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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Joot's Birthday Bash! (October edition)

"Fumizuki!" Luke exclaimed excitedly
Fumizuki waves to Luke when she sees him. "Hewwo again."
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Fumizuki wrote:
Fumizuki is here and enjoying the party.

Joot almost jumped in surprise once he saw Fumizuki. He hadn't seen her show up.
"AH- Oh, hey Fumi!" He said. "You scared me! Well, I guess that's fitting, we're in a haunted house after all!"
"Oh…neat." Fumizuki was slightly confused, as she hadn't known this was a haunted house.
Luke perked up "that means we might get to see ghosts!" He blurted. "Oh Joot, I forgot to tell you that the wrestling team at my school? We won the state championship. I won my last match with an ankle pick into a high chancery to get the pin. My dad was there. Anyway, what are we gonna play? You should pick, Joot. It's your birthday...."

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