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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Joot's Birthday Bash! (October edition)

Joot (played by Jooters)

Lightning flashes and thunder crashes outside of the gothic manor. A minor key song can be heard on an organ, playing through the halls. A shady, cloaked figure walks through the darkness of the hall, his footsteps loud in the overall eerie silence.
"Tonight's the night..." He mutters before he lights a candle, creating a small green flame before throwing off his cloak...
... Revealing it is Joot!
"My birthday!" He exclaims, his voice picking back up to it's typical bright timbre.
He's dressed in his gothic lolita dress, covered in bows, frills and roses.
Candles all throughout the manor light up, making the space now lit but still spooky. Things all throughout the manor look like something ripped straight out of a cartoon's Halloween special.
"The headmistress is always so nice. She made this entire house out of magic just for me for my birthday!" He said. "She said it should last an ENTIRE MONTH! Imagine that! Celebrating a birthday for an entire month!"
Joot grinned. That's exactly what he plans to do.
He reaches into one of the dress' pockets and removes a silver pocket watch, checking the time.
"The guests should be arriving soon..." He muttered.
Suddenly, the front doors of the manor thrusted open, revealing a bright blue portal. Out stepped Cole and Axel, the older of the two wearing a suit and the younger wearing a vampire costume.
"JOOT!" Axel exclaimed, running top speed to Joot with his arms outstretched.
"AXEL!" Joot shouted as Axel tackled him. They both grinned widely.
Cole stood in fear at the appearance of the haunted house in front of him.
"Uhm- What- I-" He stammered.
Cole had always been afraid of Joot's magic, always unsure how powerful he could be. This just made him more scared. He looked to Axel fearfully and saw how happy he was. He wanted to bring him home, but he knew how excited the eevee was for this.
"You're really having a month long birthday?!" Axel exclaimed.
"M-month?!-" Cole exclaimed before being cut off."
Joot nodded and smiled. "Mhm! The headmistress said I could!"
"Where's your mommy?" Axel asked.
Joot's smile seemed to falter, but he remained bright. "She's busy..."
"Aww..." Axel said. "Well, hey! We can still have all the fun in the world!"
"Yup! But first..." Jooters turned towards the door again. "There's gonna be more guests soon, and I gotta go welcome them!"
Axel frowned, having been excited to play with Joot, but nodded and looked around the corners of the manor. Cole followed him shakily, making sure he stays safe. Joot waited near the door, excitement welling within him as he waited to see who'd enter next.
Tenebris Fraus (played anonymously)

A black portal appeared, hellish ink spilling out of it, and of course this meant Tenebris was arriving.

Tenebris landed on the ground, the portal disappearing, the ink pooled at his feet. Tenebris wiped his boots in the grass and stepped through the front-door. But before Tenebris could speak, another portal appeared, it distorted and was a dark red, black tentacle-like things slipped through it, snatching the edges of the portal.

Tenebris turned his head to it and sighed, annoyed by it. "..Really?"

Suddenly, the portal coughed out a black fog that slowly faded into thin air, as a black, high-heeled boot stepped out of the portal, soon revealing a tall, tan demon man with bright pink eyes and thick black horns that stood as tall as him.

"O' Neil.. seriously?" Tenebris grumbled. "You always get in some kind of trouble goin' to this.. cat kid's parties and such." O' Neil stated, "So I'm coming with you to assure you don't." He added. "You suck." Tenebris stuck his tongue out.
He carried in a,large five-layer vanilla creme cake baked by Mathius. He looked around and spoke up "where do I put this? It's from Fate's Circle....."
"Tenebris! Hey Tenebris!" Luke waved excitedly.
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Tenebris Fraus wrote:
A black portal appeared, hellish ink spilling out of it, and of course this meant Tenebris was arriving.

Tenebris landed on the ground, the portal disappearing, the ink pooled at his feet. Tenebris wiped his boots in the grass and stepped through the front-door. But before Tenebris could speak, another portal appeared, it distorted and was a dark red, black tentacle-like things slipped through it, snatching the edges of the portal.

Tenebris turned his head to it and sighed, annoyed by it. "..Really?"

Suddenly, the portal coughed out a black fog that slowly faded into thin air, as a black, high-heeled boot stepped out of the portal, soon revealing a tall, tan demon man with bright pink eyes and thick black horns that stood as tall as him.

"O' Neil.. seriously?" Tenebris grumbled. "You always get in some kind of trouble goin' to this.. cat kid's parties and such." O' Neil stated, "So I'm coming with you to assure you don't." He added. "You suck." Tenebris stuck his tongue out.

Jooters seemed apprehensive at first when Tenebris entered, but tried to stay happy.
"Oh! Didn't think you'd show up." He said, rubbing his neck awkwardly. "Uhm... Who's that?"
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Drael Chæzkath wrote:
He carried in a,large five-layer vanilla creme cake baked by Mathius. He looked around and spoke up "where do I put this? It's from Fate's Circle....."

Joot shot up in excitement at the sight of the cake.
"W-woah! It's so big!" He exclaims, drooling a bit. "Uh, well, maybe in the kitchen? It's right out that way, down the hall, and another right!"
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Dr. Todd Swordson wrote:
"Tenebris! Hey Tenebris!" Luke waved excitedly.

