doors creaking shut behind them as the evening grew cooler. The stream trickled softly beneath the stone bridge, and the river whispered its way through the valley, its waters reflecting the fading light of the setting sun.

Elira knew that most the town would show up except for her mother and Master Bron. She would be the one sent to bring him food and a small cask of ale.

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