Joot noticed Luke and waved.
"Hi Luke!" He exclaimed.
Tenebris Fraus (played anonymously)

Dr. Todd Swordson wrote:
"Tenebris! Hey Tenebris!" Luke waved excitedly.
Tenebris noticed and waved back, his sharp teeth showing.

Joot wrote:
Jooters seemed apprehensive at first when Tenebris entered, but tried to stay happy.
"Oh! Didn't think you'd show up." He said, rubbing his neck awkwardly. "Uhm... Who's that?"
Tenebris glanced at O' Neil, an unamused expression on his face.

"That's my assistant, unfortunately." Tenebris rolled his eyes, "He's an asshole, ignore him."

O' Neil crossed his arms, "That's no way to introduce someone." He spat.
He looked to Joot and grinned, showing his sharp teeth. "My name is O' Neil Ympe, demon legal assistant."

O' Neil looked Joot up and down, then snort-laughed. "You're so short.."

Tenebris shoved O' Neil and looked at him with a glare, letting out a throaty growl, before O' Neil shoved him back and let out a much more terrifying, beastly sounding growl at the imp.

Having these two at the birthday party should be.. fun.

Tenebris looked at Joot, "Anyway, once again, ignore him."
"Do you have any snacks that isn't cake, or sweets? I'm starving." He asked.
Joot wrote:
Dr. Todd Swordson wrote:
"Tenebris! Hey Tenebris!" Luke waved excitedly.

Joot noticed Luke and waved.
"Hi Luke!" He exclaimed.

"Joot! Happy birthday! Can you open the present me and my dad got for you first?!" Luke smiled wide
Joot wrote:
Drael Chæzkath wrote:
He carried in a,large five-layer vanilla creme cake baked by Mathius. He looked around and spoke up "where do I put this? It's from Fate's Circle....."

Joot shot up in excitement at the sight of the cake.
"W-woah! It's so big!" He exclaims, drooling a bit. "Uh, well, maybe in the kitchen? It's right out that way, down the hall, and another right!"

He nodded and made his way to the kitchen to drop off the unnecessarily large birthday cake.
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Joot's grin grows and he almost jumps in excitement.
"You behave, Luke. Come gimme hug, Little Bear"

Luke ran and hugged Todd who kissed him on the head. "You mind the adults, okay?"

"Okay dad. I love you"

"I love you too, Little Bear"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was apparently invited to this party. Here's to hoping the birthday celebrant can handle the fox spirit's antics. With occassions such as this one, it would be obvious that she'd bring her son, Ren, no matter how reluctant he may be in doing so. This time, it would seem that Ren was successful in persuading her to not be dragged into a party with someone he didn't know.

Azumi looked at the various decorations and the cake that Mathius baked. Yes, she did help bake the cake by making sure it wasn't eaten until the party by staring at it after it was finished, unbeknownst to Mathius. She desired the sweet sugary goodness of a good old cake, however she knew that it was Joot's cake, not hers and restrained her gremlin tendencies.

She finally approached Joot before saying, "Happy birthday dearie! I presume you are the birthday celebrant? I am Azumi, a divine fox spirit. Though I only bless mortals for their good deeds, I feel rather generous today and would like to grant you a wish! Of course, I am no genie so any reality bending and wishing for material wealth is out of the question!"
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Azumi was apparently invited to this party. Here's to hoping the birthday celebrant can handle the fox spirit's antics. With occassions such as this one, it would be obvious that she'd bring her son, Ren, no matter how reluctant he may be in doing so. This time, it would seem that Ren was successful in persuading her to not be dragged into a party with someone he didn't know.

Azumi looked at the various decorations and the cake that Mathius baked. Yes, she did help bake the cake by making sure it wasn't eaten until the party by staring at it after it was finished, unbeknownst to Mathius. She desired the sweet sugary goodness of a good old cake, however she knew that it was Joot's cake, not hers and restrained her gremlin tendencies.

She finally approached Joot before saying, "Happy birthday dearie! I presume you are the birthday celebrant? I am Azumi, a divine fox spirit. Though I only bless mortals for their good deeds, I feel rather generous today and would like to grant you a wish! Of course, I am no genie so any reality bending and wishing for material wealth is out of the question!"
"Mhm! I'm the birthday boy!" He said, smiling happily. "A wish?! I haven't even blown out my candles yet! That means I get two?! Well... If I can't wish for anything like that then... How about... A hug?"
Jeff comes out of the portal with a humongous diamond on their head. "I didn't know what your race liked so I brought a food that my species loves!" Jeff's kind seems to find stuff like diamonds as food instead of well.. diamonds.
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Jeff wrote:
Jeff comes out of the portal with a humongous diamond on their head. "I didn't know what your race liked so I brought a food that my species loves!" Jeff's kind seems to find stuff like diamonds as food instead of well.. diamonds.
Joot's eyes widened at the site of the Jeff, but he calmed down as he saw Jeff was harmless.
"Woaaahhh! That's a big crystal!" He exclaims. "I don't think it'd work well in a staff though... Maybe I could make a really big staff!"
Drael returned with all the food intended for the party. It would seem as if Fate's Circle decided to cater the party
Fumizuki is here and enjoying the party.
He knelt in front of Fumizuki "have fun, sweet face. Make sure you pay attention to your elders" He ruffled her hair and walked back through the portal

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